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robmandu's avatar

What medium was your first computer program stored on?

Asked by robmandu (21334points) November 19th, 2009

Just a fun question.

For those of you who’ve written your own computer programs – in school, at home, wherever – what kind of media did you use to save it for later?

Your local hard drive? floppy disk (3½”, 5¼”, 8”)? CD? on the Internet? a punchcard? cassette tape? USB drive?

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33 Answers

oratio's avatar

Amiga basic on a floppy.

I miss you Amiga.

MrItty's avatar

5¼” floppy. I just barely missed magnetic tapes and punch card by a couple years….

CMaz's avatar

Cassette tape. I had a PET.

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

I haven’t written any programs myself, but I’ve been using computers since I was little. Even though I’m still a bit of a young’n, I remember playing Reader Rabbit from a 3½” floppy on my dad’s Apple IIGS.

He got rid of that computer recently. I was so sad. I miss its tiny, 16-color screen.

Chambz's avatar

3½ floppy disk.

will's avatar

VMS Mainframe

robmandu's avatar

@ChazMaz, me, too. Although mine was on a Tandy model of some sort.

ragingloli's avatar

quantum pathyway crystal storage device

grumpyfish's avatar

BASIC on a Commodore 64—so that made it a 5–¼” floppy.

My in-laws programmed in Cobol & Fortran in punchcard stacks, my dad was a Fortran-IV programmer for a while on punchcards.

RandomMrdan's avatar

5¼ floppy….oh the good ole days.

kelly's avatar

punch cards that we had to carry across campus in special file boxes to have run on the university computer. if it was humid (and central Indiana is humid) the card would not feed. 3 days later you found out if your keypunching was correct and if it even ran. First “home” computer at work was a Tandy with 8” floppy, I still have one next to my sliderule

Laina's avatar

Turing on a USB, I feel so young ^^

aprilsimnel's avatar

5¼ inch.

The first computer I was ever on was an Apple II Plus in 1979. I was 10. We learned BASIC, thus:

10 INPUT “What is your name: ”, U$
20 PRINT U$; “is awesome!”
20 GOTO 10

CMaz's avatar

@robmandu – Yes before the floppy. Audio cassettes were the standard for PC storage.

Snarp's avatar

5¼ Floppy. I think. Don’t really remember. It may have been written on an original PC, in which case definitely 5¼ floppy. Or it might have been on a TRS 80, in which case it may have been a floppy, or it may have just been in RAM. Did the TRS 80 do that?

CMaz's avatar

Let’s not forget DNA.

ratboy's avatar

Paper tape.

PupnTaco's avatar

5¼ floppy. I programmed a visual graphic of “Don’t Panic” in rotating random
colors in Basic on an Apple II back in 1978.

Snarp's avatar

@PupnTaco You are clearly the proto-nerd from which all of us nerds are descended.

OnaBoat's avatar

First program that I actually wrote was stored on a 5¼ inch floppy disk on an Apple IIe. First computer program that I used was on a cassette tape on a TRS-80.

jaytkay's avatar

Our high school had an old 1973 Wang something-or-other and a TRS-80 with tape drives.

I wrote a mortgage amortizer and a calendar printer.

hearkat's avatar

5.25” floppy – learned MS-DOS on an Apple ][e in High School in 1982.

RareDenver's avatar

It was written on one of these in this and stored on one of these

Jack79's avatar

cassette, connected to a ZX Spectrum.

lercio's avatar

Cassette on a Commodore Pet

10 print “hello”
20 goto 10

grumpyfish's avatar

@RareDenver I’ll bet your program was just Ducky!

majorrich's avatar

DUAL 5–¼ full height drives in my beloved boat anchor Kaypro II. 64k memory! Man what a machine. Cost me 2 months wages.

dalepetrie's avatar

I used to store programs I wrote in BASIC on my TI-99/4A on a cassette tape.

DrBill's avatar

I have used all of those, but the first was punch cards.

pjanaway's avatar

Amiga 1200 hard drive :)

majorrich's avatar

Punch Cards. 2 boxes of em for one project. God help you if anything got out of order.

majorrich's avatar

Now for home computing, First was a cassette tape, Then came the mighty single sided 5–¼! My Cavepro had two mighty drives and 64kilobytes of memory. Which was more than the computer in the basement at the university.

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