General Question

simone54's avatar

Are those Waterproof Camera Cases reliable?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) November 19th, 2009

I have a Canon SD1000. I’m going on a trip where I can snorkel. The sells these enclosures that make it waterproof. Has anyone ever used one? How well does it work? Can you quickly take it on and off?

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3 Answers

tyrantxseries's avatar

Yes they are great, mine takes 2 minutes to put on and take off
if still unsure after getting one, put paper in it and put it in the bathtub for an hour
also make sure it’s “waterproof” not “water resistant”

aprilsimnel's avatar

Yes. One of my roomies works for Canon, but she’s not partisan. If if didn’t work, she wouldn’t use one.

simone54's avatar

Thanks! I got one.

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