Social Question

charliecompany34's avatar

What childhood or adulthood event scarred you physically for life?

Asked by charliecompany34 (7816points) November 19th, 2009

your SO or friend finally get up the nerve to ask you how did you get “that” scar or unintended tattoo (meaning an indelible scar or scrape).

somewhere back in the day, you did something real stupid or it was an accident, but it “scarred you for life.” you tried to iron your pants in 1978 with the pants still on and now you have an iron shape on your left calf? how did that happen?

when i was young, i pushed a tonka truck on the sidewalk and hit a bump. my top teeth went into my lower lip and i can still feel the bump in my lower lip to this day. you can see it if you look real close.

what accident or stupid thing scarred you for life?

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99 Answers

poofandmook's avatar

I was shot when I was 8… I have four bullet scars in my left arm.

charliecompany34's avatar

@poofandmook wow! thank God you are still here to tell the story.

charliecompany34's avatar

i was also pushing even a smaller truck on the sidewalk when my sister was born. i think my parents were trying to keep me busy. pushed it too hard and got a nice elbow-like scar around my nose. still can be seen faintly.

charliecompany34's avatar

oh, and in my adult life, chopping something on a chopping board with a sharp knife. split my hand wide open. you can still see the scar. cut it back in the early 90s.

YARNLADY's avatar

I have a burn spot on my arm where I tried to reach past a hot iron.
My finger has a callus/scar where I nearly cut it off when a knife slipped while I was cutting roast beef.

Fernspider's avatar

I put my arm through a glass pane in the front door of my parent’s house when I was 13. I managed, not only to cut areas on my arm, but also sliced a main artery in my forehead resulting in excessive blood loss and a touch and go episode with the doctors.

I have some nerve damage around the area and over the left side of my scalp in addition to a prominent scar along my hairline.

@poofandmook – Who shoots an 8 year old!?? Four times!!??

summerlover's avatar

when I was little I went for a bike ride with my dog in the basket that sat on my handlebars…I had on my Dr. Scholl shoes (wood sole) needless to say, the shoes did not work well for biking and I fell….the bike went down and my dog fell out…I have a scar on my knee from that…but felt even worse that my dog would never again go for a bike ride…

ragingloli's avatar

I cut part of my thumb off with the bread cutting machine once and I burned my leg with 100° hot water and went to school next day with an untreated burn. Fell on the clothesline throat first, had trouble breathing for the next minutes.
But scarring… no. Pretty trivial events actually.

ragingloli's avatar

But I got stung by a wasp once as a kid. To this day, I am terrified by bees, wasps and similar flying critters.

dpworkin's avatar

My mom was being taught to drive when I was about 5, and I was in the back seat (no seat belts in those days) when she hit a fire hydrant. I pitched forward head first onto the pointy end of a metal toy iron (no safe toy laws in those days.) I still have the Mark of Satan on my forehead.

(My mom never learned to drive. Scared straight, I guess.)

poofandmook's avatar

I was shot once. Entered, exited.. my arm was bent, so it re-entered and exited again. An 11 year old shot me because I didn’t ask him to play frisbee.

knitfroggy's avatar

When I was about six we were getting new carpet. I was warned to stay out of the room because I might fall in one of the floor vents they had taken the covers off of. I didn’t listen to my parents and ran into the room. I fell right into the vent with my right leg. I got a two inch gash on the side of my knee. I probably needed stiches but they just put some tape and gauze on it said “I told you so!” I still have a scar but its faded a lot.

charliecompany34's avatar

at day camp back in the 70s while playing softball i was hit in the mouth by a slung bat—twice in like the course of two years. none of my teeth in the front are my actual teeth.

MissAusten's avatar

I have a long, thin scar on the palm of left hand. I cut it on some barb wire when I was a kid, hiding in a ditch from a car of teenagers that kept driving by and throwing their McDonald’s garbage at my friend and me. We were about half a mile from my house, and by the time I got home I had blood running down my arm and dripping off my elbow.

I also have a small scar on the palm of my right hand, where I ripped a little chunk of flesh out on the head of a nail. I have a scar on the back of each heel from foot surgery, and a scar on the top of one forearm where I burnt myself. I accidentally brushed my arm against the heating element in the oven while making cookies when I was about twelve or thirteen. It’s the only spot I don’t have freckles. :)

And finally, I have scar on my right shin. This didn’t happen when I was a kid I’m just as clumsy as an adult as I was back then. One night when my daughter was a baby, I went into her room because she’d started crying. I didn’t turn on any lights, just picked her up and started to walk back to my room. We had a gliding rocker with an ottoman in her room, and I tripped over the ottoman. I couldn’t catch myself without dropping the baby, so I landed with my shin on this wooden part of the ottoman. Landed hard. It hurt so much I was crying, but at least the baby was OK. I thought I’d cracked my shinbone tibia? fibula? can never keep them straight . I got back into bed without even looking at it, and spent the rest of the night in excruciating pain. The next morning, I could barely walk. I’d broken the skin and had blood all over my leg, then a nasty bruise that lasted forever. No break, but the scar is still there. This was about ten years ago.

Considering what a klutz I am, it’s amazing I don’t have more scars.

DominicX's avatar

All my scars seem to be gone… :(

Okay, maybe sad face didn’t belong there, but I have nothing to show from those painful times I fell off my bike and my skateboard. Those events left scars at the time, but they seem to be gone now.

I even fell on a windowsill when I was 6 (hit my mouth on it—I don’t remember this experience, which is good), but even that doesn’t show itself nowadays. It affected a baby tooth of mine and that tooth has since fallen out and none of my teeth seem to be crooked.

chyna's avatar

At 19 I dove into a pool too deep and hit the bottom with my face. I had 2 black eyes, broken nose, busted my lip and took the skin off my face from my forehead to my chin. I still have a scar above my lip.

smack's avatar

fourteen scars on the underside of my arm from when i was 13–17 from cutting myself with a razorblade. haphazard scars on my bicep from scratching at myself with a bunch of staples when i was 9.

then there are the innocent scars: one on my face from my cat jumping into bed with me when i was 2, one on my knee from slipping on slick rocks at the beach when i was 10.

rangerr's avatar

I read that as inedible scar

-I have a scar on my forehead that looks like a dent from scratching chicken pox.
-There’s a pretty noticeable scar from my elbow to halfway down my forearm from an attempt at skateboarding off a shed roof into a pool. made it into the pool, tore up my arm on the in-pool stairs.
-My right ankle has a scar from a broken ankle where my ankle bone pierced the skin inline skating.
-I have a small scar on my hip from being sliced with a saw at a haunted house I was the victim in a particular scene, but I got too into the acting, arched back and my torturer got me with a rusty hand saw.
-I think it may be fading now, but I had nice scarring from being kicked by my horse on my back.

There’s a lot more, those were just the real noticeable ones.

charliecompany34's avatar

i fractured my left ankle when trying to bust a move on my teenage son. to this day, i can still feel the wound when it gets cold or rains. .

MissAusten's avatar

Tomorrow I am wrapping my children in bubble wrap before they leave the house. There will be a lifetime ban on playing frisbee or softball, riding bikes or skateboards, and diving into pools. OK, not really, but after reading all of these I’m going to be even more paranoid.

I forgot two. :) When I was nine or ten, I was playing baseball out in the street in front of our house with my brother. I pitched the ball, and he hit a line drive right toward my face. The ball hit me hard enough to knock me flat on my back. Luckily our family doctor lived right next door and witnessed my unfortunate accident. I had to go to the ER and have my head x-rayed. Nothing was broken, but I did have a black eye.

I also have two small, round scars on my right arm. We had a dog that was always very gentle and friendly until the day I tried to take away a bone she was chewing on. She left two neat little punctures in my arm. I was kind of proud of those. I remember going door to door, up and down our street, showing them off to the neighbors. The dog was not punished because, as my dad wisely pointed out, it was my own damn fault.

janbb's avatar

Most of my childhood. Oh, physically you mean….

trailsillustrated's avatar

When I was 14, I went to a party at a great hall in town. Bikers came in, and I was wearing a dress with my hair in a ponytail. One grabbed me by my ponytail, and I slapped his face. He slammed me with a fist and it broke my cheekbone and orbit of my eye. So I have a flatter face on one side.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@trailsillustrated Fucking asshole! What the hell is wrong with people?! Grrr! Please tell me an adult kicked his ass? >:-(

Facade's avatar

I fell on some bricks playing football. That left a cat scratch-looking scar on my thigh.
I just took out my belly ring because it wouldn’t heal for the second time and there’s a scar there.
I had a breast reduction a year ago that left unsightly imo scars on my lady parts :(
I have scars on my wrists from my grips rubbing and peeling off skin.
Scars on my elbows and knees from being a little tom boy.
Stretch marks from growing too quickly after I quit gymnastics (6 inches in 6 months).
Scar on my left ankle bone from slicing a piece of skin off while shaving.

There are probably more…

Edited: I forgot about internal scarring.
Numerous neck and head injuries.
Aggravated scoliosis.
Abnormal elbow joints from being made to stay in handstands.
Scar tissue in my joints from injuries.

Blah, at least I used my body at some point haha

asmonet's avatar

I have a lip scar on my lower right side from when I was two and ‘filing’ my parents papers in their large metal filing cabinet. At some point I tripped – and landed mouth first on the corner of the open drawer. It’s barely visible unless I push it out or stretch my lip since it’s 21 years old now, teehee it can drink!

I have a spot shaped scar on the top of my foot just a bit back from my… pointer toe? I was skipping along the edge of my pool, kicking my right foot into the water by the edge on every other step. My pool was sort of hourglass shaped, I misjudged the curve as I left the middle section, and kicked my foot full force into the pitted concrete foundation. I then promptly squealed and plummeted in the pool. Insult to injury.

I have a Nike swoosh on my left thumb from using one of those large office paper slicers without paying attention a few years ago. It missed the base of my nail by a hair.

When I was eight or nine, I was having an adventure on some rocks along a concrete barrier at the ocean in Florida. I was jumping from rock to rock, hit a slippery spot and broke my fall with my hands, I have some paper thin scars on the upper arch of my feet where the barnacles sliced them open like scalpels, and luckily in my hands I landed on barnacles as well but right on the creases, I have surprisingly straight creases on one hand because it split the natural one. But you can’t tell it’s a scar anymore.

I have vague sort of spots on my knees where I have slammed them into icy concrete or iron curbs in New York and Washington, DC on four separate occasions. Two hits each.

I also have a single line of a scar on my right shoulder where my cat, Musette, who died a few weeks ago scratched me in a mad attempt to escape a bath when I was 10. I miss her, but I’ll always have souvenir. :)

And the family favorite – a 5.5” scar running parellel to the bottom of my foot that wraps around my heel and into my arch. From a Cutco Butcher Knife. It was hiding in our couch. What. The. Fuck. I still have no idea how that got there, but I ended up sitting on the couch and when I stood up to get a drink on a commercial break, I slid my legs off the couch and consequently along the entire length of the blade. I was home alone, 14 and ended up ripping off my pants, using them to wrap my foot then hopping up the stairs on one foot to the bathroom where I used some basic first aid until my mom came home hours and hours later.

We ended up butterfly bandaging it and I just hopped around for a few days. A week later we went to the doctor – he basically said I was insane and while I did the right thing he thought it was really weird I 14 reacted like that instead of bleeding all over or calling my mom.

smack's avatar

@trailsillustrated i agree with @DrasticDreamer – what happened to him?! TELL me someone put him away!

nxknxk's avatar

I was playing with a (real) sword and kind of flipping it around, and at one point instead of catching it I dropped it, but not before it could swing around and slice open my right wrist. My mother drove me to the emergency room and I had stitches. It very narrowly missed a vein, although it still bled profusely. The scar is shaped like the blade of a sword.

I was a kid.

trailsillustrated's avatar

@DrasticDreamer ,@smack this was many years ago in rural country town, the police could not find them after they had beaten some teenagers, when I got home my mother said I’d gotten what I deserved it took six months for my eye to see normally

faye's avatar

leaning against a gas stove when my friend turned it on. I put myself out while friends danced around squealing!! So I had a nice chunk of the nylon burned into the back of my hand. But it didn’t burn my hair!!!

DominicX's avatar

Oh yeah, I also stabbed myself with a pencil in first grade. I was pushing it through an eraser and it went through and stabbed me in the center of my left hand. It was one of those things that was so shocking, I didn’t even feel pain. It left an actual hole in the center of my left hand. No sign of that anymore either. :P

filmfann's avatar

An ex-friend wanted to show off his karate chop to another friend, so he kc’d me while I was tying my shoes. To this day, my neck gives me serious headaches, and doesn’t turn right. Yes, I have been to chiropractors.

asmonet's avatar

I’ve edited my answer like four times, I kept forgetting scars. :P

PretentiousArtist's avatar

I actually cut a part of my finger off when I was chopping vegetables one night. Obviously went to the hospital, got the severed part reattached (don’t remember how many stitches) and my mom got scared and said “You’re moving with your uncle and auntie in bel-air!”

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@trailsillustrated Got what you deserved?! Wow. That had to hurt even more than the damage to your face. :( Ugh. Sorry you went through that.

smack's avatar

@PretentiousArtist HAHAHA you would…

asmonet's avatar

Am I the only person who kind of has a silly affection for scars? It shows you’ve lived, hurt, bounced back. And not been stuck in some ridiculous little room protected your entire life. They all have stories. :)

My friends and my brother disagree with me, they seem to think they’re unattractive and off putting. Silly people.

DominicX's avatar


Well, big obvious ones can be a little unattractive sometimes…and I’ve lived plenty, even for a wealthy-ass city kid. It’s not my fault my scars seem to disappear. I just heal well. :)

rangerr's avatar

I forgot about the section of skin on my finger that got cut off by metal that fell off a car when using a plasma cutter my junior year in auto body.
I didn’t want to be a sissy in front of the guys, so I didn’t cry or attempt to cover it up until I had finished what I was working on. Needless to say, I got blood everywhere.

sliceswiththings's avatar

I drove an ATV into a stone wall while in Europe and broke my arm. I had to cut my trip short to come home for emergency surgery. I have a scar on my left wrist to commemorate this Europe trip. The scar is, however, a lightening bolt, which makes it totally worth it.

trailsillustrated's avatar

@DrasticDreamer haha yes well growing up is hard to do…...

asmonet's avatar

@DominicX: Mine are all the same color as my skin at this point, I’m terribly pale and since scars tend to either be pink or bright white they just blend. I’m lucky I have the white ones. I’ve seen big scars too, and while I wouldn’t say they’re attractive in themselves I find them interesting and adds another bit of uniqueness to people. Large scale scars, like chemical or burns from a fire I’m excluding, I mostly mean the road rash, the missteps, the blunders and stuff.

sliceswiththings's avatar

@asmonet I agree! I kind of feel like everyone should have a big injury to really put things in perspective. My scar reminds me of a fantastic time, and prompts a great story. People keep recommending scar fading products; why would I want to destroy the evidence?

SuperMouse's avatar

I went over the handle bars in my bike when I was like 22 and I have a really cool scar over my right eye from it. I also have cat scratch scars on my arms from when I was little. My mom was a bit of “crazy cat lady” and we had around 20 cats at the same time. Other than that all I have are a c-section scar and three from my shoulder surgery. I have always wondered if I have a scar from the episiotomies.

@asmonet so it’s still a mystery how that knife got in the couch? How bizarre. That is an incredible story. I am amazed that you had the presence of mind to tie the pants around your leg while you made your way to the bathroom! WOW!

And no, you are not the only person who has affection for your scars. My boyfriend has many, many of scars and I love every single one of them, those scars tell the story of his life.

MissAusten's avatar

@asmonet I agree with you, but then again, my scars aren’t very noticeable. Even the scars from my foot surgery have faded so much they are hard to see. I’d probably feel differently about them if they were more drastic.

My husband has a big scar on his head from a car accident. It’s under his hair, and is only visible if his hair is cut too short. Unfortunately, he is starting to lose his hair and sometimes thinks about just shaving it all off. The thought of that scar stops him because he doesn’t want people asking him about it constantly or staring at it. It’s six inches long, and I think the doctor that stitched him up wasn’t very careful about it. I told him he should shave his head and make up a different story about the scar each time someone asked.

chyna's avatar

@SuperMouse Can’t you get someone to look for you? :)

hearkat's avatar

I have a scar on my hand from when I was 6-years-old and I pissed-off my cat.

poofandmook's avatar

I don’t like my scars… they’re weird looking… especially the first exit scar. It’s big and puffy. And people always ask me if it is a mosquito bite.

smack's avatar

oh. and once when i was drunk (after a particularly bad night) i put out a cigarette on my arm. not a good decision – it’s not a pretty scar.

sliceswiththings's avatar

I have a cigarette burn on my arm too! It reminds me of the bar fight I was in as a teenager in Spain:) Defending liberal Massachusetts Americans who don’t fit the stereotype overseas was totally worth the cigarette burns in both my arms and dress. I got to practice swears in Spanish too!

smack's avatar

@sliceswiththings liberal massachusetts americans unite! :)

avvooooooo's avatar

I have a scar on my right ankle where I was 15 months old and had a seizure for no discernible reason and had to get cut to get an IV. 24 years later, still here.

A quarter (probably a little more) of the length of the outside of my foot is take up by two surgical scars. The one from a decade ago is shiny white and the more recent one is a tiny bit pink… except for where they have to go through scar tissue to give me cortisone shots where the tissue is new and pretty pink still.

I have a chicken pox scar shaped like a heart on my arm. :)

aprilsimnel's avatar

I was skateboarding down a hill at Washington Park in Milwaukee at a church picnic on Memorial Day 1981. I was 11. Now that’s specific, right?

Anyway. I was going too fast, the board went over a small rock and I tripped and fell, skidding down the hill more or less on my right thigh. It took HOURS to pick all the pebbles and gravel and Bob-knows-what else out of the abraded area.

I doused it liberally with hydrogen peroxide afterward twice a day every day to clean it and covered it with a bandage. But in school about 5 days later, I felt my jeans sticking to my thigh. I looked down saw that the wound was seeping through my bandage. I went to the nurse, who took me straightaway to the emergency room at Children’s Hospital and called my guardian.

I was developing gangrene. Eeeeek!!! Fortunately, I was attended to properly just in time. A couple of days and… eeeuugh. It’s not worth thinking about.

I still have the scar these years later, and it is darker than the rest of my thigh.

ubersiren's avatar

@poofandmook : Holy crap! I hope that kid got what he deserved.

I have only a few scars, really. I skinned my knee horribly when I was 10 or so, and the scar is still there. I have a faint scar across one cheek where a puppy accidentally scratched me. The grossest one is my lower gum graft. And then of course, my c-section scar- very attractive.

trailsillustrated's avatar

@poofandmook—just sayin you were a victim, dont be embarassed. i was a drug addict some years ago and my arm looks like i was attacked by some wild animal. if I wore short sleeves people would stare. don’t be embarrassed about your scar.

janbb's avatar

I burned my hand making grilled cheese the night my father was hospitalized after breaking his hip. It was his final illness and I think of that scar as a reminder of him, in a good way not a bad one.

charliecompany34's avatar

my mother always told me to stay off my knees when i played outside. thanks, ma.

trailsillustrated's avatar

@charliecompany34 and what about when you prayed!?

rangerr's avatar

…on your knees..hahaha.

charliecompany34's avatar

@trailsillustrated funny. of course when i played outside not in prayer. but funny.

gemiwing's avatar

I was pushed into a gulley when I was six. I still have the big scar on my thigh. I cook so I have more scars/burns than I can count from that.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I have a small scar on the left side of my upper chest. I was in a bad car accident and the seatbelt burned a scar into me. Everytime I see it, I have a flashback :(

avvooooooo's avatar

I have a LARGE collection of burn scars from cooking,

And a bandaid on my left index finger from cutting carrots… and not just carrots!

asmonet's avatar

@ItalianPrincess1217: It will pass. :) /hugs

Try to associate it with the positive – it likely saved you from worse injuries.

smack's avatar

embarrassing scar:
once when i was 13, when i was just starting to cut, i was pretty creative about my tools—so as i tried to use scissors to cut through plastic where a tiny razor blade awaited, it slipped and ended up slicing up my left thumb open. 3 gashes, had to run around the house getting more band-aids than i had originally bargained for.

i can laugh about it now because i was so young and silly :)

gemiwing's avatar

@avvooooooo what’s your worst burn scar?

avvooooooo's avatar

@gemiwing There are several. There are some cookie sheet ones that have been there for as long as I’ve been cooking on my fingers. They’re thin and white and look almost like paper cut scars, but I know what they are. I’ve got a good one now that’s been there for over 6 months from the oven door on my forearm. That one blistered and everything. My burn scars aren’t BAD, they’re just NUMEROUS.

I also have one on my leg from when I jumped into a pool and didn’t completely clear the side May before last and scraped the shit out of my entire calf. Still fading. The great thing was I did that and still had a broken baby toe, so I looked a mess for a family wedding. :P

gemiwing's avatar

@avvooooooo Yeah same here. I don’t have any that are truly disfiguring, they’re just impressive in their occurance. The worst one I have is from a fry basket. I was waffle fried.

avvooooooo's avatar

@gemiwing LOL!

Oh yeah… I took a CHUNK out of the back of my leg with a razor just below the bend of the knee. Its been years and its still VERY evident.

VohuManah's avatar

I have a scar from the asphalt embedded in my skin after a 5th grade track meet. I blame it solely on one kid, as I had to run twice as much because he ‘thought he would get hurt.’ Que irony.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

@asmonet Thanks. That’s what I try to do. I remind myself that the seatbelt might’ve left a scar but it also saved my life. It makes me a bit happier :)

augustlan's avatar

Scars that irk me the most: needle marks from WAY too frequent blood work (I look like a drug addict), and a tiny little perfectly straight line from a timed bleeding test. Things like that should not be allowed to leave scars. Hmpf.

Stupidest scars: The ubiquitous under-the-chin scar. I got mine from walking down a bunk-bed ladder facing the wrong way, like I was going down the stairs. The whole ladder came off the bed, and my chin skin got pinched between two parquet wood floor tiles. When I picked up my head to scream… riiiip. First set of stitches.
Next up, I was hiding inside a closet that had metal bi-fold doors (playing hide and seek). In an attempt to keep the seeker out, I held the joint in the middle to keep the doors closed. I was like, 8… and the seeker was an adult man. FAIL. Doors opened, and sliced a nice chunk out of the pad of my middle finger. Second set of stitches.

Most gruesome incident: Lunging to go after the “birdie” in a badminton game, I put my knee down on a metal spike that the net ‘rope thingies’ were attached to. Full. Force. No stitches that time, but a nice scar out of the deal.

Biggest incident that left the smallest scar: I was hit by a car while crossing a major road. No broken bones, just a sprained knee, and a circular scar smaller than a pea. I do have a lingering reminder though, in the form of bursitis/arthritis in that knee.

gemiwing's avatar

@augustlan oh man I just threw up a little. the spike thing… ugghhhh

augustlan's avatar

@gemiwing Yeah, that one still gives me a shiver. Ick.

knitfroggy's avatar

I also have a small scar from being bit by a St. Bernard. She had just had puppies and I was told to stay away from her because she was protective of her pups. Again I didn’t listen to what I was told and ran into the garage to look at the puppies. She was ok until I reached for one of the puppies. She bit my little 8 year old hand. The whole thing went in her mouth. Her tooth pierced completely through the web between my thumb and forefinger. Again my parents said I told you so! And so did the neoghbor lady that owned the dog. It’s a very small scar but what interests me about is that as I grew the scar moved and now sits on my thumb joint.

summerlover's avatar

some I forgot: jumping in one of those moon walks at a church picnic, I thought it would be great to do a backwards flip, I hit my knee on my nose and fractured it…blood everywhere in the moonwalk and it required several attempts to reset my nose…now I have a bump on the bridge of my nose. Then just a couple of years ago, I took my son and his friends snowboarding. I decided to ski that day instead of snowboard because I just wasn’t having much success learning to snowboard…I thought the skiing would be safer. In my laziness I went fast at the bottom of the slope to get around to the chair lift easily and lost control. I fractured my wrist, had to be taken by ski patrol to first aid, then by ambulance to the hospital, then surgery and physical therapy….guess I am getting old….

Darwin's avatar

Let’s see, now – there is a scar on my left hand that was the result of attempting to learn to iron when I was 9. There are the dents in my shins from playing field hockey. There’s the scar on my leg from the time I was shot while walking home from high school. There are the scars on my hands from the time I got some strange skin infection in Ecuador. And I have a white line down the middle of one fingernail, left over from when I sliced my finger longways while framing a picture.

I also have a lot of scars that I really don’t remember getting, but yet there they are. However, I am quite surprised that a number of my injuries have healed without leaving scars at all, especially those involving yard work, sharp tools, and falling off ladders.

I have a small pox vaccination scar (yes, I am that old), and I have a chicken pox scar right in the middle of my forehead. There is the weird dark patch on my arm where I got my Typhoid vaccinations from when I lived in South America. I also have a scar on my thigh where a skin cancer was removed many years ago (I figure I will get a lot more of those over the next few years). And there are the surgical scars on my feet.

There are also the scars on my knees and elbows from many, many different childhood accidents. This has led me to my theory of human development: if you don’t have scars on your knees and elbows, then you didn’t have enough fun growing up.

MissAusten's avatar

I don’t know if I have a scar from this or not—I can’t see. I’ll have to ask my husband later. Anyway, when I was in middle school we still had daily recess after lunch. My friends and I were sitting on a wooden bench next to the playground, when another kid came over to sit with us. We all scooted down, and as I scooted, a huge splinter went right through my jeans and into the back of my thigh. A few inches higher and it would have been my ass. I was so shocked that I jumped up, breaking the splinter off so only a little bit of it stuck out of my leg.

I had to go see the school nurse, who gave the splinter a big tug ouch to try to pull it out. Didn’t work. My mom had to take me to the doctor to have it removed, which wasn’t so bad because he numbed the area first. My mom later told me she had to stop watching when the doctor used a needle to dig around in my leg to make sure there weren’t any little bits of wood left behind. The splinter was only about half the diameter of a pencil, but a good two inches of it went into my leg. @augustlan ‘s metal spike reminded me of the splinter incident, and I still have a horror of puncture wounds!

YARNLADY's avatar

@MissAusten I wanna see – did it leave a scar?

rangerr's avatar

@YARNLADY You just wanna see her butt! ~

MissAusten's avatar

It was my thigh, not my butt! My thigh, I tell you!

wildpotato's avatar

I went to a small private elementary school until 3rd grade. In kindergarten the power went out one day and they put the whole school in the gym and told us to play a game of “crazy” tag where everyone was It. I know, right – who the hell came up with this awful idea? Anyway, another girl in my grade collided with me while we were both running, and somehow her front tooth cut my right eyelid open. And I mean sliced in half, right up to the eyeball – I could see the world through the gash in reddish purple with my eyelids down. It was a hard hit, too: she lost the tooth.

So I had to get my eyelid stitched shut. The really horrible part about this was that they had to give me a shot of local anesthetic right in the area, and I couldn’t help but see the needle coming at me because that eyelid had the gash in it! They had to strap me to the bed by covering my whole body with giant flaps of velcro, and I still struggled my way out. But I got a big-ass stuffed unicorn after, a tiny white scar running across my eyelid, and a really cool story about almost losing an eye from messing around to scare my kids with someday.

augustlan's avatar

@wildpotato That made me cringe!

Fernspider's avatar

Has anyone on here gone through life remaining completely scar-less?

PretentiousArtist's avatar

I doubt it.
Or else they’re not human!

Fernspider's avatar

@PretentiousArtist – magical bubble of safety and covered in cotton wool.

It is a reminder of life experiences and the majority of scars (if not all of them) surround an extreme circumstance (blood, pain, breakages, BLOOD) which are not easily forgotten.

Now, I certainly don’t remember each and every occasion that I have consumed a pottle of instant noodles but I do remember the day I had just sat down to eat my spicy oriental cup of soup noodles, peeled back the lid and then the cat jumped up on my nap and I spilled scalding hot water on my hand and the cat.

Still have a faint discoloured burn mark on my left had. Stupid cat, stupid silly cat!

PS: No cats were harmed in the making of my scar ; ) ... only I was.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

Oh I thought you said scarf

augustlan's avatar

@Rachienz…a pottle of instant noodles? What the heck is a pottle? :D

Darwin's avatar

@Augustlan – @Rachienz is either British or an historian or both:

Definitions of pottle on the Web:

* a pot that holds 2 quarts

* English units refers to the historical units of measurement in medieval England, which evolved as a combination of the Anglo-Saxon and Roman systems of units. ...

* a former unit of volume, equivalent to half a gallon, used for liquids and corn; a pot of around this size; a conical receptacle, typically for potato chips or other foodstuffs; a receptacle for strawberries

* This term was used for ½ a gallon in reference to beer. See also the Measures of Capacity FAQ.

janbb's avatar

@Darwin and @augustlan @Rachienz is a Kiwi – from New Zealand.

Darwin's avatar

New Zealanders certainly speak something closer to what the British do than Americans. Nonetheless, pottle is an English word, and a useful if under-used one at that.

janbb's avatar

Wasn’t arguing with you by any means, just adding info to the “pottle.”

Fernspider's avatar

New Zealand – British Commonwealth and all that jazz. Pottle… didn’t realise it was an unfamiliar word to Americans.

“Pottle is an English word”... Americans speak English… LOL

It’s funny how countries over time adopt certain words where others don’t yet they originate from the same place many years ago. Perhaps the difference being that the English came to NZ just over 150 years ago whereas the English (amongst other European settlers) came to America hundreds of years ago.

poofandmook's avatar

I also have a small scar on my lower lip from when my dog bit me once when I got too close and she was overheated and cranky.

I have a little crater in my lip and four on my left eyebrow where piercings once were.

Those seem rather pale though, once I’ve already said I have bullet scars. lol

augustlan's avatar

A pottle. Glad to know what it means, now! Thanks guys.

mattbrowne's avatar

A dog bit me when I was 14. In general, I like dogs, but there’s always this feeling, well, you never know… I don’t like it when unleashed dogs are chasing me on a bike with the owners yelling, don’t worry he’s such a nice guy, he won’t harm anyone… yet the dog continues to ignore the commands to go back toward his owner.

Maybe this is why I’m a cat man. Cats don’t do that.

I know many dog owners are very sensitive already.

Darwin's avatar

@Rachienz“Americans speak English”

Not according to most Brits. Kiwis and Aussies seem to be a bit more charitable towards us and what we speak.

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