Social Question

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

Are you willing to admit to your mistakes (see details)

Asked by Psychedelic_Zebra (5095points) November 19th, 2009

I was recently here discussing the driving habits of the young and old. So here’s my premise. Are you willing to be honest and to list your auto accidents, and list as well whether you received a ticket, and whether you were at fault or not? I’ll start, going back to my first one, at age 19.

1.) Age 19, driving a 1976 Chevy ¾ ton pickup, ran into a sailboat on a trailer, no ticket, no cops, but the four guys in the car pulling the trailer looked big enough to eat me for lunch. My fault, I wasn’t paying atttention to the road.

2.) age 25, my car was forced off the road by an out-of-town driver. My car flew through the air and landed in the ditch. My then g/f, now my wife was banged around pretty good. Guy threatened me when I asked him where he got his license. Cops arrived, he was ticketed for failure to yield to avoid an accident, I received no ticket, was not at fault.

3.) age 3, driving a station wagon at 4 am, was hit head on by a drunk woman. My car totalled, hers luckily bounced off of mine, and she left the scene. No ticket, my wife went to the hospital, 24 hours later, drunk lady turned herself in, cops did not ticket her for hit-and-run or any of the many other tickets she should have received.

4.) age 35, was driving an 8 ton truck on a snow covered road. Going too fast, lost control, flipped it in the median. No injuries, no ticket, because cop nearly crashed himself driving to the accident scene. Company truck totalled. My fault, but I didn’t lose my job.

5.) age 45, was sitting at a red light, old man turned left in front of another guy in a Jeep, and as it has just started to rain, road was slippery. Guy in jeep T-boned old man, both their vehicles slid into mine. I couldn’t get out of the way because someone in an SUV was behind me. Not my fault, old man got ticket, went to hospital with cut on wrist, and cop yelled at me for swearing about my new truck being crunched through no fault of my own.

Those are mine, what are yours?

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33 Answers

trailsillustrated's avatar

meh no. only goes back 7 years

oratio's avatar

After working in one of the bars for 15 hours straight I fell asleep in the car waking up in the ditch, speeding towards the rock side. I managed to steer up on the road, cutting a road pole on the way. A week later a guy died on the same location, the same way.

I got a speeding ticket once. I was at fault. 12.4 mph over speed limit. $400.

faye's avatar

i used to drive a 1984 dodge ram shortbox. Felt invincible!! Sometimes went too fast. I got a couple of speeding tickets because I [and it] loved driving fast. the tickets were on small roads from county police and I was doing 120 in a 100 zone. THey need more to do.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

EDIT # 3 should read age 30

SuperMouse's avatar

My first accident was in my early 20’s when I pulled out in front of a VW Bug. No one was hurt and neither car had any damage, but that didn’t stop the other driver (who was not wearing a seat belt) from suing me and winning $11,000 from my insurance company. I’ve only had one other accident and that was a small fender bender when I backed into another car at the mall.

I have received five tickets. The first was before I even had a license, it was for running a stop sign on my bike. Then I got two more in one year, went about five years with none, then got two more in the last year.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@faye where the hell is there a 100 mph speed zone? Oh Duh, it is probably kilometers.

oratio's avatar

@Psychedelic_Zebra Probably km/h.

@faye Are you Canadian?

chyna's avatar

@SuperMouse Where the heck do you live that gives tickets to bicyclists?
And @Psychedelic_Zebra asked my question, where do you live that you can drive 100.

Facade's avatar

Sure why not. None of them were my fault anyway.

Some idiot hit me when I was first learning to drive. We were stopped at a light with two left-turning lanes. We were both in the outside lane. The line was long and the other lane was empty. I turned on my signal, looked in the mirror to see if anyone was coming, and started to go into the other lane. Then bam! this guy who was in my same lane a few cars back decides to bolt out as I was moving and hit my car. No one got hurt, but my car is dented and a light is messed up.

Secondly, I got a ticket for reckless driving. I was driving down a 7 mile long country road at night. No street lights. Barely any cars. Actually, there hadn’t been a car for a while. previously, I had been having some bladder and urinary issues. I was on my way to my man’s house. I realized that I was in a lot of pain all of a sudden and had to pee. There was nowhere to pee so I had to get to my man’s place as quickly as possible. The speed limit was 65. I started going 70, then 75, then at some point, I was at 85. I didn’t notice this because 1) I was in pain 2) it was dark and there was no one else on the road 3) I was trying desperately to get to my man’s house. I was about five minutes away now. Then I happen to look in my rear view and saw cop lights. (It was so dark that I wouldn’t have not have noticed them. I barely saw them, even in the mirror.) so the guy pulls me over. and I end up getting a ticket for reckless driving. I tried to tell him that it was an emergency but he wasn’t having it. I bet if I had been dressed like I always am (put together, nice looking) he would have listened. I got my ticket and went on to my man’s house and told him what happened. Then it turned into a big thing from there. Fines, driving school, blah blah. Dad was pissed. Mom was pissed. I was pissed because that cop was an idiot.

sorry this shit is so long. I’m on Ambien.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@Facade sorry hun, but exceeding the speed limit is your fault, no matter how bad you gotta pee.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

I started driving at 16, got my first two tickets at age 48, within two weeks of each other, both for speeding. The first was for going 85 on a 70 mph interstate at 5:47 am, with no other cars around (except me and The Man). The second was for going 40 in a 25 mph two block stretch of a “residential” street that had industry on one side of the road, and several houses at the top of a hill on the other. No speed limit posted; how was I to know? I did traffic school. No tickets since.

Accidents: Turning left from a gas station in the middle of a block. Traffic was stopped, but two humongous SUVs parted the sea of steel and left space for my Honda to come through. I couldn’t see around the SUVs, but the driver SUV in the rear vehicle waved that it was clear to come through. So I did—right into the path of a car coming up the second lane beside the SUV. He hit the front end of me. Not to be undone, at that very minute, a girl, talking on a cell phone while eating a hamburger and driving, plowed into the back end of the car. Damage was $200 short of totalling the car.

Second accident was on a snowy night, major street out in the suburbs. I was coming home from a PTA activity. Unbeknownst to me, because of reduced visibility from the snow, there was a dark colored car stalled across the lanes with its lights off. I plowed right into it, and the car behind me rear-ended me. Car was totalled.

Then there was a time when, in a six month period, I would hit a stone wall pulling onto a parking lot a daycare. I must have done it 10 times in six months, then never did it again.

Likeradar's avatar

Age 17ish- Car surfing and car tag. My friends and I were so unbelievably lucky no one died.

SuperMouse's avatar

I forgot one! I was leaving a mall parking lot a couple days after Christmas and the guy stopped at the light in front of me backed into me. He smashed the heck out of the front of my car and totalled the little thing. When we stopped to exchange information he explained that he had a suspended license and begged me not to call the police. When i told him I had to call the police he jumped in his car and drove away honking and screaming “I’m not going to jail tonight!”

Wait! My 1969 VW Bug was totalled by a drunk driver in a stolen pick up truck who rammed it and drove off. The funniest part of the whole night? The cops asking for the license plate of the car that hit mine and my brother holding the bumper in his hands while reading off the plate number.

@chyna the ticket on my bike was in my little suburb in Southern California.

Facade's avatar

@Psychedelic_Zebra There is more to it than that. I had a medical emergency. The doctors had no idea what was wrong with me. lol, I am in no condition to be discussing this coherently. Be back on this tomorrow

ubersiren's avatar

I don’t remember ages, but I used to get speeding tickets a lot. A whole freaking lot, and I wasn’t even that speedy of a driver, I think I was just unlucky.

1st accident was in my parents’ minivan. I picked my sister up from her friend’s house and scraped against their chain link fence

2nd accident was during my lunch break when I picked up my grandma from the hairdresser and drove her home in the pouring rain. I was just so rushed and didn’t see the guy with his headlights off and nipped the tail end of his car. Everyone was okay.

3rd accident was about 2 years ago in a f****** Starbuck’s parking lot. I was backing out of a spot and it was difficult to see around the huge suv beside me. I inched out and thought I was out far enough to see anyone coming, so I accelerated a little more and ran right into a lady who was going a bit fast for me to react. Everyone was okay and she was nice about it even though I was sobbing like an idiot.

Well this was depressing. Thanks @Psychedelic_Zebra, now I’m going to go eat my feelings. ;)

chyna's avatar

@SuperMouse Well I call bad cop in that case, or he was flirting.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@chyna that’s funny about the bumper. My wife had some dumbass do the same thing to her, backing up into her. He didn’t leave the scene, though.

DominicX's avatar

None. Never been in an accident and never been pulled over or given a ticket. However, I have only been driving for two years since October 21st this year.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@DominicX That’s a great start, let’s see if you can keep it up.=)

faye's avatar

Sorry, yes Canadian, okay more like doing 70 mph in a 60 with btw the cop being the only other vehicle for miles! I guess I’m still mad about getting caught

trailsillustrated's avatar

do aircraft offenses count? flew over border without flight plan. into canada, into mexico. was ordered down. was escorted down in mexico. landed in canada and questioned. age <30 at the time very silly

casheroo's avatar

I’ve never gotten a ticket for any accidents.
I got my license probably too early. I was 16, and got good grades so my parents let me. After dropping out of high school, I had to do a lot of driving to and from work, and college. Most of my accidents were while still in high school though.

1.) Age 16— Was speeding and hit a guy turning left. He was super old, and there was no damage to his car. He got my wrong information, but we left the scene.(not running from it, he didn’t call the cops or want to) His license plate number was imprinted into my gorgeous red car. It didn’t go away until my next accident.

2.) Age 16— had my license for seven months. Was driving I believe to school, I forget. I went to change the CD, and saw the light turned green, and the lady in front of me in a Jeep Grand Cherokee had no brake lights on, and was moving, so I began moving as well. She stopped short, and I slammed into her because I got distracted for an instant (it only takes a second) I wasn’t going fast, but my reaction time was not quick. I had a tiny sporty car that went underneath her Jeep, halfway up my engine. It was pretty scary. It wasn’t a high impact accident, but my car was a little easily broken one (hyundai tiburon) Cops were called. I sobbed. The lady felt bad for me. Really no damage to her car.

3.) 17— A year later! I was driving to school, and actually on time for once. Had a new car, a Ford Focus zx3. I crossed over a street that turns into a little hill, so you sort of have to speed up. Well, there was traffic ahead that I didn’t see. I became distracted for an instant (yet again) and slammed into the car in front of me. He had a Mercedes and I swear to god not a scratch on it! Those things are tough. My car was practically totaled. My air bags deployed. My windshield shattered. My seat belt was discovered to have been installed improperly and broke upon impact. The only thing that saved my face from slamming ahead was the fact that my boyfriend had installed a speaker on the driver side and had my seat all the way pushed back, and I didn’t fix it when I got in the I had ample room to fly back. I got taken away in an ambulance because of a knee injury. I called my father from the scene and was almost hysterical. It was early so both my parents showed up.

4.) 22— right before I was to get married, I got my eyebrows waxed. Same place I always go. Same shitty parking lot. You cannot see anything coming around the corner, so you have to blindly back out. Well, people are jerks and see you backing out, and will literally try to go around you…causing many, many accidents. Lucky me, some idiot did that to me. I was backing out, at a diaganol angle…I could see no one was coming, so I backed out. This girl came out of a different parking lot and it seems she tried to pass me as I was backing out, causing me to hit her. So, the back of my car got messed up, and her front end did. My insurance company blamed me and we had been with them for YEARS. We left them over it, because they know the parking lot, and it was BS.

I might be missing some minor fender benders, none that required calling the cops or anything (uhh like that time I had to reverse at a toll booth and forgot I was in reverse and hit the guy behind me. whoops! no damage thank god.)

I’ve had a lot of speeding tickets. Usually they got deduced to “failure to traffic control devices” which doesn’t give points. I think my driving has improved greatly over the years though.

RedPowerLady's avatar

I didn’t get my license until I was 24 years old. I got it so I could commute to school. In winter (not long after I got the license) I got into an accident. I hydroplaned. It was a no-fault accident. Although I couldn’t help the hydroplane I do think if I were a more experienced driver then I might not have got in the accident.

I’ve also got a ticket for “crossing private property”. IE going through a parking lot to skip the line. Yes it was my fault. I was in a huge hurry (first day on new job). Never done anything like it before or since. Figures the one time I do I get caught, lol. Oh well I suppose I deserved it.

Got a “fix it” ticket as well because I took too long putting my plates on.

rangerr's avatar

I’ve gotten two tickets.
First was reckless driving for clipping a cop’s motorcycle. It was a combination of faults. I didn’t slow down enough, but he wasn’t supposed to be parked where he was.
Second was a speeding ticket. My fault.

Not ticketed or didn’t-get-caught moments:
At either 15 or 16, I was on the back of a motorcycle with a friend who was very drunk there were 4 other guys on bikes riding with us, we were all trashed and the bike next to us flipped and slid in front of us. We swerved into a ditch and landed in a pile of dirt. The other rider was in a coma for two weeks, we were unhurt.

At 17, I drove very drunk to 7–11 and got caught by a cop. Didn’t have my license at the time and was swerving all over the road. She pulled me over, asked how drunk I was and when I told her no, she made me get out of the car and look at where I pulled over. The middle line. She ended up following me to 7–11 so I could get my Gatorade and then following me home. Never told my mother.

Haven’t told anyone this one…This past summer, I was on a bad streak of drugs been clean for three months and I drove my car while under the influence of some heavy drugs, fell asleep and woke up in the middle of a field about two hours from my house. I only remember getting in the car and waking up. S.O., if you’re still lurking around here..sorry.
[I’m willing to admit my mistakes which is what those were. Not sure if it’s exactly what you’re asking though]
Last month, by breaks went out during a rain storm and I had a fender-bender with a truck. Nobody cared enough to actually report it. We went on with our lives.

tinyfaery's avatar

19 ticket for an illegal left turn.
19 someone backed into me in a parking lot. Not my fault.
35 I rear ended someone. My fault.
35 someone made an illegal right turn in front of me and I hit him. Not my fault.

babiturtle36's avatar

19 – I got my only speeding ticket. Doing 80 in a 65. $75
21— parking ticket. $35
28— camera caught me going through a red light. $75… went online to pay it and there are photos and videos of me going through the light! Lol zooooom!
I have been truely blessed that I hvent been in any major car accidents. I hope by me saying so doesn’t change it either.
I’ve had a couple people bump me from behind, but nothing major, both times were very light.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

My most serious accident happened a few months ago. I was making a left turn at an intersection. It was a blind spot and from what I could tell, I was clear to go. Wrong. A driver in an suv came flying at me head on. He swerved around another car to get around them and hit me. Both cars were totaled. I was badly bruised and scraped all over. My knee took a hard hit but without my seatbelt I expect it would’ve been much worse. It really was a very scary moment. I was really disoriented at first and my adrenaline was pumping so much that I wasn’t even aware of my injuries at first. Within about an hour my entire body ached, my bruises started showing up everywhere, and I could barely walk. It was horrible. And on top of it, the cop on the scene gave me the ticket. Failure to yield at a traffic light. I got it pleaded down but the guy didn’t waste time suing my insurance company. Asshole. He was one of those people who sees an opprotunity to make a quick buck and takes it. Immediately after the accident, he jumped out of his vehicle and laid on the ground, rolling around like a lunatic. That’s when I knew I had picked the wrong guy to crash my car into.

dalepetrie's avatar

I’ve had two accidents, for both I was legally considered as “at fault”. I believe I can be 100% honest about them, but I believe one was my fault, and one was not, regardless of the legal definition.

First accident, six years ago. I needed to pull out from in front of my house and turn around to go the other way. First thing of course is I did a mid street U turn…not saying this makes it right, but it’s just what we do in my neighborhood, because of the way the streets are, since there are no turns for about 3 blocks from my house to the corner, you end up driving 3 blocks to take a right at a busy 6 way intersection where there is no turn on red, then drive 3 more blocks to take a right onto a narrow side street with very little clearance on either side as cars part on both sides, and which is basically uphill all the way which can make it next to impossible to pass in the winter, and THEN take a left turn back onto my busy street, just to end up half a block from where I started. So, U turns were what we had always done (and what the neighbors and everyone else in the neighborhood has always done). Indeed, police have been driving down our street and witnessed people whipping around and no one to my knowledge has ever been even talked to about it, so it’s one of those things that yeah, it’s illegal, and yeah, if I do it, I accept the consequences and the fault. For what it’s worth, I just go to the extra hassle to turn around these days because of what happened.

There were two complicating factors. One was that it was snowing, and it was very difficult for me to keep my side mirrors clear, and with the humidity, it was really hard to keep everything from fogging up. I did everything right though…I fully scraped and brushed off my windows, mirrors, etc. I got in the car, and made sure I had visibility. Problem was the second factor. Three blocks the other direction is a set of train tracks, which can some times take up to 10 minutes for the trains to go. Well, my busy street (particularly busy in the morning when people…like me…are heading to work) will some times have a couple dozen cars backed up either direction when there’s a train, and just as I was ready to pull outthat’s when I noticed the train had gone all the way through the intersection and all the traffic that had been waiting for it was now coming my way.

I had already figured I’d be late, because I didn’t expect the snow and didn’t prepare for it, and I figured I had some leeway here, my boss wasn’t one to get too upset if I was late (in fact if I remember right, I was always there before he was anyway), so I wasn’t trying to rush. But I’d sit there and watch 5 cars go by, then my windows would fog up, my mirrors would get covered in snow, and I’d have to clear it all off. I’d look again and still more cars, more cars, more cars. I was waiting FOREVER. I kept clearing everything off, and looking…then the last time I did it, 1, 2, 3 cars went….I didn’t see anyone else in my side mirror or my rearview mirror….I had the rear defroster on, but by this time visibility had slightly decreased in the back as well, and there was a car parked right behind me, so my side view was the best bet. I did also look over my left shoulder, and I was about 99% sure everything was finally fine.

Now, I don’t know if I just didn’t see that other car, or if it had just turned onto the street or what, and I feel that for the road conditions, the driver was going pretty damn fast for a residential street, but I pulled out, and when I was sideways, this other car plowed right into the side of me and pushed me into a yard across the street and 3 houses away. I was not hurt…I did have small tinge of pain in my back. The driver got out and chatted with me, and said she saw me pull out but couldn’t stop, and some woman who was walking also saw that I pulled out in front of a moving car. My insurance paid up, I was considered at fault, so I had a 30% premium on my insurance for 3 year. However, they had to pay for two cars, each less than a year old, AND even though this girl said she was completely fine, wasn’t even going to go to a Dr., she apparently sued my insurance company and got 6 grand…I was never consulted about that. But in my opinion, I was 100% at fault, or at least 95%...I really think she was going WAY too fast, and I was patient and cautious almost to a fault, I spent literally 15 minutes waiting for my opportunity and I was not about to pull out until I was sure it was safe, but I thought for sure that it was, the shitty weather contributed, but I could have not done a U turn, I could have gotten out and wiped off my back window, I don’t know, it just happened, I screwed up, I was a victim of circumstance, but ultimately it was my fault.

About a year and a half later I had another accident, another total of my car and damage to another new car, I rear ended the car, being that I hit the car, I was at fault. Here’s the deal with that one. I was on a freeway, traffic was going along at the speed limit, it was very tight, and I was doing my absolute best to follow the 2 second rule, even though people kept pulling into the space I left between me and the car in front of me. I’m in the right lane and there are 2 lanes of traffic to the left of me. Suddenly all 3 lanes of traffic came to a dead stop….no warning whatsoever. I slammed on my brakes as hard as I could, but it was clear there was not enough distance to stop. I could not go to my left, because there were two lanes of stopped traffic completely tight, no spaces. To my right was an exit ramp, and cars were lined up on the exit ramp, again no space between cars, and other cars were veering into that lane both in front of and behind me to avoid hitting cars. In that split second, I saw what I THOUGHT would be my salvation. There was a little strip of grassy land between the exit ramp and the freeway, so I swerved onto that, it was the ONLY place where there were no cars. But, instead I hit a light post, knocked it down, and that would have been all well and good, but I bounced off the poll, swerved back onto the freeway, unable to stop, and rear ended a Jeep in front of me. No one was hurt, but despite my being in an impossible situation within a split second, despite having been paying attention, and despite having taken pretty impressive evasive measures, I could not avoid disaster. So, I accept SOME responsibility here, and I understand why legally I was considered 100% at fault, but I fail to see how I did anything “wrong”, I did the thing that probably caused the least amount of damage. I wasn’t the only car in an accident in that thing, but most of the people in front of me and behind me at least had a shoulder to go onto, which I just did not. I think had I been 100 feet further up or back, I wouldn’t have gotten in this accident, but what you gonna do? I guess what I did was to pay an additional 30% premium, so I was paying 75% more than normal for my insurance for about a year and a half until the first accident was off my record.

OpryLeigh's avatar


Aged 17, one week after getting my lisence I failed to stop when I policeman told me too. He was only doing routine checks in the middle of a busy road (he was not in his car while flagging people down) and I drove straight past him. I was confused about what he was asking me to do and I panicked. He had to get in his care with his sirens on to get me to stop. Luckily he was very understanding, I told him about my misunderstanding and how I had only been driving a week and he laughed and told me to have a good evening.

Aged 18, I was pulling out of a parking space and I misjudged how much romm was between me and the car in front. I scarped the bumper and the tiniest scratch cost me £200 to repair.

Aged 19, I wrote off my beloved little car (A white Rover Metro called Dolly) after skidding on some crap that had fallen of the back of a tractor. My broher (who was passenger) and I were fine thankfully and the policeman who attended the scene said that he could see that I wasn’t driving to fast or erratically and that it “could’ve happened to anyone” (I later found out that I couldv’e claimed compensation). My poor Dolly was no more.

Aged 22, I was pulled over by a policewoman for driving a little too fast. No fine or anything just a warning to slow it down a bit.

Aged 23, pulled over by a policeman for having a broken headlight. He checked the car to find that I was a week over my MOT date. I was fined £60.

touch wood I think that’s about it.

Darwin's avatar

Three speeding tickets, one near home on a street that really should be zoned for a higher speed, one passing through a town during a long trip when I was probably too tired to have been driving but was the only one who could, and one in a hospital zone that I simply didn’t notice.

One red light camera ticket on my way to church, when I thought I could safely push the yellow. Apparently, I was wrong.

In 1982, my beloved 1972 Nissan 1800 was flattened by a girl who discovered that she could break the laws of Florida but not the laws of physics. She went too fast around a curve in her boyfriend’s Camaro, became airborne when she hit the low trunk of a 1960s behemoth, and landed nose down in my car, crushing everything from the back of the driver’s seat to the rear bumper. She got a ticket for reckless driving and driving without a license, and I got a warning because I couldn’t find my driver’s license after the crash.

In 1985, my new Nissan Sentra manual transmission car had the driver’s door trashed when I got confused dealing with the combination of high speed traffic, steep hills, a roundabout, and the need to make a turn into a parking lot in San Francisco and moved over a lane when I shouldn’t have. I got the ticket, and rightfully so.

In 1995, I took a short cut through the back side of a shopping center and discovered a truly enormous pothole disguised by a puddle. It was private property, the only damage was to my car and my self-esteem, and some workers helped me get the thing out of the hole and wired together enough that I could take it in to the shop on my own, so no ticket.

In 2003, I was driving a rental car when a young man changed his mind about getting McDonald’s in favor of Whataburger and switched lanes without looking, pushing me into the sidewalk and crushing the driver’s door. He got the ticket.

jeanna's avatar

16 – Flipped my car about a mile from my old house. I took a curve a bit too fast (45mph), swerve off the road and jerked the car back (I was a brand-new driver). Because of this jerk, it forced the car to flip, hitting a tree. I flipped all the way and landed facing the opposite direction on my tires. I had a scratch or two, but that was it. No cops, no ticket. Good thing I was alone because the passenger’s side was crunched. I can still remember seeing the sky as I flipped and thinking I was going to die. The car was considered totaled. I actually took pictures and still have them. No ticket

Also at 16, I got 2 speeding tickets (within a few weeks of each other). One was going 45mph in a 35mph zone, and the other was going 62mph in a 55pmh zone. Got two tickets, paid them both off so no points were deducted.

17 – Pulled onto a short road, going maybe 35mph, and a car in the opposite lane decided to turn left in front of me. I hit the car, wrapped it around a pole, and both our cars were totaled. It was determined to be his fault. I was fine, as was he.

17 or 18 – Can’t remember which age. I was driving behind my best friend, at the time, when she suddenly slammed on bakes. I was driving too close and ran into her. Didn’t really damage her car, but it did damage mine. It was my fault. Got a ticket and, I think, 2 points off? Can’t remember since it’s been so long ago.

18 – A friend came over while I was in the shower. He asked for my keys because he wanted to look under my hood, for some reason. He didn’t stay for long because I needed to leave. About 15 minutes after he left, I headed out. Not far from home, the hood came flying up shattering my window and part of the sunroof. No ticket or cops involved. The friend said it was an accident, that he didn’t mean to leave it open. His family wouldn’t pay to have the car fixed, so I paid for it.

That’s it. I am 29 and have no points against my license now.

MissAusten's avatar

When I was 17, I attempted to back out of the garage. In my hurry to not be late for school yet again, I forgot to open the garage door. No ticket, but my dad still won’t let me live it down.

I was pulled over for speeding while on my way back to school after a holiday break. I was 18. I was going 70 in a 50, had my little Fiero on cruise control (this was an interstate with a speed limit of 65, but going through Indianapolis it dropped to 50 for a long stretch). I knew I was speeding, but played dumb and didn’t get a ticket.

My Fiero bit the dust a few years after that. I was 22, still in college, turning left into a parking lot. I’d stopped to wait for a break in the two lanes of oncoming traffic. The lane nearest to me had stopped because of a red light, but a guy in a van left room for me to get through. I couldn’t see around him or the cars behind him, but since he was waving at me to go, I wrongly figured the coast must be clear. I turned, and as I got past the van saw a pickup truck coming straight at the passenger side of my car. There was absolutely nothing I could do. The truck crashed into my poor little Fiero, which didn’t stand a chance. No one was hurt, although I had a pile of busted glass in my lap. The pickup was barely dented, but my car was totaled. I was able to drive it back to campus and to the repair shop, but the damage was too great. I cried and cried when I found out it was considered total. It was my first car, and I loved it very much. :( Anyway, the officer who responded to the crash didn’t ticket anyone, even though it was my fault. I like to blame the guy in the van who kept waving for me to go, but I should have had enough sense to not trust him and wait to make sure the way was clear.

A while after that, I was pulled over for not having my headlights on. I’d been driving about two blocks in a well-lit area with only my parking lights on. I thought my headlights were on. No warning, no ticket, just a surly lecture.

Another time, a car pulled out in front of me and I changed lanes quickly, without looking, as I slammed on my breaks. I probably didn’t need to change lanes, but it was just a reaction. There was a car in the other lane, and my side mirror took a gouge out of it. We exchanged insurance info even though my car was fine, no cops, so no ticket. That one was also my fault, but I think some blame should go to the person who pulled out in front me like that.

Once I was pulled over for having expired plates. They’d been expired for a while, but when we moved we didn’t get the letter from the DMV about renewing them. I’d noticed they were expired a few days before being pulled over, but hadn’t made it to the DMV yet. Yes, I’m a bad person and acted like I had no idea they were expired. I also gave the cop what I call my “get out of jail free” card, which is basically a little card saying I’m related to a police officer. My cousin hands them out to us at Christmas every year. The officer explained to me about mail from the DMV not being forwarded, was very polite, and told me that if he saw me out again without a new registration sticker he would have to ticket me. I couldn’t believe he let me go on that, but I made sure to get my butt to the DMV the next day!

Finally, a few months ago I was leaving orientation at my son’s school and got into a minor scrape. There isn’t much parking at the school, so people park along both sides of the street even though there are big “no parking” signs. I was trying to navigate my way along the street, which was too narrow for two cars to pass each other with all those parked cars lined up on either side. There was a car coming toward me, several people with children walking to their cars, and very little room to maneuver. I was trying to make room for the car coming toward me, and the passenger side mirror scraped along the side of another SUV parked along the street. My side mirror broke, and the car I hit had a scratch all down the side. I pulled over, but the owners were nowhere in sight. Instead, I left a note with my name and phone number, and we settled it all very quickly with the insurance. Totally my fault, but not surprising under the circumstances. No ticket or anything, even though the woman I hit said her husband wanted to call the cops on me for a “hit and run.” As far as I know, they didn’t do that, but if I get pulled over again someday and find out there’s a warrant for my arrest I’ll be really pissed off.

Val123's avatar

First fender bender I was in, at 17, was from foolishly listening to a passenger in the car. We were stopped behind a car turning left. Wanted to move into the right lane to get around them. Passenger said, “Car coming” (Like I didn’t know) Then she starts yelling, “Pull out now!! NOW!!!” so I did…and clipped said car, stripped the metal trim off the whole side of the car! My fault, lesson learned.

Only other wreck was in Seattle. I was stopped at a green light turning left. Gal coming toward us, with her left blinker on. So, I went ahead and turned. She T-boned us. Exchanged insurance info, left the cops out of it. Again, my fault, lesson learned.

Those are the only wrecks I’ve been in when I was the one driving.

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