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Darwin's avatar

So what will you do with your afternoons once Oprah is gone?

Asked by Darwin (21882points) November 20th, 2009

According to this Oprah has just announced the beginning of the end for her show. She feels that 25 years is long enough. Are you a fan of Oprah? Why or why not? Can you believe the show has been on that long? What do you think the effect of her show has been on society, if any? Will the lack of it change your life? What do you think of the Oprah phenomenon? The Oprah book club? The Oprah magazine? What do you think about her plan to replace Discovery Health with OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network?

I think I have only seen it two or three times in my life. Either I have better things to do in the afternoon or I was underwhelmed.

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32 Answers

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I used to watch her every day, but for some reason, I lost interest. I like her, but it’s safe to say, I won’t miss her show.

J0E's avatar

Wake up from my nightmare.

jeanna's avatar

I used to watch it when I was in high school, but haven’t in about 12 years. I am not a fan, so my afternoons will continue to be the same.

Though the one thing I did like was the book club, that is when it consisted of books I wanted to read…

avvooooooo's avatar

She’s not even trying any more. She’ll probably take a break for a while, get bored, and come back to it. Right now, I think she’s just tired of the grind and not really feeling enthused like she used to and it shows. She’s not really doing the research she needs to do before shows (she’s made some pretty big blunders here and there from not knowing what she’s talking about) and has pretty much run out of steam. Not that I blame her.

She used to be good, but she’s not feeling it any more. And it shows with every show. She’ll retire. But I dare say she’ll be back. Leno, anyone?

Darwin's avatar

@avvooooooo – She already is planning to be back. She is planning to work a deal with Discovery to replace the Discovery Health Channel (which we watch a lot) with OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network. I don’t know how much she will actually be on air, but I hope that the shows we like on Discovery will still be shown. Otherwise, I guess we have to switch to NatGeo.

J0E's avatar

I hope she does get rid of Discovery Health, that channel is disgusting. It’s always shows about people with no faces and shit, they cash in on people’s misfortune.

aprilsimnel's avatar

It’s time for her to move on. I think she’d be better off behind the scenes to bring new talent to the forefront.

wenn's avatar

i will continue to not care.

Darwin's avatar

@J0E – Although we are of the same mind when it comes to mince pie, I must protest your denigration of Discovery Health.

We very much like certain shows, such as Mystery Diagnosis and Dr. G, and my daughter plans to become a plastic surgeon and so loves to watch the plastic surgery shows. Because of my husband’s health we have a lot of dealings with the medical establishment and such shows help us better understand the medicinal mindset.

Jude's avatar

Jump up and down on my sofa (like her buddy Tom Cruise).

I’ve had enough of “O”.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

You have 2 years to figure it out.

ragingloli's avatar

maybe she is “going rogue” too
couldn’t care less. never watched her show. don’t watch talk shows at all, actually.

ubersiren's avatar

The same thing I do every night, Pinky.

RedPowerLady's avatar

I think it’ll be a shame when she goes off air simply because she really does help a lot of people through her charity. I hope she keeps her charitable efforts going even if her show is off the air.

Having said that I was a fan of Oprah a long time ago. Her show changed a bit towards more celebrity interviews and her favorite “buys” and I quit watching. But even being someone who rarely watches (I still do when she has certain topics on that peak my interest) I think it will be a shame to see her go off air.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Meh, I don’t care
I don’t know why she’s such a sensation

RedPowerLady's avatar

I think in terms of a sensation we can recognize her for being the first Black woman to become a Billionaire. Good for her. Not only that but as the first Black woman to host a television show. She’s certainly made history.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@RedPowerLady those are singular events and accomplishments…that doesn’t give her continuous credibility for 25 years..and the crazy fans that jump up and down like dogs in front of her? pathetic

RedPowerLady's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Well it took quite a bit of time to reach those accomplishments. Not saying that I support fanatics but I don’t demean them either.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@RedPowerLady that’s all good by me. i guess me saying they’re pathetic for worshiping another human being that they hope will give them free make up or something could be seen as demeaning but that’s all right by me

RedPowerLady's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir but she doesn’t only give free makeup which ya I agree is pretty darn annoying she does give scholarships etc.. now don’t get me wrong she’s not my favorite person or anything I just feel like giving props when they are due.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@RedPowerLady yes this isn’t a black or white issues…in that she’s done good things and she’s done bad things…but I think she’s gone a little over the edge in terms of her own image, of how she sees herself…

RedPowerLady's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir now i might agree with you there, lol

nayeight's avatar

I always liked Oprah. I haven’t seen every show but every now and then I’ll watch it or DVR it. I don’t know why so many people hate on her, she’s done a lot of charity and I think she’s a great role model. She’s one of the most important people in the entertainment industry and has always lead a positive lifestyle. I wish her the best of luck in whatever she decides to do.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@nayeight yeah, I don’t think any of us actually hate her…just dislike some things about her…also just because someone does charity doesn’t automatically make them a good role model…though I do think she genuinely wants to help…just saying it’s not always the case

forestGeek's avatar

I will be grateful there is one less boring talk show on the days I’m home sick.

nayeight's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Sometimes hating on someone can be different from actually hating them. What about her makes her does not make her a good role model?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@nayeight I don’t care enough about her to even provide evidence…to be honest I don’t remember all the evidence, I just remember how I felt after learning of it…that she’s arrogant…that becoming a billionaire is nothing to aspire to

NewZen's avatar

Start to work on her campaign for President in 2016.

HumourMe's avatar

OH MY GOD… what WILL I do!!!

reijinni's avatar

Start wishing that Rachael Ray, Dr. Oz, and ‘Dr.’ Phil are off the air.

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