Meaning behind these strange notes.
A white paper bag has been found with two currious messages on it. “Too many goals, aspirations… distractions. Develop a heroin addiction.” The other side of the bag said, “Nothing worse than drunk close-talker (taking their keys).” Would anyone like to guess what’s the story behind this?
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22 Answers
Sounds like a viral, do you get paid overtime working on a Saturday?
I’m not working, just curious
Where did you find the bag?
Is the message hand-written or printed?
I found it on a major intersection in Boston, MA. Hand written in different pen colors.
@Alana2009 Well maybe you aren’t working for the agency that developed it, but it does really sound like a viral. As for the text itself, I have no clue since I don’t know what is meant by: ‘taking their keys’.
@markyy Sounds like the thought of the narrator, taking the drunk’s keys.
@Alana2009 Although I have no clue (and still am curious whether it’s a printed or written message) you might consider sending it to Found Magazine. Yours is a fantastic find.
I thought of some other questions in addition to the writing one.
What size is the bag?
Is one you’d receive from a big retail store?
One in which you’d take doughnuts home?
Are there signs of use? (grease stains, finger prints, etc.)
Does it look fresh or old?
Are there any serial codes on the bottom?
It was a short, white bag (kind you would take doughnuts home), messages were hand-written on either side of the bag, one is red, the other in black color.
There are codes at the bottom of the bag that say 5113352 6 lbs
So, any guesses what kind of a person might have written these and why?
Well the only time you’d need to take keys from a drunk is if they were at a bar and planning to drive home. Unless the message author is a bit of a thief.
Maybe the part about having too many goals means the author is feeling rather unfulfilled at the moment and imagines life being at the mercy of an addiction rather more pleasant than getting nowhere?
Just my two cents pennies. And I really don’t knwo why they’d have written thoughts on a bag like that anyway. Maybe they were to be transferred to a journal for some reason.
The more I think about this the more it confuses me…
It really is a great find though!
Maybe someone was drunk and scribbling notes about what they were observing. You got me.
This reminds me of the Seinfeld where he wakes up in the middle of the night and jots down a joke then he can’t read it….Fax me some halibut?
@Alana2009 My only thoughts are someone who was having an introspective moment, and only had a bag as paper.
but the two colors…Maybe an art project? Was the intersection close to MassArt?
@deni Love that episode. Maybe it’s just a con man trying to get people to put their carkeys in the bag and leave it in where they found ;)
A fruitbat from a fortune cookie factory got loose would be my guess . . .
Well, I see the world through bipolar-colored glasses. When manic, many bipolar people could be characterized as having “too many goals, aspirations… distractions.”
Mania usually descends to depression. If you’re untreated, you usually self-medicate, often with alcohol. Maybe heroin seems like a better medication than alcohol.
I wonder if the “drunk close-talker” is the author, or if the author is talking about someone else? I kind of think it’s the author, reminding himself (yes, I think it is a he) that his keys will be taken if he gets drunk where he usually does. Again, a heroin addiction seems to allow you more permission to drive than alcohol. does.
Now, why does he write these messages on a paper back in two different colors of ink? That’s a stumper. It sounds like a joke. Maybe he was drunk, and he had written these messages on the bag so that he could remember them after he had blacked out. He was driving home (because he hadn’t surrendered his keys) and he came to the intersection, feeling very sick. He opened the door to puke, and the bag fell out.
As the traffic drove by, the bag was blown hither and thither until it ended up in the place you found it. The poor man, blacking out upon arrival at home (if, indeed, he did arrive at home and not in the jail), wakes up with this vague sense of missing something important. But he just chalks it up to being stinking drunk again, and possibly to one of those delusions he’s been have more of recently.
My guess is he’s a writer. The notes were written down in the car, at two different times, using whatever bit of trash and pen he had handy. He’s now lost the notes for the beginnings of chapters 2 and 6. Poor guy.
Yes, a writer throwing out ideas.
@daloon You paint quite a picture :)
@sebastian_von_tulu I like to think that you can give me any disparate set of a few facts, and I can make up a mostly convincing story that will link them. Sometimes I don’t know where real life leaves off and fantasy begins. In fact, it’s usually easier to make something up out of stuff I don’t know than it is to relate a story about something that happened to me.
I think it sounds like a quick brainstorming session for the plot of a book, movie, etc.
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