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troubleinharlem's avatar

What's with Gary Busey?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7999points) November 21st, 2009 from IM

He seems really… creepy. Is his character an idiot or is he just messed up? I’m watching The Smoking Gun’s World’s Dumbest Partiers.

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19 Answers

virtualist's avatar

Look him up in and…. !

PandoraBoxx's avatar

He had a brain injury from a motorcycle accident, riding without a helmet.

Sarcasm's avatar

Gary Busey is awesome. I miss “I’m with Busey”

avvooooooo's avatar

He’s nuts. He’s a brain damaged addict.

filmfann's avatar

People forget how good he was in The Buddy Holly Story which was pre-accident.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Gary Busey is one of God’s own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

filmfann's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic Lurve for the Hunter S. Thompson quote.

buckyboy28's avatar

@Sarcasm What an excellent show. Comedy Central keeps renewing the crap shows, but cancels the awesome ones.

Darwin's avatar

“You know what `FEAR` stands for? It stands for `False Evidence Appearing Real.` It`s the darkroom where Satan develops his negatives.”

“You know what `SOBER` stands for? It stands for `Son Of a B****, Everything`s Real!”

The man sometimes makes a little sense, though.

“Evil is… your shadow, the dark side. C.G. Hume writes about it, in terms of the fact that every one of us has a dark side. And my dark side, my shadow, my lower companion is now in the back room blowing up balloons for kids’ parties…”

And sometimes not so much.

filmfann's avatar

Does Darwin stand for Does Anyone Really Work In November?

Darwin's avatar

If you are Gary Busey it does.

deni's avatar

I don’t like him, and he’s kind of hard to look at honestly. And annoying.

Darwin's avatar

I find him… an alien in an android body with several wires shorted out. Or as Busey himself has said:

“When you get lost in your imaginatory vagueness your foresight will become a nimble vagrant.”

troubleinharlem's avatar

@Darwin ; oh dear. That kind of makes sense… Kind of.

boffin's avatar

…I’m watching The Smoking Gun’s World’s Dumbest Partiers.

I think that pretty much sums it up right there…

troubleinharlem's avatar

@boffin ; not really. It’s just clips of stupid partiers and he’s one of the hosts.

Darwin's avatar

@troubleinharlem – He may be one of the hosts, but he would fit right in with the partiers in some aspects, especially his past history with cocaine, alcohol and motorcycles. I must admit, however, that he has been clean and sober for more than a decade. But the damage has already been done.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@Darwin ; I can tell. Maybe that’s why he was a host.

Darwin's avatar

If you notice, the program even advertises its hosts as being “B-list” stars. Busey is probably the best known of them all as an actor, although Danny Bonaduce’s name is also known a bit, but since he has been an adult not in a particularly good way.

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