Ladies, how would you feel if you came home to find your SO wearing your undies?
This question was inspired by the question about someone being upset if their SO went through their cell phone or emails. A lot of women seemed to find this a flagrant invasion of privacy. So let’s kick it up a notch. What if your husband or boyfriend was wearing your ‘lacy unmentionables’ without your knowledge.
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91 Answers
I’d figure he had some kind of good reason; probably because it got him off. And if something gets him off, I wouldn’t mind being involved. So we’d probably end up doing it like monkeys, right then and there.
My wife wears my underwear all the time. She says it makes her feel close to me. I think she just runs out of underwear.
i’d start a diet immediately
First, I’d leap on him and screw him like he’d never been screwed before. I have been asking him to wear ladies’ underwear for me since we started going out. Then I’d wonder how the hell he got into them in the first place.
@tinyfaery: Hahahahaha, that’s great. That gave me a good laugh.
@KatawaGrey show him your answer and see what happens. The possibility of being screwed like he’s never been screwed before just might be what it takes to get him in a pair of your panties.
As long as they’re not ones he can tear up, he can have at ‘em.
Lace can be fragile.
It would surprise me. I’d definitely talk to him about it, though – just to understand what about it he likes. The more you know, the better.
But anyway…. Sharing is caring! ;)
I would be.. slightly disgusted. Guys don’t belong in girls panties.
@Psychedelic_Zebra: Alas, he knows. He still won’t do it. He also won’t dress like a Vulcan for me. :(
@KatawaGrey old school 1960’s Vulcan, or new Star Trek movie Vulcan?
@KatawaGrey dammit, all I have is a ST: TNG Klingon outfit. =)
So my husband would be Eddie Izzard, then? OK!
@chelseababyy Yeah, @Psychedelic_Zebra has a good point there. Jeans and pants were also made for men originally, but women wear those now. Along with fedoras, ties, tights, etc. Totally not fair.
Maybe they should start making boxers and briefs in silk, lace and all other assortments of materials? What say the majority? Yay?
@DrasticDreamer I like the way you think. Quick, let’s start our own clothing line for sensitive men.
@chelseababyy Too bad. Sounds like a grim life, feeling so much disapproval over such a trivial detail.
As long as it doesn’t mean he wants to be a woman deep down, then I’d probably be ok with it.
@avvooooooo Ah ha. They’re still missing out on lace, though.
He wouldn’t fit in mine so he would have to buy his own. Now since he has not bought himself a single article of clothing since we have been together, I don’t think it is a likely scenario.
But if it somehow did come to pass, I think I might react as @jbfletcherfan said, I would probably burst into laughter, it is just such a funny mental image! It just doesn’t seem erotic to me, I don’t even like lacy sexy underwear on myself, although I do wear some really hot colored cotton, hehehehe. So does he!
Hopefully he isn’t stretching the panties so much out of shape that I couldn’t wear them again.
What’s the name of this new clothing line to be called? SensiTestes? Too blatant?
I’m not sure about the name, we’ll have to work on that, but maybe we could call the article of clothing manties, eh?
Is one of you Kramer in real life?
yes women wear boxers which are traditionally men’s underwear, but women also wear pants, which were originally men’s clothing. we don’t see men wearing dresses (unless cross dressing) which are women’s clothing. it’s more accepted for women to wear men’s clothing, but not vice versa.
if my boyfriend or husband were wearing my underwear when i came home, i would probably feel uncomfortable but try not to show it while i sorted out my feelings. i guess part of my reaction would be based on how he acted while he was in said panties.
@jca “it’s more accepted for women to wear men’s clothing, but not vice versa.”
Exactly – and that pattern of thought is completely hypocritical and ridiculous. If women were able to start wearing clothes designed for men, why shouldn’t men be able to wear clothes designed for women?
And what about cavemen? They all wore dresses….. Pfffft. :P
don’t forget the scots
yeeees, i know they are called ‘Kilts’
@ragingloli: And they are among the fiercest warriors to live. See what happens when you wear skirts? :)
Men’s work clothing was designed for comfort and flexibility for the wearer. I don’t think women’s clothing has ever been designed with functionality in mind. Can you imagine digging ditches or riding a horse in a skin tight something or other. (I know side saddle but you wouldn’t want to muster up the beasts on a side saddle!
I think that is why women wear men’s clothes but not vice versa.
@rooeytoo What about ties and fedoras, like I mentioned above? Tights? Those have nothing to with comfort and flexibility.
I think that when certain attitudes are displayed coming from women, they are not considered sexist, even though they clearly are.
@DrasticDreamer – there apparently is no “one size fits all” answer to this aspect of the discussion.
I should have said, in general, or in some cases…...
my bad
Let’s at least be frank enough to admit that if he’s wearing your underpants it has to do with a paraphilia, not fairness between the sexes.
That having been said, my attitude is still so what? If I discovered something that my girlfriend wanted that she thought would enhance her sexual experience I would be all for it.
@pdworkin A mental disorder? ... I wholeheartedly disagree. Yes, some men will be wearing them for that reason, but all of them? Not even…
he better shaved his body before he put them on or i’d be mighty cross
A mental disorder? Not in the least. A paraphilia. Look it up.
@pdworkin If that’s not what you meant, okay. Now, you look it up. :P
“a type of mental disorder characterized by a preference for or obsession with unusual sexual practices, as pedophilia, sadomasochism, or exhibitionism.”
That’s an awfully narrow definition. Pedophilia, sadomasochism and exhibitionism are all paraphilias, but they are quite extreme. Other paraphilias include a fondness for pornography, transvestism, shoe fetishism, any type of “fetishism” at all. It’s all part of human sexuality, and there is nothing pejorative about the word. Go find a better source.
@pdworkin A dictionary isn’t a good enough source? If it’s not, you find me a better source. I didn’t write the definition, Mr. Pissy Pants. If it’s not what you meant, then okay, but the definition is still the definition. A nice pair of silk panties might take care of your pissy problem. They’re really soft and comfortable. :D
And please, no one be mad at me. I’m in an unusually bouncy and feisty mood tonight. No offense meant.
@pdworkin I’d call it more of a fetish than going into the technical paraphilias.
Lets call it Ooogieboojums.
@DrasticDreamer I agree with @pdworkin. Paraphilia includes many things. They are more of a sexual dysfunction than mental illness (from what I gather)
Okay, I’ll admit..I’d be taken aback. I probably would be pretty shocked, and wonder why he was in them. I’d definitely want to talk about it. I don’t think that makes me sexist. I think it makes me someone who has been together with someone and feeling like I know him and then I’d feel he held back a part of his personality from me.
Transvestic festishism is what it’s called. Some men just enjoy it. Some have had an experience as a child to make them be that way. Doesn’t mean much more than they like to dress as a woman. as in, they are not homosexual
(Me, a husband, says:) I wouldn’t fit into her undies. She’s much shorter and smaller than me.
But barring that, she’d probably be down for it, I guess.
I’d be confused, then I would laugh. It would be very out of place for him. Of all the men I’ve dated, my husband is the one I’d least expect this from. Wouldn’t be something to break us up or cause a rift or anything, but it wouldn’t exactly turn me on.
Well, I’d go “whoa! You fit into my underwear! Okay. Logical explanation or fetish?”
Then he’d either you know, explain that all his underwear spontaneously caught fire, or that he really, really likes lace and indirect contact with my lady bits (assuming he’d pulled them from the laundry bag.) Then I’d respond with a shrug and get on with life, or I’d smother him with kisses and caresses. TMI, I know.
Oh, and I have seen a boyfriend wear my clothes. I don’t recall why it was happening, but he did wear my underwear and a skirt. For the life of me I don’t know how he got them on. He wasn’t a small guy, and I’m not a big girl lol. Must have been the alcohol from the night before? haha
I’d be extremely turned off from him. I like my men masculine.
@Beta_Orionis Then he’d either you know, explain that all his underwear spontaneously caught fire, or that he really, really likes lace and indirect contact with my lady bits. thanks for making me laugh out loud.
@Facade so, you have a John Wayne fetish?
@Facade holy crap, I almost peed myself laughing
I would assume he was kidding and then not give it any thought. Then if somehow he was serious I’d ask why he was really parading around in my underwear and then I would listen with great interest to his answer and then go “hm”, probably, and say okay, and then head for the fridge.
If he was home alone at the time it would be a miracle. First I would fall on my knees and thank God, then I would climb on.
@casheroo, none taken. Like @DrasticDreamer I’m in too good of a mood to take offense at much. I’m going to be a Grandpa again.
@Psychedelic_Zebra: Yay, but how? methought you counted yourself among the ranks of the childless…
@casheroo and @KatawaGrey I have a pet wolf spider, and she has been carrying around an egg sac for almost two weeks. Soon the little spiderlings will ‘hatch’ and I’ll have about 300 babies to care for.
@Psychedelic_Zebra: Normally I am not a fan of spiders but for you I will suck it up and say congratulations!
@laureth yeah, but they’ll be really tiny cigars. =)
At this stage of the game I’d be a bit freaked! Like, “What else don’t I know about you?!”
@tinyfaery I wear my husband’s underwear sometimes too because it’s SO much more comfortable and soft and cottoney than mine. A man wearing women’s underwear is because of sexual reasons, because women’s underwear, and all other clothing for that matter (as….@rooy said) were not made for functionality or comfort. They are made to enhance physical attraction, AND are probably too small for the man in the house to wear. So, it’s perfectly logical that a woman would prefer a bit larger, loser, more comfortable article of clothing to wear casually for no other reason than comfort.
@psychadelicZebra same response. Comfort. They’re a size or two larger than she usually wears. They’re comfortable. Women’s underwear are NOT comfortable, just tolerable. But on a man, who is usually at LEAST one size larger than a woman, they wouldn’t even be tolerable. Comfort would not be the reason he wears them.
@Val123 you are entitled to your opinion, but ladies underwear CAN be comfortable on a man, despite your skewed view of the situation.
@chyna I’ve been saying that for years, but it’s not like the spiders can escape. I make sure they are going to stay where they belong. And I’m only keeping them indoors long enough for warm weather to arrive. Once Spring gets here, I will take them outside and turn them all loose. Besides, I really want one of these spiders as a pet. They are so cool, they are too small to bite you, and my wife even finds them comical.
I’m not dissing people that do, I’m just saying that I wouldn’t want my boyfriend to do so. I don’t think guys in frilly, lacy, pink panties. It’s just not what I’m into. Sure I wear jeans, but you won’t catch me wearing my boyfriends boxers ever. Nor do I wear ties, fedoras, etc. I’m not dissing people who do so, I’m just saying I’m not into my guy doing so.
@chelseababyy that’s cool, I didn’t think you were dissing anyone, and sorry if anything I said came across that way. It takes all kinds of people to keep the world an interesting place to live. =)
I would never wear my husband’s boxers, I couldn’t keep them up!
I do have a nice selection of my own though, I like them color coordinated with the tank tops.
@Psychedelic_Zebra No worries, I just wanted to explain myself a bit more. I’m very open minded about this sort of thing. My personal view is that I like men who are manly who dress manly. I’m not even saying a manly man is one who does not wear women’s clothing, underwear, etc, because I know that they can, if that is what they choose to do. If a man can be confident wearing such things, more power to him, and I look up to such a person who has that kind of confidence and who is secure in what they choose to do and wear!
@Psychedelic_Zebra Ok, Ladies underwear CAN be comfortable on a man. If you’re in the right mood, the light feel of the lace on your waist, and the silky feel of the polyester sliding on your hips, CAN feel nice. Especially if you’re in a sexual mood. But only IF the man has gone to Walmart and purchased a pair that will FIT him, say a size 14 (compared to his SO’s size 12). Most men are a size or two, at least, bigger than their women. If my husband tried to wear my underwear he’d have lace cutting painfully into his sides, and polyester sliding up his into his butt. Does that sound comfortable? The way the question is worded makes me think that if a woman comes home, unexpectedly and discovers this “experiment” with her underclothes, it’s for sexual reasons because there is no way women’s two size smaller than what you wear underwear will be comfortable.
However, I wear my HUSBAND’S underwear on occasion and find it so much more comfortable that I want to go out and buy some. I couldn’t say the same if they were a size 10 and I was a size 12. Don’t know why I haven’t gone out and bought some!!
And I’m speaking from a POV of the fact that I have been wearing girl undies 24/6, for a long LONG time, and and male undies 1. So much nicer! Why haven’t I gone out and bought some??!!
I’d be totally into it
@laureth and I are pretty similar in views with these things
@Val123 you assume that the man’s waist size is larger than his wife. Not everyone subscribes to the big man/little woman theory. Sometimes the guy is the smaller one. Saying most men are bigger than their women is an assumption on your part.
@Psychedelic_Zebra So true, considering I’m about a size 1–2 and my boyfriend is smaller than me.
Don’t think my thongs would fit him, but my first reaction would be to hysterically laugh. Out loud. For real. I’d attempt to not laugh, though, until I figured out whether he was trying to make a joke or was actually into wearing my thongs. I don’t think I’d mind.
I would ask him why he didn’t let me know his underwear was all dirty. I mean I do laundry all the time. If he just liked wearing them- I don’t care. His body, his choice. He’s kindof a furry Russian kindof guy tho so it would look odd to me, honestly. Not because he’s a guy, just that the ones I buy for my build wouldn’t look good on him.
My SO wears mine all of the time! Of course, we are both ladies. that said, i do find it an incredible turn-on when she chooses to wear a pair of mine
One of my exes did often get into my undies and wear them but not just at home, he’d wear them under his regular clothes because he loved the feel of their fabrics and it was also very decadent for him, kind of risky in his mind to be wearing feminine stuff in secret. I indulged him as long as he didn’t ruin my things. Aside from that kind of thing, I’d not be too turned on to see a current SO wearing my knickers anywhere on his body than his head.
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