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ragingloli's avatar

Can human reflexes be good enough to evade a bullet from a hand gun?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) November 22nd, 2009

I recently watched the 13th Detective Conan movie and near the end of the movie, Ran evaded a bullet from a pistol a few metres away. Is this physically possible if we assume a muzzle velocity of 300 m/s?

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18 Answers

oratio's avatar

There was this →¤ (Seems the patent was withdrawn later)

sarah826's avatar

well Wonderwoman can.

Jayne's avatar

Presumably you (and by ‘you’, I mean a hypothetical superman with balls of steel) can tell where the gun is pointing, and avoid being there. But you cannot judge the trajectory of an individual bullet and evade it.

virtualist's avatar

At 10 feet distance and a bullet from a handgun traveling at ~1500 fps it would take ~6ms to reach you. Your reaction time is of the order of 150–250ms if you could see the bullet. I think your hearing reflexes are slower and the speed of sound is majorly slow compared to the speed of light. That’s why distance from the weapon is not much help. At larger distances you probably NOT hear the slug that rips your body apart!

drdoombot's avatar

Batman does it all the time. So does Spider-man.

DrBill's avatar

The body is not capable of moving fast enough to get out of the way in time, even if we knew it was coming.

AstroChuck's avatar

Only if your name is Jay Garrick or Barry Allen.

drdoombot's avatar

Or Wally West! and Bart Allen, too!

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Yes. It’s possible. Everything that happens in movies is possible.

Lightlyseared's avatar

You can’t dodge the bullet once it has been fired. But what idiot is going to wait for the gun to be fired before they start moving. The body language of the person firing the gun would give you more notice of the fact the gun was going to be fired maybe enough to get out of the way.

Darwin's avatar

Didn’t Mythbusters bust that some time ago?

CMaz's avatar

Yes, by being further then the bullet cant travel.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

Once the bullet is fired, theres nothing you can really do with your reaction time to dodge the bullet. My dad was a cop and he said if someone is shooting at you, as they are pulling the gun up, if you try to touch either one of your feet with both hands and then jump you might improve your chances of not getting shot. but you know its all an odds game at that point.

Christian95's avatar

only if the bullet is at least 100m

Buttonstc's avatar

Only in The Matrix.

Snarp's avatar

How to dodge bullets. Here. And here.

mattbrowne's avatar

The reflex it about interpreting movements of the shooter before the actual shot is fired. Unconscious reflexes can be pretty fast thanks to our thalamus and amygdala.

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