Do you run into clerks that comment on your purchases?
Asked by
chyna (
November 22nd, 2009
I was buying a shoe rack today and the clerk commented “I can’t believe you have that many shoes.” This happens to me all the time. Does this happen to you? How do you respond?
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37 Answers
Only in the grocery store… And then only when I’m just buying chocolate, cheese, wine and pizza. ;D
Yeah, sometimes, but they’re never negative comments. It really only happens at the grocery store and usually it’s just “oh, I love those” or “I have to try that some time” or something along those lines. It was cool, though, one time I was in Anacortes, Washington and I was grocery shopping with my mom and the cashier had the same first name as my mom and commented that a certain Amy’s brand entree was her favorite and it also happened to be my favorite…lol
I’ve never gotten a rude comment on a purchase from a cashier before.
No, that’s never happened to me. I think that clerk was terribly rude. It’s not her business how many shoes you have.
I thought shoe racks only held like 10 pairs?
A clerk commented once. I’m pretty sure he was just flirting ;)
I used to ring groceries. Guy came through with a box of condoms and a bottle of wine. I told him, “Have fun!” He ‘bout died of blushing.
So, I guess I’m the clerk that comments. But I would never say something like that.
@Facade This one held 20 pairs and I bought 2. It was a guy that commented.
@chyna That’s still not a lot lol… men!
@Facade I didn’t think it was a lot either. You have to count in dress shoes, running shoes, flip flops, boots, cleats, bowling shoes… the list goes on!
The guy at our local shop always comments on how much wine and chocolate we buy
It happened to me once. I was buying a pregnancy test. My youngest was 10, and this wasn’t something that I wanted or expected, and was upset even at the thought of having to buy it. I went through the line, and she made a comment about how I must be happy about being pregnant, and I didn’t hardly know how to react. I’m not sure I hardly even answered. That’s why I like the check out lines where you do it yourself. By the way, I wasn’t pregnant, and I was thrilled.
@lfino I might have punched her.
I agree… That’s not that many shoes!
I ended up getting those under bed bins to put mine in.
How rude!! and it was a man too. I’m a sale clerk (or at least I work at a checkout) and I’d never be so personal with any of my customers. and @Ilfino <hugs> that was very insensitive of that clerk, and far too personal too. I suppose I always assume that babies are good news too but I’ve never yet made a comment on scanning a pregnancy test. That is far far too personal, and very rude too. It really saddens me that plain old simple manners just seem to be disapearing these last years. Does anyone think it’s got anything to do with the surge in reality tv programmes, (and don’t even get me started on the jeremy kyle show and others of that ilk, where people scream and swear and shout at each other exposing their most personal business). They’ve made it ok for people to “wash their dirty washing in public” as my Grandmother used to say.
What I mean is though, that programmes like these have made people possibly too open and almost feel entitled to talk about other people’s personal issues also, even when they haven’t been invited to.
I can’t recall any specific comments. But, when I’d stock up on pregnancy tests (I’m talking more than 5 at a time) at the Dollar Store, it seemed to make the clerk quite uncomfortable. I’m sorry, I’m a secret POAS-acholic. I just have to know immediately lol
Every time I buy parsnips, the clerk always asks “What do you do with those?” Just wait until the store gets in some durian. :-)
In Tucson, clerks would constantly tell me that I would look “real cute” if I only lost some weight. Talk about suppressing the urge to kill!
I’ve never had a problem about buying storage devices, but then I bought my shoe racks online – I got four of them (and still I have shoes left over).
@bunnygrl, thanks for your comments. The clerk obviously just assumed I’d be excited.
I’ve wondered about the popularity of those screaming and swearing, “He’s my man and I had him first” type shows, too. My oldest son think they’re great, and I’ve never understood them. I don’t think they’re funny and I don’t care to know what their problems are. I have no idea what the attraction is.
My mother once was buying pine nuts and the cashier said something like, “huh what the heck are you buying these for?” Admittedly it was a huge bag but, really? My mom was making a bunch of pesto, she had a bumper crop of basil that season. People, huh?
I had a cashier at my job that would chatter incessantly the entire time she was checking people out. She was a bit of a space cadet. If someone was buying steaks, charcoaln potatoes and paper plates she’d say “having a bbq, huh?” Customers would just look at her like she was some manner of idiot. She even talked to the plastic bags. If an extra one would come off the holder she would tell it “no you stay here with your siblings!” They finally fired her.
@knitfroggy I believe she is now working as the secretary in my office.~
The vast majority of cashiers and sales clerks in most stores in my area are teenagers who want you to hurry up and leave so they can get back to gossiping.
The last time I got a comment on something I bought, it was at, uh, Aunt Sally’s Boutique, and the cashier said, “You lucked out today, didn’t you, honey?” I’d gotten a pair of Dolce & Gabbana trousers for $3. Apparently, the pricer either couldn’t have cared less or didn’t know the difference between them and a pair of polyester wonders from Forever 21.
The first time I ever bought condoms in high school the clerk did not comment….but my Physics teacher behind me in line did.
@chyna Good luck! Poor girl made me want to rip my hairs out!
I also recall a time when I asked a customer a stupid question. She was buying the biggest jar of minced garlic I had ever seen in my life. I asked her “What are you going to do with all this?” She looked at me and said “What do you think I’m going to do with it? I’m going to eat it!” I felt real stupid.
Then there are customers that make comments, which I had to deal with all day long. Like the lady in a real fur coat who was buying all kinds of tofu, tempeh, and TVP who said that she ate this way because she would never hurt a little animal. Or the one who said I’d lose so much weight and look better, too, if I laid off the dairy products.
Customers can be just as jerky as clerks. More so, even, since they’re not in uniform – and they’re “always right.”
I can’t believe people have the nerve to comment on people’s weight. My first job was in the candy department of a department store. I was very small, maybe weighed 100 lbs. at the time. At least once a day someone would say “I can’t believe you aren’t fat working here. You will be though.”
They don’t seem to get that we just work with the products, we don’t eat them all day long.
My favorite is when you buy something like… ice cream, booze and disposable cameras, and the cashier looks like they want to say something, but they don’t. lol4rl.
OTOH, some of us have a bit of trouble with impulsivity, which is why we would get fat working there (if we aren’t already). Or why I went to Half Price Books today for one book and ended up with 122.
The thing I wonder about is don’t most of us who are fat realize we are fat? Do these “well-meaning” people think we have never looked in a mirror, stepped on a scale, or realized that we just can’t shop in Misses any more?
In Tucson, where this happened with fair regularity, I was very tempted to wear the t-shirt that says I can read minds and YES, I’M FAT or even I’m Fat, Not Stupid! or one of the other shirts at this site, or one of the variations that doesn’t seem to be made any more: I’m Fat, Not Stupid. But _I can lose weight!_
@Darwin ”Do these “well-meaning” people think we have never looked in a mirror, stepped on a scale, or realized that we just can’t shop in Misses any more?”
Well, obviously. Otherwise, we would’ve stopped shoveling food into our mouths and gotten up off the couch and lost the weight. It’s the same in every single case, and it’s really just that easy. Didn’t you know?
Hmm, the place I buy my groceries I have shopped at for almost a quarter century. I know everybody there, and they all know me. None would be so forward as to comment on my purchases, and any conversation centers on the weather, or other mindless blather. I usually try to joke around with the cashiers, but the teens and twenty-something girls act like I am hitting on them. Girls under 30? Eww, I prefer to flirt with mature women, not kids.
At other shopping places, no one comments on what I buy because I have the sort of face that if I am not smiling, I look like I just might reach across the belt, grab you by your ears, rip your head off, and skull fuck your decapitated head amid my groceries while your body collapses to the tile in a bleeding convulsing heap.
Not that I would ever do that, but my normal face is just so fierce looking. That and having sex in such a public place would embarrass me to death.
@Darwin A friend of mine always says ” I may be fat, but you’re ugly, and I can always lose weight.”
@Psychedelic_Zebra – It’s not true across the board, but 40+ aged guys did have a predilection for hitting on the 20-ish cashiers where I worked, in a similar way to the attention that a captive audience like waitresses is subjected to. Perhaps they’re just so used to it that they put you in the same box?
I lost my luggage once and had to buy all new makeup since I was on a business trip. I purchased it all at the same time and the clerk looked at my pile on the belt, shook her head and said “wow”. I explained what happend and she said ..“well I guess so” and gave me another disapproving look. Since I still had to replace my clothes…I was not thrilled and a little mad at myself later that I did not mention her attitude to the manager
yes,and sometimes its very annoying!
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