Social Question

missjena's avatar

What is a good Educational Philosophy Statement for a resume and cover letter for a teaching position?

Asked by missjena (918points) November 22nd, 2009

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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10 Answers

PandoraBoxx's avatar

We can’t really help you with this one. They’re asking you this to determine your training as a teacher, and your motivation for wanting to teach. Start with what you believe are the most effective methods of teaching children, and how you believe children best learn.

ninjacolin's avatar

@missjena, what is a good educational philosophy in your opinion?

missjena's avatar

A good educational philosophy is one that comes from the heart. My dilemma is that I have sooo much I want to say and put down but I know its not supposed to be long. It is supposed to be only a statement. I was trying to find one that fits my needs my supervisor explaine dmost people quote someone and that is normal as long as you believe the statement. I just wanted to hear peoples opinions as well.

Jeruba's avatar

How about looking up a site for quotations and reading through the ones on the theme of education? That might get you started.

There’s not much we can do to tell you what you believe or how to say it.

Narl's avatar

Try to start by bullet pointing the main points you want to say. Then when you write your philosophy, just expand on them a bit. Hopefully by doing this, it won’t be as long.

SeventhSense's avatar

That you love teaching and kids.

sndfreQ's avatar

Student success is acheived by focusing on the creation of a learner-centered environment, and meeting the individual needs of the student, not the agenda of the teacher.

As one of my mentors coined the adage “It’s not what you put in them, it’s what you don’t take away.”

in California higher ed, there’s an educational movement you can look up to find these basic precepts, if you google “basic skills initiaitve.” Good luck!

missjena's avatar

Thank you sndfreQ. Great answer

NewZen's avatar

@missjena Write something; then we’ll look at it.


kruger_d's avatar

Stay away from quotes and quips. Tell them why a general education is important and also your specific discipline if that applies. Tell how you’ll engage and challenge all minds, inspire analitical thinking, inspire self-directed learning. Emphasize any specific experience, tools, experience or talent that you bring to the classroom.

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