What feature do you find most attractive in others?
When you’re looking at others of the opposite sex or same, if that floats your boat, what features do you find most attractive? What makes up your ideal person?
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73 Answers
Nothing compares to a nice pair of arms. I like thin arms, but not weak, still strong, so they need to be solid, but not huge….I don’t find large arms attractive. Ick. Oh yeah. Arms. Mmmm.
A quick wit, intelligence
@reacting_acid my boyfriend is jewish. and he isn’t here. and i think i miss his hair more than anything else. it. is. so. amazing.
I’ll mention the elephant in the room. Ass and Titties.
When I was younger I looked for the usual things, facial beauty, nice legs, nice waist-to-hips ratio, nice smile, nice hair, nice eyes.
Now I enjoy looking at beautiful women, but I don’t feel even a hint of lust. What turns me on is reciprocal love, openness, emotional vulnerability, intelligence, accomplishment, companionability.
My girlfriend is short, round, middle-aged, and while she has a nice smile, blind eyes aren’t conventionally beautiful, but I can’t keep my hands off of her.
I lean more toward intellectual traits than I used to.
Eyes & teeth. Teeth are important to me. How you take care of them kind of reflects on how you take care of your whole body. Next comes a good sense of humor.
@jbfletcherfan agreed with teeth. I notice someone’s teeth before anything else on their face, always.
Someone had to say it. I knew everyone would be too modest.
Kindness, intelligence and humor.
Of course everyone loves boobies. But I got old or something. I go to college. Every day I see hundreds of beautiful young women, all provocatively dressed. It’s sort of interesting to see, but nothing, you know, twitches the way it used to. Well, nothing on my body.
@pdworkin My husband always says that boobs are for babies. It’s what between the legs that count. ;)
Actually, everything works just grand. Just not for the same reasons it used to.
Definitely their sense of humor. A couple of nice, big, round. firm senses of humor.
i like shiny silky hair and a good cut is important
@jonsblond I’m with your husband. The eye drawn by the semilinear curve of the inner thighs to the point where they merge… that beautifully forested triangle hiding that shy confection of the most sensitive fleshly folds….
sorry. got somethin’ on my mind this evenin’
@daloon wwwwwwiipwwwwwwoooo that’s me whistling at your response through the computer. woo!
1) Self-assuredness: (not to be confused with arrogance, which is often a cover-up for deep insecurities, and insecurities are what kills most relationships) Self-confidence makes anyone more attractive. It shows in how they carry and conduct themselves.
2) Humor: the ability to find wit and wonder in even the mundane aspects of life, since truth typically is stranger than fiction. Laughing at oneself is especially important see #1). A smile on one’s face also makes them more attractive.
3) Kindness: treating others – from wait staff to family members – with courtesy and respect.
4) Independence and integrity: someone who chooses what is best for them regardless of familial or societal pressures; and being consistent and clear when challenged.
5) Honesty and accountability: Not playing games or pointing fingers.
These are traits that I work to improve within myself, and I hope to find someone who values them as much as I.
Cute, clean, sweet smellin and laid back, also smart and funny. rich doesn’t hurt either, heheheh
Physically, it’s the eyes first and the smile second. Otherwise, a great sense of humor, especially a sense of the absurd, similar interests as myself, and the ability to laugh at oneself. Everything else is just window dressing.
@daloon I just woke up. Nice way to start the day. Sexy.
@daloon Good morning to you, too! LOLLLL :D
I try and try, but I never feel like I can explain it:
It’s touch, the way my hand feels sliding down her back and over her rump and into the crevice between. It is so warm there. So mysterious. So magical. Aqueous and lipid—that primeval cavern; those eternally soft lips; the lambent tongue suckling at my tumescent teat.
@daloon I think you need to write dirty novels. For some reason, I think you’d be good at it!
Confidence?!? Yes, definitely confidence, I think, maybe not.. I don’t know. What I do know is that it’s a good thing @hearkat is not into women, so I don’t have to compete with her (she got it exactly right).
@daloon Would make for a horrible sexual novelist. Well, for me personally, I just had to open a dictionary and look for the definitions of lambent and tumescent ;)
@markyy So did I (open a dictionary, I mean). I was more going for the poetry, not the prosaic nature. I really wanted people to feel what it’s like for me. Plus it’s fun to mess with people. I was looking for words that one would want to roll around one’s mouth, and feel like what I’m trying to describe. I’m gonna stop now. (Unless further provoked;-)
@daloon You’d bettter stop now. It’s the middle of Monday afternoon – we all have work to do. Though it would be funny if we all jump our partners when they come home tonight. :-)
@janbb: not all of us have partners to jump :-(
Look at it this way, you have no one’s dirty underwear to wash or dribbles on the toilet seat to clean.
There are always positives.
@daloon – wow, you really are something else… ;) I like it!
[no applause necessary…...
..... just throw money]
[ouch! ouch! Not that hard!!!]
First thing I notice….shoes.
@sliceswiththings – don’t come to the NT then, nobody wears them. Well maybe thongs if it is a special occasion.
@rooeytoo Hey, no shoes are better than ugly shoes!
heheheh, then I retract my previous comment, you would go just fine!
I agree. Taste in shoes is indicative of taste in other areas. :D
We buy our shoes at Wal*Mart. It’s not a question of taste, it’s a question of impecunity.
It ain’t the shoes, it’s the size of the feet.
@janbb LOL! I get what you’re gettin’ at! And LOL!
@pdworkin But when you have two pairs that are the same price and you pick the less ugly pair… That’s good! :)
@rooeytoo: I have a teenaged son. He does his own wash, but I still clean the bathroom.
@janbb: I have witnessed that shoe size is not an accurate predictor of other endowments.
@hearkat I have too, but its a fair general guesstimate guide!
@avvooooooo: In my case it was waaaay off – I won’t give it any creedence as a guide.
@hearkat Yeah, I’ve seen it go either way. But if you aren’t good at figuring it out other ways, and most people aren’t, it can be an amateur’s tool.
@avvooooooo Is this information important when considering a relationship? Must be, or you wouldn’t spend so much time being a student of it.
@daloon: size matters, but it’s not a deal-breaker.
@avvooooooo: what other predictive tools do you use? should we start a different post about this?
Look what I unleashed and no-one gives me lurve?
@daloon Some people have a natural talent for prediction. I don’t know why, but I’ve always been good at it. As far as I’m concerned, it has to be big enough to do the job. Which isn’t always there. So yeah, kinda important. There’s a minimum, but its not too hard to meet.
@hearkat I find that hands and fingers are more indicative. Frame size… Subtract some for excessive weight… I don’t know where I get all my clues, but I’m generally accurate to the half/quarter inch with length and dead on with girth.
@avvooooooo So you take a ruler to every cock you meet to see how accurate you are? Has anyone ever not met your minimum? What is your minimum, anyway?
Men frequently judge women by visible physical attributes (I will never forget the fat ugly guy in the Full Monty saying the beautiful woman was not acceptable because her breasts were too big).
But @avvooooooo I think you are making some males nervous and maybe feeling a little bit objectified by using a similar method on them
Going back to an old song, “It ain’t the meat, it’s the motion.” And that’s alls I’m gonna say on the topic.
@rooeytoo I always heard that two wrongs don’t make a right. And yes, such questions used to make me very anxious. But now that’s one thing crossed off the anxiety list in the last couple of years. Still, it kinda pisses me off. Like a kind of PTSD, I guess.
Ahhhhhhhhhh @daloon – welcome to the wonderful world of anxieties that females have decided to allow male society to impose upon them for, oh let’s see, the last couple of thousand years!
Actually years ago, in the shrink’s office while waiting my turn, I read an article in one of his oh so boring mags, named “Hung Like a Hampster.” It was interesting and I can understand how it would be traumatic for a male. I am sure many are very glad that the actual reality of their situation is not so evident as breast size. And also relieved that most women are less, (is shallow the correct word?) when choosing a mate.
This is a cruel world we live in, in so many ways, it is amazing any of us come out alive…......oh wait, we don’t, do we??!
No, I don’t take out a ruler. But its not hard to estimate. The minimum, which has indeed been met, is simply enough that you’re not saying “Is it in yet?” I think that the poor people who are more suited to an innie bellybutton than a vagina would be unsatisfactory for me. I have seen those that do not meet my minimum.
@avvooooooo I kind of suspect that the “estimates” are a bit off. Measurement error. Really helps explain the answers to another question about length that Dale Petrie asked a while back.
I use my hands. I look at someone, figure it out, and say for this person it should be about this big and about this wide. ;D And I’m usually right on. I don’t use math for this in the first place, because I don’t think like that, but I do figure it out mathematically once I measure it out. :)
False advertising is common. :D
@avvooooooo – that shirt is funny! false advertising, heheheheh!
Sexual satisfaction is very important to men as is indicated by another question by a guy who needs to find prostitutes to relieve his stress from insufficient sex.
But when a woman states a requirement for her to achieve satisfaction, it is not viewed in the same light.
The eyes is the first thing I look at. They say the eyes are the window to the soul. I like deep, kind eyes and a nice smile, a good personality, a good sense of humor, intelligence and a good listener.
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