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crazyandbeautiful's avatar

Need your best product to use for dry chapped lips?

Asked by crazyandbeautiful (554points) November 22nd, 2009

my lips have been dried and cracked for a week now. no idea why. what product do you use and where can i buy it? thanks so much. crazyandbeautiful

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21 Answers

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

I use Carmex, it can be bought any drug store in the world. It used to come in a white glass bottle with a yellow metal lid. Now it just comes in a tube. It’s the only thing to use in the Midwest, where the winter wind can peel the lips right off your face.

Buttonstc's avatar

I use Blistex. Not the stick one, but the one in the small tube.

If I don’t want that menthol taste then I have a few Chapstick tube ones in fruit

But the fruit flavor ones are more for regular preventative use, but to heal up severe chapping, you really need the mentholated stuff.

Both can be found in most drugstores.

avvooooooo's avatar

I like the Burt’s Bees stuff. They have colored and uncolored and glossy and sparkly and its all good for your lips!

gailcalled's avatar

Lots of answers to this question here and here

babiturtle36's avatar

I actually just did a search the other day for the best lip balms, and in the top 10 were carmex and burts bees. Both brands you can really get anywhere. I bought the carmex and it’s working great.

Jude's avatar

Another Carmex user here.

Facade's avatar

A natural or organic lip balm.
Sugar and olive oil exfoliation.
Don’t pick your lips.

lostinyoureyes's avatar

Any drugstore chapstick and Burt’s Bees are all epic FAILS.

Get some pure shea butter or any natural product with lots of shea butter in it.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

I just drink water

evegrimm's avatar

If you don’t need your lips healed right away, some vaseline (petroleum jelly) on your lips (and hands, and knees, and elbows) at night, then sleep on it, will soften up your lips incredibly.

Also, don’t waste your money on Aquaphor. Its active ingredient is petroleum jelly with fillers. :P

I would like to second (?) Carmex, Burt’s Bees, Blistex and Chapstick as good for maintenance. However, something in a tube or pot is best for chapped lips, so that you can glop it on. :D

If you like flavored stuff, Bonne Bell makes Lip Smackers that are well-flavored and easy to use. They also work surprisingly well, considering how cheap they are. The two things that worked while I was on Accutane (chapped lips OMG) were squeezy Carmex (cherry flavor!) and the extra big Tropical Punch Bonne Bell. (Stay away from the cola flavors, however—they tend to burn lips while chapped.)

sjmc1989's avatar

I love soft lips it smells yummy and it not greasy and they have new organic products as well!

sjmc1989's avatar

^Oh and to add you can buy it at any drugstores.^

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@lostinyoureyes how hard do you have to squeeze a shea to get the butter out of it? Do you have to squeeze it as hard as you do a baby to get baby oil?

avvooooooo's avatar

@lostinyoureyes Substantiation please?

lostinyoureyes's avatar

@avvooooooo – My own experience :) My whole life I’ve had extremely dry skin so I’ve tried everything. Besides, the drugstore products are all chemicals anyway… Burt’s Bees is natural but it’s not that effective because you have to constantly apply it (only to have it get chapped again), aside from the nice tingly minty feeling. I’m sure it could work somewhat for people who don’t have like, peeling, and cracked lips. Shea butter is one of the most moisturizing natural products available and has been used forever for all kinds of remedies.

@crazyandbeautiful – I forgot to add that you should see if you’re eating enough of the healthy oils.. like flax seed oil and olive oil (without frying). Try adding a couple teaspoons of flax seed oil in your food each day and see if your lips get any better.

DominicX's avatar

My lips never seem to get chapped, but my friend uses this chapstick with menthol in it called Natural Ice and she finds it very effective.

It’s apparently “natural”, so that should appease the chemophobes out there.

Haleth's avatar

I love Burt’s Bees, too. The mint flavored ones are my favorite, but I think mint oil is an irritant. Their other chapsticks are beeswax-based, and are awesome. I also love products from Lush. Their products can be heavily scented sometimes, but they are made with very pure natural ingredients. My favorite thing for dry lips is pure cocoa butter or pure shea butter. Cocoa butter is a solid that melts on contact with your skin, and it actually has a nice sweet smell. Shea butter is scentless and flavorless and very thick. It is very healing. Shea butter is the only thing that works on the eczema that I get every winter. is a soap supplies company that sells both of these products and seems to have great prices, and you can find pure versions of both of these products there. You might also be able to find it at a natural grocery store like a co-op or Whole Foods.

figbash's avatar

I think I answered a similar question – but hands down, Aquaphor. It’s medicated Vaseline and consistently recommended by dermatologists for severely chapped lips. You can get it at any pharmacy (and most supermarkets) and if you put it on before bed tonight, you’ll notice a difference by tomorrow morning.

Lightlyseared's avatar

When I was taking isotretinoin I used soft yellow paraffin which did a good job of keeping my lips from bleeding.

kruger_d's avatar

Neutrogena honey lip balm in the makeup section.

crazyandbeautiful's avatar

thanks all for your responses. i will try them out and let you know which one i will end up using.

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