General Question

bergjessika's avatar

How do i get a clean bikini line?

Asked by bergjessika (10points) November 22nd, 2009

need to clean up my “dirty downstairs” before heading to hawaii on xmas vacation

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11 Answers

Judi's avatar

Go for a professional wax. Take a couple of advil before you go.

NewZen's avatar

There are three observing members as I write this. What are they observing so much? Hee hee.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar


Oh wait.. not supposed to use that in certain areas. Lol.

Guess it’s gonna have to be wax.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Either wax or shave. I would personally shave it off completely. It’s much easier and you won’t have to worry about any stray hairs popping through your bikini!

rooeytoo's avatar

Isn’t this crazy? If women wore comfy baggy boardies as the boys do, you wouldn’t have to worry about such things nor would you have to worry about loosing your bottoms if you actually play in the surf.

If women didn’t have to pretend that they don’t have hair where they do, it wouldn’t be a worry either.

Now is someone going to come along and say women do this for other women! Could this possibly be true? And if it is, why?????

But if you gotta do it, then prepare yourself mentally for the pain and get the wax job.

Sarcasm's avatar

Rooey, maybe it’s not for real bikinis, maybe it’s for bedroom funtime.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Trim what’s on your torso, pluck what’s on your legs. No wax, no strangers touching your cooch, no salon fees.

rooeytoo's avatar

@Sarcasm – When she said she was going to Hawaii, I thought, beach, bikini…...

No matter, even if it is for the bedroom, the question is still why are women convinced they must do this? Do you get a wax job to have sex? Do you have to pretend you are a hairless child to satisfy cultural expectations?

Judi's avatar

@La_chica_gomela ; OUCH!!!! Plucking one at a time would REALLY HURT!! Way more than waxing.

filmfann's avatar

I am actually shocked no one has said anything the Mods would have to remove

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@Judi: It really doesn’t. It’s just like plucking my eyebrows. The first couple hurt, and then I get used to it, and it’s no big deal.

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