General Question

Tink's avatar

Why do people say, "You know I love you." when you are angry with them?

Asked by Tink (8673points) November 23rd, 2009 from iPhone

When your significant other gets you pissed why do they say that so you will forgive them?
Can’t they come up with something else to say? It’s not like if their mistakes will magically disappear as soon as they say that.

You never listen to what I have to say! You ignor me like I am just an empty can of coke!
No I don’t, you know how much I love you.

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12 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

I do that as a catch all to say that I was stupid. It works 99% percent of the time. You are 14 and I am 32. Your over-thinking the plate of beans reminds me why I stopped dating women without a diploma.

Judi's avatar

If My hubby and I get in a fight (which is rarely) he always says, “Why am I always the bad guy?”
I finally started saying that he’s the bad guy because we are fighting. What am I supposed to do, fight with him and yell at myself?

rooeytoo's avatar

Because men think women are sentimental fools who will melt into a little puddle of gratitude and forgiveness at the mere utterance of the “L” word, hehehe.

Don’t give in Tink, stay pissed and make him suffer for a while! Then kiss and make up and tell him never to do it again.

mowens's avatar

Because they want you to feel bad for yelling at them.

flameboi's avatar

easiest way to get out of a huge argumet that could be compared to a hurricane.

anon30's avatar

“You know i love you?” is the best way, imo to get out a fight, instead of just saying “sorry” or letting the fight get worst, “you know i lovee you” means the other doesn’t want to fight with you, and apologizes. thats my opinion though..

anon30's avatar

ah thanx for asking this question, i have some ideas on how to make my gf happy again

BluRhino's avatar

I think its nothing but a blatant attempt at manipulation and, as, stated above, to simply ‘get out’ of an argument…It would certainly not work on me…The time to say that effectively is when you are NOT fighting.

I took a course (offered through my church) called Non-Violent Communication, and was appalled at how rudely we communicate on a normal basis. If you get a chance to take it, it would change your relationship greatly, (imo)

CMaz's avatar

Insecurity, and unsureness.

J0E's avatar

Because even though you’re mad at each other in that moment they want you to know that they still love you.

colladom's avatar

ooor when people say “I love her but…” and then they proceed to talk shit about that person?

LTaylor's avatar

So you wont forget during the heat of the moment.

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