What are you thankful for?
This Thanksgiving what are you really thankful for and how will you express it? I believe it is very important to let those loved ones and friends know that you are grateful for and to them. You never know what can happen in an instant.
I’m curious, are there any of you that have any traditions or ideas on truly giving thanks to those around them?
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28 Answers
My partner, my children, my best friend, the rest of my family and the fact that I have a roof over my head, that none of us go hungry and that I have a job.
I make sure to let those I love know that they are precious.
I’m thankful for-
Whole family
My kittehs
My bunny
I’m still walking
My safe and calm house
Hubbs’ job
Our new couch
We have heat
I have clothes
My slippers holding up for another winter
Finding my long johns
Making a space for Hubbs to play music again
My scripts going on the 4 dollar list
I could go on forever- there aren’t enough days for me to give enough thanks.
My wife, and kids, my extended family, my job, our dog, our house, I could go on and on.
I’m thankful:
-That I live in a beautiful house
-That my housemates, while sometimes annoying, are friends that I get along with very well even after 2 years.
-That my kitties are healthy.
-That my dad has gotten his diabetes under control.
-That I finally had the courage to leave a bad relationship.
-That I finally had the courage to persue a new relationship that I really wanted, but is far from easy.
-That it’s only a month until the aforementioned boyfriend comes to visit me.
-That I have still managed to make ends meet, for the most part.
-That I’ve had amazing willpower in dieting these past several months and that everyone around me is noticing a change. (I would be more thankful if I noticed too.)
-That in a few days I’ll see my mom’s side of the family, who I only see twice a year.
-That even a ginormous pessimist like me can actually find something to be thankful for.
I’m very thankful for my health, family and friends. I’m thankful that I’m in my right mind and that I have a lovely place to rest my head at night. I’m thankful that I have plenty to eat. I’m grateful for so much.
I would like to be thankful, eventually, even for my past mistakes and for certain trials I’ve gone through in the past. I want to be grateful for them because, though painful, those events made me who I am today and put me on the path to meeting people who I love very dearly today. It’s only been lately that it’s occurred to me that those past situations are worth being thankful and grateful for. I’m not at that level of gratefulness yet, but I hope one day I will be.
My family and that I have a house to live in.
my blood tests coming back alll gooddddddd :) and my amazing sister, father, and dad’s girlfriend, and of course, my kittiessss.
I am thankful for the internet. Without it, I would live in the 70’s.
Besides the obvious like health, family and whatnot…
-As odd as it sounds, that my ex broke my heart. Gave me a new look on life.
-Humor. Without it we’d all lose our minds.
-That I’m only a college sophomore and have 5 semesters ahead of me still.
-The internet. Without it, no Fluther.
I’m thankful that no matter how many mood swings I have my fiancĂ© sticks by my side and is so understanding. I’m thankful for having my mom in my life and how close we have grown over the years. I’m also thankful for my family’s health. Nobody close to me is ill (with the exception of my aunt).
Thankful for every breath I take and every poop I make.
Everything!!!! except for my president, that asshole deserves to burn in hell
for my family, my friends, my health. and (crappy ass job) part time job i go to 4 days a week. other then that i am thankful for everything else i have in my life.
Being able to answer this question.
Everything, good and bad.
I can learn from the bad things, you know?
This year has been a good one. Mostly I’m thankful for my family. I’m also thankful for my bachelor’s degree, which I finished this year.
I’m also SO SO thankful that Barack Obama won the election. He’s not as liberal as I’d like, but I think he’s really trying, and I love having someone with an above average IQ in the White House!! :)
I will skip part A of the question and tackle part B (didn’t see too many responses).
We get together with my wife’s family and have the traditional Thanksgiving meal. This is an important part of the holiday for our family. However, before we travel to mom and dad’s, we have our own tradition. We always pray together at night before we go to bed. But around Thanksgiving, we have a special time of devotion. We will sing a song or two together, read a portion of the Bible, then go around the room and say something we are thankful for. Then, we go around the room and pray, thanking the Lord for his blessings on our life.
I am thankful for today.
I am thankful for Landon and Journee, my perfect children.
I am thankful I have lived 30 years without being touched by tragedy.
I am thankful for this hamburger I am about to eat.
I am thankful for my cats and hamsters.
I am thankful that my husband did dishes and laundry today.
I am thankful that someone out there is searching for a cure for cancer.
I am thankful for my two sisters.
I am thankful for my life, my breath, and every moment I have on this earth.
The kids, bless their little hearts, for they make every day worthwhile.
I am thankful for:
My wife (why does she put up with me?)
My job (so many now out of work)
My house, and retirement house (when others are losing theirs)
My health (every day I thank the Lord I don’t have a flesh eating disease)
My friends (why do they put up with me?)
My family
My Country (I am so lucky not to live under oppression, like so much of the world)
I feel embarassingly blessed, and I recognize my blessings.
Aside from my son, I am most thankful for my bed
I write a gratitude journal most days and this comes up time and time again
For all the things we should not take for granted. Family. Medicine. Jobs. Blessings of science and modern civilization. Peace in my country. Freedom. Democracy. Innovation. Positive outlook on the future.
I am thankful for every blessing in my life. There are so many. My wonderful husband and daughter are at the top of my list. How did I get so lucky to live the life I live with the people I live it with? I am thankful to God for all of it.
We are celebrating by going to lunch at my parents with all of my Dad’s family. My brothers, aunts, cousins, etc. Will all be there. We are also doing a Thanksgiving Supper for my step daughters and brother n law and friends who are coming in late that afternoon. They are spending the weekend. The house will be full, but it will be great!
I have decided that the day before Thanksgiving I am going to have an Un-Thanksgiving dinner where I can dwell on all of the things I am NOT thankful for and get it all out of my system.
I am thankful for my sons, and that there is still love in the world.
colour, particularly purple…and red… and the special ones like gold and bronze…and…oh all of them!
edit…but I do think it would be pretty interesting if we replaced all the brown things with a different colour….
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