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janbb's avatar

Why am I getting dizzy at night?

Asked by janbb (63360points) November 23rd, 2009

O.K. – here’s the story. I often get stuffed up ears and a nostril, particularly on my left side, from allergies. If I sleep on my left side, I sometimes get a headache there, too. For the last week or so, if I sleep on my left side and wake up in the night, I am a little dizzy. I know I could go to the doctor and will if it persists, but it seems such a nebulous thing, that he will probably dismiss it. Anyone have any ideas? (Hearkat?) It feels to me like it is related to the allergies/stuffiness. It is not labyrinthitus – I’ve had that and that’s much worse. Thanks for any broad, speculative suggestions.

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16 Answers

sndfreQ's avatar

Possible Sleep Apnea or Hypopnea. Get checked out asap!

dpworkin's avatar

Anything going on in your oto-naso-laryngeal tract could effect your vestibular system, but I’m sure you are better off waiting for @hearkat.

jenandcolin's avatar

That is one of my panic disorder symptoms…
I get headaches and dizziness (esp. at night or first thing in morning).
Could you have a panic disorder? I know, this might sound like a shot in the dark but it happened to me.
A lot of times there are other symptoms that you might think are unrelated (I had blurry vision, headaches, dizziness, and occasional numbness in my arm).

Dog's avatar

You could also be a bit dehydrated and have lower blood pressure when you first get up. If you rise quickly you will get dizzy or light headed. Just another possibility.

dpworkin's avatar

Orthostatic hypotension makes you feel like you are going to collapse, though. It’s not exactly light dizzyness.

nebule's avatar

@janbb Wow! How weird… I recently went to the doctor with this…he checked me out… I was getting particularly dizzy when I led down at night and occasionally during the day with very very bad headaches at the back of my head… I felt an unusual displacement in the world…

He basically diagnosed me with my balance being “off” although there was no infection or anything wrong with my ears as such… He said it was a problem with my nerve sensors all over my body connecting neurologically and would probably set itself straight…(lol)

I thought it was a very cool way of my body telling me to start finding some balance, peace and chill out more…

it went away for a bit and has now returned…:-(

chocomonkey's avatar

Could be a sinus infection, no?

filmfann's avatar

Do you have a hypoallergenic pillow?

janbb's avatar

@chocomonkey Don’t think it’s a sinus infection because my sinuses aren’t aching.

@filmfann Good thought. I don’t and I should probably get one. That may be part of the problem at least.

I do think the dizziness is related to the stuffed-upness and I am coughing a bit today too. So maybe I either have an upper respiratory thing going on or it’s the allergies.

Thanks for the suggestions all!

(Still hoping to hear from Hearkat.)

mattbrowne's avatar

There are dozens of reasons for dizziness. A doctor can help you find out.

hearkat's avatar

Here I am!
I have a friend in crisis, and I haven’t been able to check in…
my apologies, Jan! (next time – call, email or text me!)

Pressure from the sinuses can effect the inner ear, as well. It is good that you have the previous bout of labyrinthitis to compare your symptoms with. That would have been true vertigo – a spinning sensation that makes you nauseous. It sounds like now you are experiencing a more fleeting dysequilibrium.

Does it only happen right as you move to change positions?
If yes – is the direction of movement that seems to trigger it consistent?
Which specific movements seem to set it off?
Is there anything that you do that seems to help it feel better (e.g., eyes open vs. closed; stay still vs. keep moving)
During the day does your balance seem 100% normal?

Try a decongestant (Sudafed or generic) or expectorant (Mucinex or generic) – if they are safe for you based on your medical history (consult your physician and/or pharmacist to check for potential drug interactions and/or medical contraindications). If you have an allergy medication, take it consistently for the next week. As I always suggest, eat healthfully, hydrate throughly, and sleep adequately.

If it is safe for you to do so, taking a Benedryl at night could help with allergies as well as suppression of the dysequilibrium… the medication in Benedryl is the same as that in the Tylenol PM and similar pain relievers, and it is in the same class of medications as Dramamine and Antivert (Meclizine). Again, don’t mix without first clearing it with your Dr./Pharmacist.


@lynneblundell: your symptoms seem a bit different… especially the headache. However, as I recall, you are a single mother to a young child and you are trying to lose weight. Stress, anxiety, sleep deprivation and inadequate nutrition/hydration can trigger headaches and dizziness. Since you say the headaches are very bad, there is also the possibility of Migraine, for which dizziness is often an associated aura (one can even have Migraine aura without a headache).

For you my first recommendation is to focus on nutrition, not calories. Drink a lot of caffeine-free and alcohol-free beverages. Avoid processed and artificial ingredients. Try to simplify and de-stress as much as you can.

If you have ringing in the ears (tinnitus), nausea/vomiting, or hearing loss associated with your dizziness, see an Ear, Nose & Throat specialist.
If you experience any blurring or double vision, motor coordination problems or numbness/tingling in the extremities, see a Neurologist.

nebule's avatar

@hearkat you are GOOD!!! :-D I did actually have ringing in my ears (and slight deafness) last time when I went to the doctors but not so this time… very useful information though thank you soooo much… anyway..I’ll let you get back to the matter in hand… thank you though xxx

hearkat's avatar

@lynneblundell: Don’t mention it. That’s what Jellies are for!

chaingarden's avatar

perhaps a new doctor who won’t dismiss your concerns?

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