At what age were/are you the happiest in your life? What is the connection?
When I think of pure joy and happiness, I cannot think of a much better age than about 8 on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa to come. Of course, it’s not that I’m miserable now .. it’s just that I can’t really think of a happier time than that. At what age were/are you the happiest.. and why?
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Right now. Though I am rarely just happy about myself, I get prouder and happier each day watching my children (now young adults) grow.
When my kids were born, and little….so soft, so sweet…I could go to bed knowing right where they were, and they were safe and protected…..
Staying in the moment is the key for me. As I age, I could worry about the future or wish I could relive the past but it is fruitless.
So I am healthy and fit and happy as a clam right this minute so I’ll say right now!
@rooeytoo I could say that about every minute of my life, too!! (I still wish I could tuck my chilluns into bed, instead of worrying about how one is drinking too much, and she has two kids (my grandkids, duh) and the other has no job, no car, and two kids…and there isn’t anything I can do to help I can’t just tuck them into bed and know they’re safe and well and everything is OK….)
I don’t know; I’m pretty damn happy right now at 18. It’s a combination of going to Stanford and feeling right at home here and having an amazing boyfriend who is near perfect. It’s kinda hard to beat this…
I’ve always been a fairly happy person, though.
@rooeytoo You reminded me of When I am Six by A.A. Milne.
@NewZen O. Write a few lines, would you?......? To refresh my memory of my most favorite author in the whole world (next to Kipling)...
@holden It shall….the downs will be as drastic as the ups. That will never change. Just recognize, and dwell on and hang on to the “ups” harder than you do the “downs.”
@NewZen & @Val123 – I wasn’t familiar with the poem so I googled it and here it is, I like it! And let me tell you at almost 65 I am definitely as clever as clever! heheheh, you have to be to survive.
When I was One,
I had just begun.
When I was Two,
I was nearly new.
When I was Three
I was hardly me.
When I was Four,
I was not much more.
When I was Five, I was just alive.
But now I am Six, I’m as clever as clever,
So I think I’ll be six now for ever and ever.
The happiest I have ever been was my senior year of HS, about 17/18 yrs old. I’ve never had more fun than I had that year.
@Val123 The post about your kids made me tear up ;) I can remember being pretty darn happy one year on Christmas eve. I was about 5 or 6 years old and I was staying with my dad that year. Around 1am my step mom woke me up and whispered “Look! Out in the living room! Hurry!” So I scurried out of bed and quietly peaked around the corner. To my delight there was a big jolly looking man in a red Santa suit, taking gifts from his bag and placing them under the tree. My eyes grew big and a huge smile crept across my face. It was magical.
Of course many years later I found out that the jolly fat man putting presents under the tree had been my father. But I’ll never forget that moment :)
I am glad to say I am happiest right now
@BellaButterfly, in a way, it’s even more magical to think that your dad would go through the process of finding and donning the Santa suit, just to give you that moment of excitement.
@PandoraBoxx Exactly. It’s one of the very few magical things my father has ever done for me. So I’ll never forget it…
I’ve had many happy moments in my life, but one that stands out (specifically because I suppose you could say I had an epiphany) was at 16, standing nude in the rain. No one was home, the house I grew up in was surrounded by a corn field with no close neighbors so no one could see me. I would often stand in the rain. However, on this day I chose to do it naked. I was in the back yard staring at the clouds, feeling the rain cleanse me. I realize I could be that happy at any moment in my life if I just allowed myself to be, if I just stopped long enough to see the beauty around and in me. I realized I could be whatever I wanted and that nothing, especially a fictitious god, could stop me. It was a beautiful feeling.
For me, every time my kids smile is the happiest moment of my life, or when they do something that makes me proud. My, they are growing up so fast. They are 6 and 2. My second time would be my last year of high school, I had a lot of friends then, and I had so much time to get on with my life.
Is it sad to say that when I got married wasn’t the time that I picked? Because, yes.. it was a good day.. but it didn’t have that same innocent magic of being an 8 year old. I dunno.. I’m just being honest.
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It always makes me so curious when I see huge empty spaces like that, now what the hell were they saying???
I asked for my comments to removed becuase I was hurt and upset when I typed them.
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