What would you do with the winnings from a fifty-two week lottery winning spree?
Imagine that you won the jackpot on the lottery once a week for a year. According to this site the average jackpot for the National Lottery is £2 million. That makes £104 million for you to do whatever you wish.
Think of all the things you could do.
A lot of lives could be fixed with that kind of money. As well as making life for you and your family very comfortable.
Of course, there’s plenty of creative things you might like to do. and with that in mind I thought it would make for an interesting discussion.
Go wild, you’re rich.
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27 Answers
I’d make the structural repairs that need to be made on my 100 year old house, and sell it at a loss to someone who admires it. I’d pay off my children’s educations, buy everyone new cars (newest household vehicle is 1997), set money aside for my niece’s education, send my sister to college, give money to the public library and public radio, hire personal care for my mother, and surprise a person or two with their student loans being paid off. I’d buy a place on a lake with a great screened porch, and work part time so I could enjoy it.
I won’t know til I actually win. People say they will do this and that, but money changes people.
Remember how on DuckTales, Scrooge used to put on his bathing suit and dive into his vault and swim around in the money? Yeah.
Lots and lots of meaningless casual sex with the inevitable gold diggers the money would attract.
Exotic sport cars here I come.
I’ll tell you what I’d do, man: two chicks at the same time.
I’d get my own place. I’d get a new computer. I’d relax.
* Bill Graham’s Masada compound
* A helicopter and plane
* Suite of rooms on one of those live-on world traveling ships
* Sailing boat
* World touring with lover and group of friends
* Space shuttle Buran
* Ex soviet submarine
* Several small islands
* Martial arts training school like in “Enter The Dragon”~
I would buy a simple home and a car. Off the grid.
Knowing I would not need for anything, just feeling the calm od not having to worry abut most of what I did before I won.. I do not need to prove anything to anyone.
The same thing that I do with money now, save it.
I hope I would put atleast half of it towards my dream, owning a large Bible camp. The other half would go towards making the life of me and my family better. If I still have stuff left over, I would get a cool rec room for the camp.
Same as I’d do with a one-time win:
Call lawyer/financial planner——-> pay off debts——-> set up production company & home in the UK——-> make several anonymous donations.
Damn you Sarcasm… I was planning on using the line from Office Space.
I would buy my mom and sister a new house. I would also buy a house for each each of my sisters kids. The kids would get a very planned way of paying for their education. I’m not dumb enough to give a 18 year old 100K. Someone would have to check their grades and administer the money on a schedule.
I would be in Puerto Rico getting drunk and surfing.
Do the same, but be very, very well-dressed.
Give a portion to charity. Get a Bentley so I can say I have a Bentley. Pay off my parents debts, and maybe close friends too. Take a humongous road trip then see the world with the people I love. That would include spending lots of time in Egypt and Greece, then I’d book a flight to the moon.
Having seen that program on 60 Minutes on death and dying, I think I’d find a way to use at least half the money to fund hospice programs or research in to palliative care. Another quarter or more for energy research and sustainable agricultural development. The rest – that’s for me and my honey to decide on.
I would set up a charitable trust, put the money into a high interest earning account, hire all my relatives to sit around and pick the people who would receive the grants I would give away.
I would invest as much as it took to be able to live off the interest.. and a large sum of it would go to research on fragile x syndrome and a cure/prevention/medication for it.
I would pay off my parents and my sister’s houses. I’d renovate my grandma’s house. I’d set up college funds for my two neices and nephew. Then I’d buy myself a house, take a leave from work and travel all I wanted for a while. Then I’d come back and work part time.It sounds good but being rich and unemployed is probably boring. It would be to me anyway.
Some good answers. I was hoping for a fee more really interesting ones though :P
@MacBean I’m sure physics would have something to say about you swimming in money, but fuck it, you’re reach just buy new physics eh? ;)
@PandoraBoxx, @aprilsimnel, @knitfroggy I like the idea of continuing to work even though you don’t really need to. I’d probably continue to work, but because it won’t be solely to earn a living, I can do something I really, really love. I’d probably write a book, self-publish it and then laugh at everyone buying the world’s worst best-seller. Or I’d burn from the shame of not being able to make it that far on my own.
I’d also like to get as much education as I can and would enjoy being able to enroll for as many courses as took my fancy.
@MrGeneVan This is purely hypothetical and there must be plenty of things a large sum of money could help you out with. Money often does change people and I’d like to think it would change me for the better.
@J0E You would just save £104 million? Somehow I don’t believe it!
@hungryhungryhortence A helicopter and a plane? Now that’s just greedy ;)
I wonder if £104 million is enough to set up camp in space for a few months. There’s a few things that zero gravity would make incredibly fun.
Of course, I like to think that I would spend a great deal of it on more needy people, as many of you have mentioned. Anonymous donations would be really good fun and a great way to help some people out.
Thanks everyone for participating! :)
Fact from fiction, truth from diction. One can burn through 100 million quite easy of one is not careful, a pro ball team or two and there it goes. I would use the cash to fund some of the inventions that I have and used the money from those to set up live-in high schools for teen mothers dumb enough to get knocked up by the captain of the basketball team because he said “I will love you forever, if you really loved me….”, because I don’t think the child should suffer behind a mother who chances are won’t graduate much less go in to college and actually be able to raise a child off of state aid. Part of the money I would set up an organization that help other inventors get patents (for a nominal cut of the profit, if any, for a limited time). And set up a teaching college for eye doctors, and dentist so poor and low income people can get and afford glasses and dental work they can’t get now even with insurance (because it maybe deemed cosmetic and not necessity).
I’d give a chunk to the Salvation Army and the NSPCA. Then I’d buy the houseboat used on Sleepless in Seattle AND a huge house in the Napa Valley of California on land. Lots of land. I’d hire the best cooks possible; Chinese cooks. I’d get a Lear Jet, and pay for us to have lots of cosmetic surgery by the finest
California surgeons. The ones on tv would be fine. I’d buy my kids anything they want and take the jet to some Jimmy Buffett concerts—front row seats. And I’d top it off with a home theater and Neiman Marcus clothes for both of us. It’s really almost endless what you could do.
I’d set up a retirement community for the elderly where they could do things that they weren’t able to when they were younger. It doesn’t matter if they want to learn to read and write, travel, dance, whatever… Just because people grow older doesn’t mean that they don’t have dreams of their own. I’d want them to be able to let go of things that worry them like paying for their medications, having a place to live when their children don’t want to take care of them and etc. and just be happy and live.
First. Pay all my debt. Yeah!!! Pay off my kids college debts as well.
Then pay off my moms home. Send her and my sister and brother on a nice vacation. (I’ll be there too, with my children and my husband.
Build a home in Puerto Rico.
Hire a personal trainer to get in shape and then go clothing shopping for my new slimmer figure.
Buy cars for my brother, my husband, myself and my children. (only one each)
Pay off my inlaws bills.
Build my own state of the art gym.
Donate to veterans and build a state of the art rehab gym for disabled vets.
Build a home near my mom and purchase a condo here.
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