I watched ‘An american werewolf in london’ when I was about 7 or 8, it was my birthday, and my friends from school all came over for a party, I don’t think my mother really new what I’d got from the video shop, and to be fair, videos where fairly new.
All sat round the tele, we watched the film, my cousin Andy spent the whole film behind the tele, whereas I was glued.
That night (as you can probably imagine) I didn’t get a winks sleep, and I was sleeping head to toe with one of my school friends.
Every night I would go to sleep and pull the covers right over my head with just my nose sticking out, and I used to think, if anything comes into the room, my brother will get it first coz he’s nearest the door!....
Most of my nightmares were recurring, and would always involve a door of some discription which I was trying to lock. I would close the door, lock it, and then check the handle, but everytime I turned the handle, the door would open. This would repeat untill I was frantically trying over and over to lock the door, whilst ever mindfull that out in the distance in the pitch dark of the woods that I could see through the door window, there was a monster heading towards me.
Every night it would be the same scenario, the door wouldn’t lock, and then all of a sudden I would be attacked. My mum got worried at one point because I would wake up and the bed would be wet through from a cold sweat, but I never told her about the nightmares.
Years went by, and I had learn’t that sleeping on my back would induce a nightmare, and still does some nights even now at 34. But over those years I had also derived methods of surviving the nightmare attacks, and even defeating the werewolf that plagued my dreams.
These nightmares became ever more ferocious in nature culminating in an epic realistc yet amazingly sureal battle between a werewolf, a zombie and my mum.
Sat in the dining room in the bungalow we lived in, I was going through my usual routine of closing the door as the sun was going down, and becoming ever more ancious and looking out to the woods waiting for the inevitable, but after about the sixth time of trying the handle, this big fuckin scary werewolf runs at me and I just manage to pull the door accross its face, but as I do this, from round the corner a feckin 8 foot zombie stops me from closing the door fully and screams ‘HE’S MINE!’ to the werewolf, now usually by this time I’ve been mauled to death by the werewolf and woken up, but for some reason my brain had decided that another 20 seconds or so of fear was necessary, so as this zombie breaks through the door and reaches for me, my mum from behind, picks me up with one arm and pushes me into the corner of the ceiling, when I duly woke up with my heart trying to burst out of my chest (and the bed wringing wet!). I was 15!......
Furtunately, that was pretty much the last I saw of the werewolf. He still visits me from time to time, but I’ve learn’t all the signs of when he’s around, and I’ve found now that, a preemtive strike with my hands in its mouth and wrenching its jaws open untill its head splits open backwards usually does the trick.
Looking back now though, a few good things came from the nightmares, I can now fly in most of my dreams, I always remember them when I wake up, most of my dreams are lucid, nothing is stronger than me in my dreams, and on accasion, I have been known to morph into things, including ironically, a werewolf!......
So far in my dreams I have been:
blown up
eaten alive
and possessed.
Strangely though, I have noticed that I’ve only ever had one dream where I was in space?????? probably because I’ve never been, who knows…...