What do about friend drama?
When friends start drama over other friends, what are you suppose to do? One of my friends(friend A) just lost her best friend, and always talks about her to me. Me personally I hate listening to it.. I don’t like talking about my best friends behind their backs. Friend A will always say how my other friends are such bad friends, and there fake, and have terrible personality’s. And the people friend A is talking about are my best friends since kindergarten! I can’t listen to it anymore, and when I stick up for my best friends friend A argues with me saying how she knows I know shes right. But I just lost one of my friends, and now I keep my friends really close to me, my best friends are obviously closer to me than friend A. What should I say to friend A? I’m just out of ideas . Thank you very much :)
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27 Answers
Slap her. It will make you feel better
Sit her down and talk to her. If you dont enjoy being around her she isn’t really a friend. Anyways Good luck!
Sit down, have a few beers, enjoy the night…
Tell friend A that you would like to stay out of the conflict. If friend A doesn’t understand, friend A is not a true friend.
By “lost my/her best friend” do you mean they died, or they are no longer your friend? Big difference.
They are no longer my friend
i am also currently having friend drama, well, have been for a few years with my friend “A”. pretty much its difficult for me because she is the one friend that i have known literally my entire life. we know everything about eachothers lives (but in a wierd way we dont know eachothers deep dark secrets) but still we know about family and friend problems and parent problems and we went through a lot growing up like trips dumb adventures etc. but lets say for an example i have 2 great friends A and B. A dated Bs brother behind her back and B hated her for it. its been 3 or 4 years and still not over it. they just arent friends anymore. both A and B are my 2 best friends and i cant ever hang out with them together. always separate. it kills me because on my bday or at a party its always like picking sides and if they both come then its awkward. the worst is that i have so much fun with B but i feel bad because A doesnt really have too many friends.
sorry for the long response…so im pretty much stuck in the middle all the time but since i know how each one is and behaves, and their personality, or what they will be interested in doing, or the type of conversation im in the mood for, i pick A or Bits a messy sit. but i have learned how to handle it and i just try to keep it balanced. and if i get annoyed with one of them i just spend a little bit of more time away from the other. i do this because i coudnt ever actually sit down and have a confrontation with A because thats how she ended up without friends, she avoids all confrontation. so for now i see it like its my life, i need to make myself happy, and if your sick of thier bitching just change the subject or reminice about something. it works.
@nimarka1 I’m dying a slow death due to lack of punctuation and grammar…....
@ShiningToast: Look to your right. I am in the bed next to you in ICU.
Harrow185 is my twin Sam <3
Beautiful, @onsblond, but where’s the card?
ok I also have a life and im just trying to help someone. i dont have time nor do i care about punctuation or grammar on here, its not an english paper. i feel bad for harrow185 for having her time waisted with your comments.
@nimarka1 Just a word to the wise. It’s a good idea to appease the grammar and spelling police. The know people—way high up! And also, bad spelling and poor grammar can get your comment removed by a moderator.
@nimarka1:If your remarks are too muddled, it is difficult to prepare a clear and useful answer; thus you waste our time. Maybe yu both can learn some things that are useful and will hold you in good stead later on.
To the OP:
There is a significant difference between a friend and a social acquaintance.
Good for you for sticking up for your lifelong friends. Keep doing so. That’s loyalty.
Obviously A cannot take a hint so next time she starts in, repeat what you’ve told her before in a very calm and clear manner. If she ignores your polite request to quit gossiping about your friends just put your fingers in your ears and start humming la la la la la. I can’t hear you. If that doesn’t stop the nonsense, walk away or tell her to take a hike.
True friends respect their friends polite requests. If she can’t or won’t do that you are not obligated to listen to her talking trash.
Remember: fingers in ears, la la la. You have rights too. Don’t be afraid to assert them.
You married the “card”
Cute and apropos.
DO you hang out with friend A? As buttonstc said, you have rights too. If she is bothering you, speak up to her.
Welcome to Fluther.
I just noticed your screen name. How fitting for the solution to this question. She could just repeatedly hum your name. How handy is that?
Haha, I may take it into consideration. I might use that during school tomorrow when the teacher is explaining the directions on our test. I can use it during English too when we have to read. Who knew that phrase could clear so much up. Good job on the screen name cutoes to you..Hmm is that how you spell cutoes ? Tricks me every time (sneaky devil)
Kudos. Like the candy bar.
Now now, I refuse to accept responsibility for any unwarranted use of the la technique in situations where it interferes with your primary job. What job, you ask. Every students primary job is their education. To circumvent that just cripples you for life.
Anyhow, use it on the obnoxious gossiping friend/acquaintance/whatever.
Use according to directions.
@nimarka1 If you don’t care enough to give us punctuation and grammar, why should I give you my time with an answer? Just a thought.
@ShiningToast i never even asked you a question and i never asked you for your time. I don’t understand why your being so selfish. I only answered this question to help somebody, maybe it did help maybe it didn’t. All i was trying to do is give someone advice and then i get slammed for it? If my response bothered you so much because of its lack of punctuation and grammar, for next time please do me a favor and dont waist your time. whenever you see my name again, please don’t even bother to read on. as long as my message help in any way why does it matter. It’s ridiculous that that is what you focus and care more about, please go be someone else’s english teacher!
What i learned a few years ago from very painful experience, is that a person isn’t ever two faced part time. I had a friend all through school, through a fair bit of adulthood, i am in my 40’s lol. Anyway, there were three of us, mates in school. and one friend was always going on about the other one behind her back. The other friend actually married her brother and then she would go on and on about both of them. Some of it pretty vicious. I would tell her to pack it in, that im not interested, go tell them to their face if she had a problem with them. Well, long story short. I found out that the running joke between these two friends (instigated by the friend who had always run the other one down) was that I was a “psycho junkie” because I’d had a breakdown and had to take anti depressants and pain meds for arthritis. Haven’t spoken to either of them now for a few years and if I went to my grave never having spoken to either of them again, well it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
If this friend is bad mouthing your other friends, chances are she’s doing it behind your back too, because two faced people are just two faced. What to do about it? just let it all go over the top of your head and stay out of it. Tell the friend that you don’t want to listen to it, if she has a problem with others, go talk to them about it, not put you in the middle. Life is too short honey. Take care of yourself, hugs xx
@nimarka1: (It’s still a waste of my time to remind you that “waist” is that thing around your middle. Why not get it right?)
Since you are repeating, I will also. I would love to read your answers and respond but find it too difficult (since English is my mother tongue). You may hate what I write, but you can understand it.
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