Would you ever consider taking your Fluther relationships to another level?
I’m sure many of you long term Fluther users have gotten close to a few people on here. Would you ever consider getting in touch with any of them via phone? Or even meeting (if you lived close enough to one another). Do you think you could have a good friendship with anyone here in real life? Good enough to give out your number or address?
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105 Answers
Maybe Val cause her son is a total cutie.
I like being able to answer questions personally without being too personal.
If that makes sense. I think outside of Fluther with the exception of Facebook or IM it’d take away from that.
Sure – why not?Just not on facebook – I hate facebook. Phone calls and letters and eventually meeting – it would be great.
@rangerr He is cute. But I’d talk to Val just cuz she seems like a great person ;)
Allie sent me a birthday present.
Val is a meanie butt. She keeps trying to feed me things that would make me frow up. :P
@johnpowell Really?! I would totally send my Fluther friends gifts in the mail! And holiday cards!
I don’t think so. Some people who PM me seem very angry.
I have. I’m very close with quite a few Jellies actually. I don’t know if they’d want me to mention their names, but I’ve sent snail mail to about eight jellies, talked on the phone with/texted about twelve or thirteen, and sent gifts to six. And I’m Facebook friends with something like 23(ish) jellies.
P.S. – It just occurred to me that all of these jellies are the ones that I met when I first joined over a year ago.
A conversation with @PnL:
PnL: “take it further…by talking on phone”
Me: uhh, haha, I think we’re like… Fluther dating then.
PnL: yeah. since we phone, text, send gifts and skype.
PnL: and we aren’t even monogamous about it!
Ivan’s visiting me in a few weeks. I’m facebook friends with a handful and have chatted with a few, but that’s about it.
—Edit: Come to think of it, I’d only meet up with the women, gay men and the transgenders here. The guys can be real shitheads.—No offense to the gay men.——
My husband and I exchanged phone numbers with someone here that lives 90 miles away and supposedly puts on a kickass Halloween display and party. Unfortunately we couldn’t visit due to money troubles but we do plan to visit some day.
@oratio Good point. I would have to be careful who I gave out personal info to. But I trust that most of my Fluther friends aren’t weirdos or creepers. I think.
I’ve sent snail mail. Plan on meeting up with a flutherer close by. I would meet up with some if they were ever in the area, and have attempted to but the timing was off.
There are certain times when something happens and I know a certain flutherer would find it funny, and I wish I could text I’m a texting addict But, I do not have phone numbers of anyone.
I had dinner with Nikipedia. She drove up from SF. I had drinks with Judochop and NoCountry2. They lived a few blocks away. I have talked to Delirium and Riser on the phone. I have mailed Allie and Nikipedia stuff. Allie and WhatTheFluther have mailed me stuff.
I’m not even sure how many of us have chatted on Skype.
I have a few fluther members numbers, and text them sometimes!
Would I ever meet/hangout with some of them? Absolutely.
I like having text buddies, since I’m such a textwhore.
Plus me and a few others have webcammed together <3 Such a good night!
@johnpowell WhatTheFluther is very generous. Isn’t he. =)
Hmm I like that idea. Anyone want a pen pal? Or an awkward situation texting buddy?
I’d keep it anonymous though. I fear that I already know one of you and you now know all my secrets.
I’m so surprised to hear that so many of you have already been in contact with people from Fluther! I feel so left out!
Yes, I would. I’ve done it before.
I’d happily meet people from this website. In fact the people I game with online are coming up from Tennessee to hang out for winter break. I’m more excited to meet them than I am my family members for the holidays.
There are of course some online ‘friends’ I’d rather avoid….
Adding to what @Allie mentioned above: I’ve skyped with at least 15 Flutherites. I text with and AIM message a few (like @johnpowell) quite often. Some of us send each other gifts on christmas or birthdays. I’ve met up with delirium and lefteh for lunch and we plan to do so again in the future but our busy schedules always come in between :(. I am convinced I’ll meet Allie and omfgtalijustimdu one day. And I’ll be pissed if I am not invited to their wedding :P. Ditto for uberbatman and trance. And really, the whole original campfire gang (much <3 and <4)!
Soo to sum up:
Would you ever consider getting in touch with any of them via phone? – Done
Or even meeting (if you lived close enough to one another) – Done
Do you think you could have a good friendship with anyone here in real life? – Done
Good enough to give out your number or address? – Done
@jonsblond :: Yes he is. I asked a question about were to start with classical music. He offered to send me some CDs. They are awesome.
Honestly, I’m in real-life contact with some people from Askville (some of who are also on fluther) but haven’t spent enough time here to really know a lot of flutherites well enough to have a lot of off-site contact besides adding a few to facebook.
@NewZen True. But mail travels just about anywhere!
PM me for my address and we’ll be penpals. Do you collect coins?
I have some of @casheroo‘s son’s artwork on my wall. :D I <3 that little boogerbeast. One day, I shall meet him in person! I’ve gotten postcards and notes from a couple other Jellies, too. I’d text/snail mail with more people more often, but I’m shy and don’t want to seem stalkerish by asking for numbers and addresses.
@NewZen Sounds good! No I don’t…is that something you’re interested in?
I should add by saying if anyone wants my number, ask! I love texting.
@Val123 You’re here! Woo hoo!
I have a lot of personal contact with my Wis.dm friends, but that didn’t start happening until I was there about a year….the first time I spoke with a wis.dmr IRL, on the phone, I was almost shaking! It got much easier after that.
@ItalianPrincess1217 Yes, I’m here! Be right back! Gotta do some research, ladies!
@MacBean lol you can help me instill our neurotic tendencies into him. Hubby already thinks he’s a little homebody because of me…I’m apparently creating an agoraphobic monster.;) lol
Well this is so reassuring…Now I won’t feel weird when I pm someone on here asking for their info to send them letters or cards!
@chelseababyy I just didn’t want anyone to think I was a stalker. Know what I mean? Silly, I know.
Sure. I met several people from wis.dm, a few of them I call friends rather than acquaintances and have met more times since then so I welcome the same experience with some jellies.
@ItalianPrincess1217 Hah. No worries. I always think I’m that way. I don’t have many friends IRL :\ so I know how it can be.
@ItalianPrincess1217 Well, I don’t see any difference in writing here, live, in real time, than sending my thoughts in a letter which you’ll get in 7–10 days. May as well trade coins or stamps if we’re gonna pay for a letter. I like coins more, nowadays. You? Got any baseball cards or comics?
@chelseababyy Me either. I don’t know what happened. When I left my last job, I lost all my friends :( I have one best friend and that’s about it!
@ItalianPrincess1217 Yeah, I’ve been moving around for the past few years so it’s hard. Plus most of the people I work with here are pretty lame.
@NewZen I agree. Stamps are expensive these days! Hmm well I must admit, I don’t know the first thing about collecting coins but maybe you could teach me what to look for and I’ll send one when I find a good one. Nah I’m not into baseball cards or comics either. I mostly collect anything that involves scrapbooking. It’s my hobby. Stickers, stamps, papers, etc. Lame I know ;)
Girls, girls! I couldn’t help but notice you’re…discussing my single son. Single as in…he’s the only son I got!
Were you talking about this one
This one
Or THIS one??!!
@Val123 If that shirt wasn’t tucked in.. that one!
@rangerr rofl!
@Val123 No worries! I won’t steal him away from ya! I’m happily taken so I’ll leave him for @rangerr ;)
@Val123 How many tats does that child have?!?
@tatoooooooooooo Too many for my likin’! But, in this case, not a shadow on his character. He’s been on his own since he was 17, and for 4 years after he move out with his GF, (when he was 17) well, she fancied herself a tattoo artist. I protested with each one that showed up but….I think he’s a bit regretful now. However, he’s working toward his biology degree (focus on herpetology) and he figures the snakes won’t mind.
Definitely. I’ve been in email contact with 4 jellies since I’ve been around here. I’ve only actually physically met one jelly so far, but that was a really great time. I hope in the next few weeks, to finally meet two others that live really close…lookin forward to that.
Like @Val123 said, I’ve had some contact with wis.dm friends. Besides living with one (@jeanna is mahbabby) I’ve spoke to another on the phone and have a few numbers from them that I text occasionally.
@Sampson You have Jeanna? Thank goodness! I kinda worried at times… Who ARE you and how did you know who I was?
Yes, in fact I am hosting a Fluther meet up at a local hotel here in Sacramento in April. PM me if you are intested in more info.
@YARNLADY You go! (Remember Simone’s camping trip? Who all made it?....?)
@YARNLADY Cute. Meet-up on Fluther would be very cool. I love Foursquare for this reason – but I don’t play games.
If we’re talking date, though… I think I would want to try it out on a blog first , you know to see if you exist (Facebook is like a driver’s license so that could work) ... hmm. Good question.
I’m down for a SF meet-up. If Andrew and Ben show up we could settle the debate about who would win in a fight. My money is on Ben. His legs are impressive.
@ItalianPrincess1217 The nest coins are the ones made of gold, and the older the better. If you find any old gold pieces lying around, mail them to me.
Scrapbook stuff is not for me; I’m blind and colour-blind when I can see something anyway. Photos and stuff are not me. Not lame, just not me.
But send me some coins and we’ll talk. Gold. Then silver.
Comics and cards are fun, but so 40 years ago. I prefer Krugerands now.
McBealer and I have met in person. I have exchanged phone numbers with a few, email a few, snail mail two, am facebook friends with many, and communicate through tumblr with many. If more lived close by, I’d have met more of them.
And I want to fight Allie. I’m pretty sure that if you bet you should put your money on her. She is crazy mean.
Aside from living with one (as @Sampson mentioned, we live together), I’ve met a few people from wis.dm but none exclusively from fluther. I definitely consider many people from wis.dm friends and a few from fluther. @eponymoushipster and I have chatted a good bit. I have lots of emails and phone numbers from my wis.dm friends. I haven’t been very active on fluther until recently, but I’m all for meeting/talking/texting/chatting with people.
I think it’s great for people to meet. It’s mostly been good when I have met people from wis.dm, with one exception.
I have met @janbb in person, and would love to get together with other Jellies. There are many of us in the Mid-Atlantic. I am on an iPhone social site, and I have met several of them in person, and a bunch of us are travelling to Florida in January for a get-together. Which sadly means that it is highly unlikely that I can travel to CA for @YARNLADY‘s shindig in April.
I’d love to sit and talk to astrochuck, Allie, PnL (proud n lazy), Harp and John Powell to discuss world issues like poverty, hunger, new socialism, health care (of course there will be a lot of good laughs because astrochuch would be there), that would be fun, I’m pretty sure I’m the only jelly down here but if I ever get the chance I will meet any of my fellow jellies :). If you come to Ecuador to see how the new socialism works send a msg, something! let me know!!!!
Don’t listen to @johnpowell. I am not crazy mean. He’s just easy to beat.
@flameboi I’m pretty sure if the people you mentioned were to meet up, @AstroChuck and I would end up bickering about whether the Aggies or the Hornets are better. (Aggies, duh!)
I got a Fluther sticker in the mail from a fellow jelly (thanks!) and I’m expecting another letter… eventually. Although I think I might change my address before it happens (you know who you are!). Any jellies in Toronto?
@Allie :: The astrochuck problem will be resolved in the mens room at the airport.
@YARNLADY: I’ll be trying to make it to Sac. in April for the meet along with ru2bz46.
I’ve met a lot of people on wis.dm, many are friends now and I think this might happen with Fluther as well…a flutherite and I tried to meet but it didn’t work out, schedule wise…otherwise if you’re in NYC and want to come see what Brooklyn and two children under 4 are like, pm me.
I Skype and AIM every night with some, many jellies have helped me stay awake in class through text, I talk on the phone mainly with one, and I share snail mail with a bunch. I adore my fellow jellies, they are wonderful. Of course how could I not stay in touch outside of Fluther, with my e-husband?
I haven’t been here long enough yet to form any real connections with anyone. I think of myself as an invisible and adoring jelly on the outskirts, haha. But I definitely have the warm-fuzzies for this community and I’d love to check in on an SF meet-up, as @johnpowell suggests.
I’ve skyped with a few jellies… had AIM audio conversations with @Allie and @johnpowell (at the same time… fun night), Skyped with @eponymoushipster and @Shrubbery (she has the worlds cutest accent btw) and AIM with quite a few others (regularly wth @PnL when she needs some help with her subjects in Med School, also with @Allie, @johnpowell, @eponymoushipster, @Grisaille, @IBERnineD, @chelseababyy, @Shilolo and @Shrubbery). I consider all of these people friends and love interacting with them in any and all ways.
Edit: I received snail mail from @IBERnineD with the coolest random stuff which i am in the process of responding to… there are some really creative and awesome people here.
@chelseababyy you realize there must be another video night soon yes?
Nah no way
I’ve got enough problems
I just want to add that because I am so far away, and don’t see very well – and don’t use video or audio on the computer – when I go into the chatroom (rarely) I feel very close and connected with those I “speak” with there.
Evelyns_pet_zebra Psychedelic_Zebra mailed me a fluther sticker. (:
@Dr_C Due to popular demand, I am seriously considering changing the location of the April Fluther Meet Up I am hosting to San Francisco. The worst thing about that plan is that I cannot have a big pool party at my house, but I could choose a hotel with a pool. I will be in SF next month and be able to make a decision then.
@Dr_C: Friendship terminated. Jerk.
I’ve sent things to a few, one of them is sending me a pebble from her roadtrip through Australia, and a couple actually sent me a couple hundred bucks once to save me in a tight spot. One talked me down from a panic attack. I have inside jokes, I have personcrushes, I’ve cried over one, accidentally woken another up all the way in Cali thinking it was another Fluther member… which was weird – and funny. Another gave me a lovely handmade gift. I owe a few people some presents myself. I have phone numbers, addresses, and in some cases I know like all the family members save a couple.
I fucking love every one of my Fluther friends. And they all know who they are.
If I met them all in person I’d probably squish their insides from excessive hugging. :-/
@asmonet i felt it was inappropriate to include our intense (if only imaginary) sexual relationship in my last reply. you know i love you :).
@YARNLADY SF you say? Interesting… rubs chin
@Dr_C: Well, nerds! Now I’m all hot and bothered. :(
I had a idea.
A Christmas CD swap. Remember when you used to make mixed tapes for your SO?
@Dr_C I will have a definitive answer by the last week of December. I am going to the TUT exhibit that week.
@YARNLADY The Tut exhibit that was in Atlanta? Its so cool. I went to it about this time last year and loved it.
@avvooooooo Yes, same exhibit, I can hardly wait. I saw the TUT exhibit last time it was in the US, also
Sure, why not. When wis.dm was still up and running a fellow wis.dmer from the US visited me in Germany during his business trip which brought him close to where I live. I’m still waiting for the first Flutherite to knock on my door.
@johnpowell I’d make one for you if you want. I’ll PM you my address and we can snailmail mix cd’s. Could be fun. Any other jells like his idea?
@Zen_Again @johnpowell I love mix cd’s! They widen my taste in music and it keeps me from getting bored while driving. I lurve this idea.
Anyone that would like a mixed CD (pirated – so please – no money or anything, and no copyrights, of course – lol) – PM me your address and then send me a self-addressed, stamped envelope. :-)
OK.. We have five people into sharing a mixed CD. If others are interested click here for more info.
@JP – nice! Commented there.
And allie and I try to chat during The Amazing Race. We are in the same time-zone but since California sucks it comes on a hour before it should there. So I have to torrent it if we want to watch it at the same time. And then we need to time the commercials since the torrent is commercial free.
Sure. If you have something in common with people here, then why not talk or meet?
I hooked up with someone from Fluther. I win.
@nikipedia So did I, but we knew each other before Fluther. So I think you still win.
if I told you I would have to kill you
Yes, I keep in touch with several jellies by email. I have also met a couple of jellies, and one of those was the meet-up of a lifetime.
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