What do you enjoy after intimacy?
Asked by
Brenna_o (
November 24th, 2009
I was just wondering what you like to do after making love with your man/woman? Do you just get up and live life as it comes? Or do you perfer to you lay in eachothers arms and savor the closeness and precious moments that just happened?
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73 Answers
I like to take a shower while drinking a beer. (together)
I always get sleepy, but I like to stay and be close. Sometimes it’s the best part.
Edit: Sometimes it’s ab bit too sweaty and messy though, so you kind of have to get up.
What @oratio said.
Edit: even with his edit
I’m a guy. I fall asleep.
@NewZen why is it that guys mostly just wanna sleep afterwards? Butnyet women wanna cuddle, kiss, and savor the moments?
Well atleast from what ive noticed…
We don’t want to fall asleep. We fall asleep.
Any reason you sleep though? Lol
Yes. To avoid nagging questions from the woman next to me. Now go to sleep!
It’s really important to me to have some time cuddling.
I usually get up right away to freshen up. Once in awhile we’ll snuggle for a few minutes.
@faye Its really important to me too lol. Almost as important as the actual sex haha.
Cleaning myself and going about my day.
Before you think I’m a jerk, she does the same thing…
Snuggling into a nap. Nothing makes me sleep better than nookie!
@Sampson Is it possible she does because you do? I’ve done that. Kind of pointless to stay in the bed if he’s not- but it only needs a few minutes.
@Capt_Bloth that sounds awesome! I usually just get some food or fall asleep.
@faye I’m 100% positive that it is not because that’s what I do. It’s the other way around, in fact.
We usually have sex with at least a couple hours left before one of us goes to bed.
@Sampson then I’m glad you’re in sync! I wasn’t.
I usually scratch his back.
Damn this thread. I want cuddle time now.
Last time he got right up and I wasn’t sure what to do. Then he came back with two glasses of orange juice:)
So we did it again.
@Brenna_o I think the reason why guys fall asleep is because, in our mind the job is done and the energy that was used during procreation needs to be replaced so we can hunt/protect our mate. The woman wants to be close to be protected. It’s a rather primitive theory, but I think most of the things we do spawn from instinct. Also, I’m tired.
You sure do ask a lot of sex questions for a 16 year old.
Put the money on the nightstand, get dressed and leave.
I usually pull my pants back up and continue jogging.
Usually we cuddle up, sleep a bit, put the world to rights etc. I love that time, our conversations get very random after sex and we laugh a lot.
It completely depends on the situation, location, and what else is on the schedule. I’m a whatever, whenever, wherever person… so each time is potentially different.
running (before the other guy shows up!!!)
just kidding :P
We both get up and clean up. Then we smoke.
I like to tidy up and go to sleep. I’m not much of a cuddler. Especially now that my belly is six months big. Everything is uncomfortable, so I’d rather just sleep it off. We may chat for a few minutes, but the only cuddling my husband gets in bed is when I’m unconscious.
All the cuddling answers are good. That’s what I like, too. I agree with Brenna_o. said. The snuggling afterwards is every bit as good as the actual sex. Thankfully, hubby is a cuddler. I’d feel horrible if he just got up & left. And he gets that.
Ducking the cops and driving away like nothing happened.
Ah, her body snuggles up to mine. I’m usually on my back and her body is up against my side. We’re cuddling, I turn my head and kiss her lips; her kiss is a bit salty from the sweat, she rests her arm across my chest and we then fall asleep. Her one leg is slightly bent and she rests it over top of mine. I love it, though. If it was a good night, the next morning, my girl’s hair is all crazy. She has naturally curly hair. The wilder/better the sex, the crazier the hair. It’s usually crazy the next morn.
“mmm..it seems like you didn’t ‘climax’, here let me finish you off” or sometimes…“well, look at that…let’s doing it again.”
Snuggling, laying together, talking while I softly stroke her skin, running my fingers kind of absent mindedly over her body as we engage in casual conversation.
Man! I miss that woman. Damn you Afghanistan…now it is more like, I softly stroke my sleeping bag, there is not time for foreplay or snuggling afterwards because I am in a tent with 20 other guys…oh did I mention that I have been completely asexual for 3 weeks 4 days and 3 hours but who is counting?
Smoke, beer and then go to sleep, my most favorite time ever
@noraasnave I hope she comes back home to you soon safe & sound.
my wife doesnt cuddle, she wants me to leave her alone afterword, when we actually have sex.
Quick cleanup (It’s usually sweaty) and then back to bed for a little cuddling… then a cigarette.
Please tell me I’m not the only one who doesn’t mind being sweaty and stuff to cuddle and sleep with their partner?
I do not mind. With mine.
@hungryhungryhortence if sweat was the only thing involved no problem, but when you start bringing food into the equation (think whipped cream and hershey’s syrup) then it can be a bit “sticky” and not so comfy.
Edit: Once even nutella…yumeh!
@hungryhungryhortence I’m with ya there. We go to sleep as it. In the morning, that’s when we shower together.
@Dr_C: food in bed, say it isn’t so!
Cuddle and enjoy our closeness
@hungryhungryhortence you mean you’ve never included whipped cream or hershey’s syrup into your love making? you are missing out!
if we have time i like to snug, chit chat, and then eat.
@Dr_C: I’m pretty much a purist with flesh.
@jmah ha ha love your response…boy do I have crazy hair in the morning also!!!
On a more serious note after what is usually a long session…we usually have a kiss or discuss ‘niggles’...maybe not a good time to discuss as disclosures can come out that maybe you don’t really want to hear or should have been discussed at a more appropriate time.
@jmah: I refer to it as Crazy Clown Hair :D
@hungryhungryhortence Not only is it all poofed out, it’s flat on the one side, or at the back.
My girl’s response when I first saw it in the morning: “Kids, get back in that trailer!”
@jmah: do you do that tender lover move where you run your fingers through it and stroke it but you’re really trying to smush it down so it stops tickling up your nose and mouth? ;p
@hungryhungryhortence ah, I don’t care if it’s all crazy, she looks cute. =) Now, trying to run my fingers through it; that doesn’t happen, she has a massive head of curls. I just play with them, and her hair is easy to grab a hold of during sex.
When she gets up, she puts her hair in a tiny pony tail. The smallest pony tail that you ever did see, so, she looks like Steven Seagal. So, no tickling of the nose. =)
Uhm, @jmah , comparing her to Steven Seagal? Wow, you’re brave. ;p
Another activity I enjoy after intimacy is snuggling together and napping together. I just lose consciousness for a few minute but she passes into a very deep sleep. It is nice because I whisper into her ear things like: you are the most beautiful woman on the planet, I am the luckiest guy on the planet, I delight in you I like to think that I speak right into her subconscious, bypassing her insecurities and her thoughts of herself, allowing me to influence her with how I truly feel about her.
@MrBr00ks No. She’s the one that pointed that out. ;-)
The hair is pulled back in tight, tiny pony tail. She looks nothing like Steven Seagal. I repeat, she looks nothing like Steven Seagal.
@mattbrowne Water? Yuck!.. Lol. I hardly ever drink water (let alone after sex..) Ill usually drink pop, gaterade, or juice lol..
@noraasnave: lurve for the whisperings into her ear! I do the same as my partner drifts into sleep and for the same reasons.
@mattbrowne I dont really worry about calories. I eat probably 3500–4000 calories a day and dont ever gain any weight. And I never exercise (let alone gain weight) so should I even worry about calorie intake?
@noraasnave- I love your answers my love. I is so wonderful to be able to snuggle against you and feel your arms around my as I drift off to sleep. Wow thinking about this makes me miss you so much- i enjoy how sometimes we talk afterwards or just cuddle and are quiet because words aren’t necessary. You also run your hands through my hair which is sooo relaxing. I can’t wait until you come home from Afghanistan and we are spending at least one whole day in bed!! maybe more..lol
watch tv or go on the computer
Response moderated
The question should be what do you enjoy before intimacy ?
I enjoy working in my shop, my corvette, and my part time job. Intimacy sex ,love with my wife is non-existant. Married 43 years and approx 30 years without all that intimacy sex, love stuff.
Were still married and she has the upstaires and I have the upstairs. Just completed a small kitchen down stairs. We share the house only . I have no desire for intimacy , sex, or any kind of love. I’m sure my wife has a different opinon and I think she figured out the intimacy thing with some thing or some one. I really don’t care.
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