Do you have any ideas for getting a baby out?
Asked by
Judi (
November 25th, 2009
My daughter is a week over due. Her first two kids were born early so we didn’t expect this.
The home remedies she has tried (that I know about) are Castor oil, a pedicure, and lobster with lots of butter.
She really doesn’t want to be induced with pitocin as she has not had to use drugs or an epidural in the past and doesn’t intend to use them with this delivery.
So what are your home remedies, family traditions, for inducing labor?
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94 Answers
Long walks and spicy foods.
usually the baby comes out when it is ready.
take a walk around the mall.
@Evelyns_Other_Zebra ; I am looking for home remedies and wives tales. Every family has them. Whether they work or whether they are coincidence doesn’t really matter. Just doing something and not feeling so powerless is better than just waiting when you get to this point in a pregnancy. You’re a man, you wouldn’t understand~
I’ve heard having sex will make you go into labor. I don’t know this personally.
Definitely sex and also, if she’s into it, drinking semen
Basically I’ve looked into this and done it in my first pregnancy
semen has a property that thins the cervix (it has prostaglandins in it)
and if taken orally it works 10x better than if it goes up the cervix ‘naturally’
I’ve been told that climbing stairs can work. But I suspect that it’s just a matter of when her body says it’s time.
@chynana It’s absolutely true. Intercourse will start labor. It did both times with my kids.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I think it’s the stimulation of the cervix that sets it off. Remember going to the Dr. for a check up toward the end of the pregnancy, and you’d have mild cramping for a couple of days afterward?
@janbb no it’s true- what @Simone De Beauvoir said- I’ve heard it and seen instances of it working, it’s true my gyno told me to do it -
I just emailed the question to my daughter who doesn’t get why I’m so fluther obcessed.
@janbb no this has to do with science..that semen has prostaglandins is a fact…that prostraglandins help thin the cervix and therefore induce labor is a fact (that’s why prostaglandin gels are used)...and the fact that it works 10x better than if it goes up there naturally I read in a scientific journal but don’t have the link anymore…
@Val123…in some people…but the way semen works at it is different
@chyna there were no blow jobs involved (this was with my first husband and I never gave him those)...I told him to provide the specimen a couple of times a day…mixed it with raspberry juice…
Nipple stimulation is supposed to work too.
My dad induced labor in my mom (accidentally!) by driving home over a bumpy road. Does she have a poorly paved road nearby?
Perhaps she incorrectly estimated the date of implantation and is not overdue at all.
I’m simultaneously fascinated and disgusted by the semen-induced labor thing. However, I’m failing to understand how it works better orally? I can absolutely see how it would be effective (if, you know, it really is effective) the, uh, natural way because the semen actually comes in contact with the cervix. Could you explain how ingesting it has the same effect?
Walk, walk, walk. Or set up to be induced. Then she’ll go in to labor the night before. That’s what happened to my sister both times!
@Judi I think it’s his wife, the zebra isn’t a man, dear. It’s the “other” zebra
@cyndihugs Why supposed to say it first? She Pmed me. I have friends, too you know.
@MissAnthrope I believe that it it because prostaglandin is better absorbed by the body when ingested rather than when applied topically to the cervix
Eat spaghetti for dinner… worked for my mother and I.
Walking is supposed to help, too… especially climbing stairs.
I have also heard that intercourse and orgasm will help… never heard about drinking semen (—I heard that was supposed to be beneficial for people with fertility problems, so the female’s immune system would adapt to the sperm, rather than attacking it as an invader).
I have also heard about the nipple stimulation… it can release some oxytocin to cause uterine contractions.
@NewZen haha. I saw the comment about Judi to Evelyns_Other_Zebra. I scrolled down as fast as I could so I can just tell her that the other_zebra is a woman. But no hard feelings, my friend. I lurve you. (:
Baby will come out when it is ready to be born. I have also heard that sex can help move this along. Pressure from the outside, everybody asking and worrying about the birth each day—what effect can this have?
If they are truly worried about anything, there is a blood test to assure the placenta is still working well for the baby.
OH my goodness, I never even noticed the difference between “Other” and “Pet.” My bad. Sorry @Evelyns_Other_Zebra.
Things that are supposed to help-
Massage cervix (probably by dr. or midwife I imagine)
Nipple stimulation
Evening Primrose oil on cervix and taken orally
Sweep the sac away from the uterine lining (my doctor did this to me last time, though I don’t know that it helped)
Stair climbing
Foot massage (look up Reflexology for reproductive organ “zones”)
It might all be hog wash (I can see pdworkin chiming in on this now ) but some people swear by it. I say, try it all at once and see how fast the baby books it out of there.
and who would argue with a few extra orgasms and nipple stimulation?
Since pitocin is basically synthesized oxytocin, extra hugs and cuddling shouldn’t hurt?
Most of the ones I’ve heard of have already been mentioned. Long walks, sex, nipple stimulation, castor oil. I’m guessing she doesn’t want to have an enema. (The only one that hasn’t been mentioned.)
My doctor told me “not all the walking in the world will get your baby out” So, we had sex, and my son was born two days later. the one day was spent in labor, he came early morning on the second day.
The semen needs to get to the cervix, it’s a natural labor inducer…I don’t understand how swallowing would help, other than making the mother nauseous and want to throw up lol. It’s not the orgasm that gets labor started, it’s the chemicals in the semen.
I did still do a lot of walking, to keep my hips moving…I’m sure she knows what labor is like and that everyone needs different movements.
She could also put a breast pump to her breast, and try that..since you need hours of nipple stimulation and I’m not sure her husband will be up to hours of it lol
Oh, and maybe her due date was off. Are they only going by LMP? She could have conceived later in the cycle so she’s not too overdue. Don’t let her get pressured into pitocin! Her body definitely knows what it’s doing. I’d give it another week at least.
She was tracking her ovulation and using an ovulation microscope and had an early ultrasound. She’s is very sure of her due date.
Oh darn, I was hoping it might just be off. How odd that her first two came early, and this one wants to bake longer. I’m sure he’ll make a grand entrance when he decides :)
If the cervix is ripe already soft, thinned out a bit, dilated a little and baby’s head fairly low almost any little nudge can be enough to trigger labor. That includes things like intercourse semen does have some prostaglandin in it, orgasm or nipple stimulation both cause contractions, and bumpy truck rides over railroad tracks contractions.
Castor oil works somewhat better, because you get intestinal contractions from the laxative effect plus the castor bean part synthesizes some prostaglandins during the trip through and out. But you have to take a lot of it – ideally, about 4 TBSP, which is a quarter cup. And it’s quite unpleasant.
Sweeping the membranes aka stripping membranes also causes release of prostaglandins.
But if the cervix is long, firm, and closed, with the baby’s head not engaged, you’re usually not going to be able to start labor with any—or all—of these natural approaches because you need a bigger gun.
Mmmmhhh does the baby really need to come out…if there’s any sign push it back in immediately!! I’ve got two teenagers…a son and a daughter and if I was told back then what I know now I’m sure I’d have proper gripped on to the little buggers with my at the time young intact pelvic floor muscles!!!!!
I thought we are living in 21st century.
You and your SO get dressed up and go out on the town for a nice, expensive and romantic dinner…we did that, and by the second course, she went into labor!
@Nimis I believe the enema isn’t a labor inducing tool, its so people don’t push out poop when they push out the baby.
Remember those vibrating belts machines for weight loss? They might shake something loose.
@Judi it is okay. easy mistake.
Pesto Pizza.
A local pizza place brags about how pregnant women who eat there deliver right away.
Here’s what I did, I went out to a very fine restaurant and had a very expensive, tasty dinner, and immediately after, went into the hospital and had (I won’t say it here) and then my doctor came and delivered the baby.
This site gives a list of natural methods suggested to induce labor. And this site has a similar list but adds acupressure. Then this site says to go to the nearest park and swing on the swings.
I can tell you that if you live in an area prone to hurricanes, the low pressure associated with them is known to bring on labor – our hospitals become jammed with women in labor whenever one gets too close to town.
And according to my mother, if you pre-pack your overnight bag, your pregnancy will be extended by at least a week. She claims that happened to her with baby number three. Baby number one came pretty much on time (but on roast beef night, so she didn’t get any dinner – she has held it against me most of my life). Baby number two was born in a taxi at the foot of the entrance steps to the hospital (whoops!). But with the last one she was determined to be organized and efficient, so that baby was 10 days late.
Aren’t you just supposed to go at it like bunnies?
@YARNLADY: So, your suggestion was what? Eat dinner out and poof, baby? What the hell?~
@asmonet Yes, that is what worked for me.
@asmonet I must say, after being sent home from the hospital because my cervix wasn’t dilating (was in labor though) I ate a huge sushi dinner then labored at home for a while, then back to the hospital we went. He didn’t just fly out of me though. That would have been nice.
It’s a good thing to fill up, because you totally lose your appetite once you get further into the labor, I’d say around 4–5cms you are in the zone until that baby pops out.
Update: He “swept her membrane” yesterday and we are hoping that she will go into labor today.
Although, as her mother, I am not privy to the details, I have gotten the hint that most of the suggestions offered have already been tried..
This is her first daughter, but since mom and dad are both redheads she will be to.
And you know all about those stubborn red headed girls!!
@Judi Waiting with baited breat for further updates.
@Judi Lots of labor vibes for her!
BUT DON’T DO ANYTHING TODAY!!!! How is she? In labor?
@casheroo They make labor vibes? That sounds very interesting!! “Order today and you get not one, but TWO labor vibes for only $19.99! And we’ll throw in not one but TWO binky’s and a shamwow!”
No news yet. @Val123 . I think only other pregnant women can make labor vibes. (don’t I remember that @casheroo is pregnant too?)
@Judi Yes and I think RedPowerlady is too.
@Judi I’m just hoping you get through today so you won’t have to be doing all of the work alone AND watching 4 kids! Only pregnant women can give labor vibes?? Not fur!! I wanna give labor vibes too!! BUT NOT TODAY! EVERYBODY TURN OFF THE LABOR VIBES TILL TOMORROW!!
Yesterday she wad dilated 3 cm and I think she said 70% effaced.
@Judi That’s good…That’s very good. Maybe the docs just missed the date by a few days? But…..I was at 4 for a month. I was afraid the baby was going to just fall out on in the grass when I was mowing it! Does she have relatively easy labors?
I think ubersiren is pregnant, too.
@janbb, “Easy” IS relative. She has a pretty high pain tolerance and she has never used any drugs or epidural. Never any complications though. She comes from hearty stock ~.
@Judi , hey, did you just edit out you’e question?
@Judi That’s what my Mom always said about us! Made me feel like a cow or something! That’s exactly how I gave birth, no drugs, no epidural. This cow do good!
@Judi I think you’re getting identities switched with all the excitement. Check your @‘s.
@janbb ; You’re right!
@Val123 , this girls sister was the first in our family line EVER to have a C-section.
Yep, I’m pregnant.
Hey, don’t knock the epidural. I can’t wait for mine! I’d take it right now if I could ;)
@casheroo ; She is just a closet hippie like her mama.
BTW, I was thinking about this on the way home, wondering if @Judi was going out of her @mind trying to juggle 4 kids and all the cooking! Anyway, I thought of my first reaction when I read the q, “How do you get a baby out.” I thought, “Out? Is the baby stuck in a bucket or something? Or stuck in a mailbox like my baby was? (Ok, my baby was 2 at the time, but he WAS stuck in a mail box!)
A redheaded Marilyn Beatrice was born this morniing @ 12:39, 8 lbs 10 oz. Thanks for all your help. She is my 5th grand child and she is perfect!
* * * Y A Y * * * thanks for the update. My best wishes to you and the family.
yay! congratulations!! so happy for everyone :)
Ah. That’s what it was. The little redhead was showing a stubborn streak already. ;D
Mazel Tov, Judi! So glad all went well!
YAY!!! Welcome, Marilyn Beatrice!
As babies tend to do, she came out on her own schedule. Glad she’s here.
@Judi What a considerate kid, to wait until after Thanksgiving! She’s gonna be a sweetie!! Congratulations!
Congratulations to Marilyn Beatrice for a making a safe smooth debut and to her happy family!
Congrats! I’m glad she finally decided to make her appearance, and so nicely timed, as well. What a different Thanksgiving you would have had. ;) Also glad she’s perfect and healthy.
What a great name for a redhead! Congratulations!
@Darwin Ya, but you know…it’s the suspense!! I don’t know about anyone else but I was pretty sure I was going to be the only woman in history to never give birth! I was going to be pregnant forever! And I never even went past my due dates….
Wonderful news! Many congratulations!
Congo rats to Mom and Grandma!
bet she’s a cutie!
La cu cu RA CHA!! La cu cu RA CHA! SHUT UP! Bbaby is asleep! Congrats @Judi
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@Val123 You put the weird in… weird. :)
Thanks all! I am on the road so I am only checking i periodicaly. It was nce to go to the hotel computer today and see 9 new responses! I will pass on the loving thoughts to baby Marilyn, or as my other granson calls her, Marlin. Mama is caling her bebe. This kid will have a whole coice of names t go by!
@Judi Nice update. We called Jake “bebe” the whole time he was in utero since he was being grown in France.
Marlin!!! ROFL! When my Grandson, Blake, was born, his four-year old brother called him “Blank” :)
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