How do i get him back?
I am completely and utterly in love with someone i have been on and off with all throughout junior high and he told me we should take a break til high school because my mom and stepdad do not like him and i have been getting in trouble…but its been two weeks, i can’t get over it one bit and i miss him so bad…
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34 Answers
You don’t. And you wont unless/until you get a grip on yourself.
Just chill. If he needs space then give him space. And trust me when I say that it’s better to lose someone for a short period of time rather than all together. I learned that the hard way.
Trouble is what makes a relationship interesting. I would bet there is something else going on here. the #1 reason is another girl. Solutions:
a) Make him jealous. Get help from a good friend or better from somebody your ‘ex’ already suspected in past and stage a little love play
b) Make him an erotic movie, where you promise him fulfulling a fantasy of his. I saw one, and it was cute as hell and hot at the same time!
c) Find someone else just for sex. It will get your mind off things and take care of some flustrations.
d) Totally ignore him. Reverse psychology does sometimes work :-)
you are in junior high… the chances of this lasting aren’t that great. but to help you anyway, tell him that you don’t care of what your parents think. talk to him, your relationship is about the both of you, not what other people think. if you live your life based on what people think, you’re not living to the fullest.
@tomasreichmann ; you’re suggesting that a girl that’s not even in high school make a sex tape or make him jealous?! she’s in junior high! thats not good advice for an adult, let alone an impressional girl seriously, what kind of advice is that? that’s ridiculous.
This is part of growing up. Learning to deal with these kind of heart ached prepare you for the really big ones (Yes, they get even bigger) that come later in life. Be good to yourself. Call a girlfriend, go to a movie, go to the mall and get make up put on, listen to happy music. It won’t make the pain go away, but it will distract you for a while. The pain does lessen.
I’m sorry you’re hurting.
@tomasreichmann She’s a little young I would think.
And to add to what I previously said, the point being if you two can come out of this dry period still together then you got something good. If not, he wasn’t meant for you and you should move on. If it’s so important to you, maybe you guys could talk on AIM, MSN or some other messenger application. He gets his room and you get to keep in contact.
I swear i’m not trying to make light of your situatin but considering how long it’s been since I’ve been out of Junior High the first thing thatcame to mind when reading the question was this.
Having said that, just lay off for a bit and let things cool down. You should be fine.
@tomasreichmann Regardless of the age-inappropriate issue, the things that you list are the sort of emotional manipulation that make me walk away from someone and never look back.
Junior high’s major worries should be centered more around, well nothing. Junior high is like the last place one can be safe to not worry about the future. Egads, junior high and in a deep relationship? My that’s young.
Read He’s Just Not That Into You. Give him what he wants. Lots and lots of time and space away from you. It’s the only thing that will make him come back if he ever will. If he doesn’t com back then there’s a deeper reason for wanting to be apart from you.
You said you “have been getting in trouble.” Is it because of him? If so, there is a good reason your parents don’t like him. This is a good time to step back and see if this guy is a good fit for you, if he has your best interests at heart. If you are getting in trouble because of him or with him, he is not the guy for you.
Food poisoning always works for me! That or E. Coli by dipping his toothbrush into the toilet.
She asked how to get him back? I was kidding, anyway. I am sorry, I am in a very low, sarcastic mood today. Going through a rough time, being run over romantically myself right now.
I do think that by focusing on herself, she may indeed win him back. If not, it is far better than pining for him?
you just have to slow down, waiting is better then not being with him at all.
just be his friend for now & try and talk to him. not about you and him,
but just stuff that would get you and him into a convo. and just be be patient.
My oldest two sons just went through the exact same thing, one was in your position and the other needed space from his girlfriend. My advice would be to always remember that the right path is usually the most difficult one. Give your boyfriend his space, in fact, give him too much of it. Only if he can truly experience what it is like not to have you right there next to him, or where he can call you at any time, will he learn to respect and value you. There is a lot to be said about playing it cool.
This is the advice I gave my son when his girlfriend needed ‘space’, and she came trotting back about a month later when she realized that he could indeed live without her. My other son’s girlfriend would not stop pursuing him, always bombarding him with notes, sad looks and phone calls. They didn’t get back together because it got irritating to him, making him pull farther away.
I sincerely hope that you can steel yourself to give him what he needs so that you both can pull yourselves together and reuinite. Do you love him enough to do something as hard as pulling away from him? By giving him his space you will be showing him that you respect his needs and care about his happiness, not just yours. Think about it. It makes sense. People need room to move, and relationships need room to grow.
If you two are going to be in a long-term relationship there will be times when you both need different things from each other, and if it is going to be successful, you must be prepared to give each other those things.
Cry me a river. You are in Junior High. You need to grow up before you can understand what a relationship is. You don’t get him back.
You miss being in a relationship. Not him. I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but you have a lot of time to figure this whole relationship thing out. I still am! I know it is hard… but try not to think about it. Get involved with some extracurricular activities. Get so busy you don’t have time to think about it. You are about to have a lot of fun with your life. Don’t dwell. Life is what happens while you make other plans.
Losing someone never gets easy. Ever. Dating is basically just trying people on to see if they fit. Don’t buy em if they don’t fit. :)
That’s so stupid I hate when boys say that. I’m also in highschool I have to listen to the same stuff with my friends from what I’ve learned don’t make him jealous you’re just putting fuel in the fire and he probably will start to loose respect for you and you’ll earn some cheesy name. Just give him a few days to come around talk to you’re mom not your step dad, my step dad is horrible to talk to and I hate him but I’m not going to make this a hour long essay. Hope everything works out spiffy!
If he really wanted to be with you then he would be there…so why be with someone who may be with you in person but not totally with you!! I know it’s easy for an outsider looking in to advise but believe in and respect yourself, and most of all have pride in yourself.
@Sabotage82 : That kind of attitude doesn’t help anyone. Just because she’s young doesn’t mean she doesn’t know how to feel love for someone. Yes, looking back as an adult at our ‘relationships’ as middle schoolers, they seem trivial, but at the time, they’re Earth shattering and begin to shape a lot of how we think and feel as young adults and adults. How these early romantic interactions play out can set a pattern for how we perceive our partners and manage dating.
And let’s not forget that if this were a different time, she’d probably be having her 6th child by now. We have romantic feelings at this age because of very important biological goings on inside us. But that’s a whole different discussion entirely.
@tomasreichmann Any girl that did that to me would never see me again. A young girl should not be with anyone ‘just for sex’, and no one should be betraying their feelings by appearing to be involved with someone else. I also think your assessment that the number one reason is another girl – if he wants space, then he wants space as a single guy. Young people need that some times, so they can refocus, find what they really want, and then jump back into their relationship.
How to get him back: l. Patience is one of the most important things you need to have if you want to get back together with an ex. 2.Keep things simple. Figure out how/why you lost him.
3.What would you do to put a smile on his face. What did he adore the most about you. 4. Make him something special, be confident in your appeal. 5. Whatever you do, don’t call him, don’t text him randomly. Let him find out you are a mature girl, and you have a life of your own.
@troubleinharlem I don’t know how old is she, we have a different school system in Czech republic and even the laws are more benevolent. Majority of czech girls are sexualy active since the age of 15 and many even before that. If she is that young, than the best advice is to let him go, teenage relationships have a terribly short lifespan anyway… I said anything that came to my mind. I am not paticularily manipulative person, but some are, and being manipulated for a good cause might not be a bad thing. However, road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Hey Just enjoy commiserating =eat more ice cream than you normally do, watch a few tear jerkers with your homegirls, listen to corny love songs in the dark . Just kick back and give yourself time, if it was meant to be- it will happen. But as a parent, I know if the reasons your parents disapprove of him aren’t address -it won’t be easy. Spent this time working out an understanding w/ them concerning everything each of you expect and accept as far as your dating life
Also you know the common thread in most of these posts is that this relationship seems REALLY important today but later (more likely than not), you’ll look back and laugh. No one is making light of your pain( I remember once feeling SO devastated) but just keep it in mind when thinking about how far you should go.
Get back at him…find someone better-looking!
@THEDELLS this isn’t something that is just going to go away…after a year and a half my feelings for him haven’t changed…this isn’t a type of problem that will go away with time and i have no idea how to deal with this right now
If you noticed i put this question on here over a month ago and nothing has changed…at all
If, after a ear and a half you are still feeling as intensely as you did the day you broke up, then it’s time to get some professional help. You can’t force him back so you need to learn to accept it. A professional therapist can help you process it.
@Judi We didn’t break up a year and a half ago…we have just been dating on and off for the past year and a half…we just broke up for the third time on Nov. 10 because my parents found out that he and i were talking…they don’t like him.
And then he told me it wasn’t worth getting in that much trouble over…sooo
You still may need some help processing this. If you are young enough that your parents still have a say, then I think it could be really helpful for you.
In retrospect, when I was in my teens, my feelings were more intense than any other time in my life. If you think about it, not to many generations ago you were considered an old maid at 18. Your hormones are designed to help you find a mate in your teens.
Our current society has made it nearly impossible for someone who finds a mate in their teens to maintain that relationship for a lifetime, yet the hormones rage on.
Counseling could really help you sort through your feelings and move on. I know you don’t want to move on, but it appears that’s what he wants.
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