General Question

hghgbvvn's avatar

Could you suggest a good book for research on how technology is changing how we live?

Asked by hghgbvvn (126points) November 25th, 2009

How technology is changing how we learn, communicate, commerce, etc.

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8 Answers

Qingu's avatar

Nonzero by Robert Wright.

Changed my life! (Well, it made me way less pessimistic.)

mowens's avatar

the world is flat by thomas friedman

I’m Working on That: A Trek From Science Fiction to Science Fact (Star Trek) by William Shatner and Chip Walter

The second one doesn’t sound like it is interesting, but it actually is. There was also a TV special called “How William Shatner changed the world” that was very interesting.

If you don’t like that idea, the first is very, very good.

hghgbvvn's avatar

Just to help you understand what I’m looking for a little more, I want a book that shows how technology has changed in the past 30–40 years and how it’s changed us.

Qingu's avatar

Search might be good, though it’s mostly specific to how Google has changed us.

mowens's avatar

Both the books I mentioned cover that.

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

I haven’t read it, but James Gleick’s Faster might be something like what you’re looking for.

liminal's avatar

Neil Postman’s writing is accessible and thought provoking. I don’t buy into all he writes about but I like how it gets people thinking and discussing. Don’t rule out his book Amusing Ourselves to Death because of its focus on media, it still applies.

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