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tyrantxseries's avatar

Dream interpretation on my dream?

Asked by tyrantxseries (4722points) November 25th, 2009

So my dream is a little odd, I’m not sure I believe dreams mean anything but I thought I’d give it a try.

kind of a stupid one

The dream starts as I wake up one morning, I go through my usual routine, wile on route to work(about half way) I finally realize that I haven’t seen anyone(at all), no cars, no bikes, no one walking, It’s a little weird but I continue on to work. At work it’s the same no one around…
It’s starting to get dark out, so I decide to leave work and go somewhere, on the way out I start to find things that was not there when I came in, a baseball bat on a desk (odd spot for a bat) so I take it, a large knife sticking out of a wall () take that too, as I’m walking down the hallway the ground shutters a few times (earthquake?), I get to the receptionists desk and find a handgun on the I’m putting that away I notice it’s starting to rain and lightning out(no thunder), (as I’m walking to my car I notice I’m not getting wet)as I get in my car the ground starts to rumble(thunder?) and I start driving, I stop at a red light, the pole is shaking violently when the first eruption happens, A great column of fire and smoke explode through the center of the street (to my right) and bodies start to rain down on and around my car, one lands on the hood and looks inside at me(they are bald, gray bumpy skin, glowing red eyes, mouths full of razor sharp teeth) I take off in my car dodging the new columns exploding all around me, as soon as they land they start attacking things around them(even each other) I won’t go into detail on what they do to each other, it’s pretty sick and as far as I can tell they are not that fast, and they squish easily../// now I’ll stop here, it gets pretty sick from this point on, but basically the rest of the dream is me fighting them off with the weapons I found until they kill me and I wake up.
What could that mean?

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13 Answers

troubleinharlem's avatar

The world is ending! but seriously, lemme look up your death in my dreambook

Okay. My book says that death symbolizes a new start, self-discovery and things like that. It doesn’t necessarily mean death. iunno if I believe that, though.

sebastian_von_tulu's avatar

I wonder, do you play a lot of video games?

chyna's avatar

Did you notice a calendar in your dream? Was the date 12/21/2012?

tyrantxseries's avatar

@sebastian_von_tulu lol, a lot of video games and a lot of movies
(the finding weapons is most likely a video game)
@chyna sorry too busy killing demon/monster things to look at the calender

sebastian_von_tulu's avatar

@tyrantxseries Yeah, that’s what I figured ;)

XOIIO's avatar

That sounds really interesting. Can you email me the full story and all the details?

tyrantxseries's avatar

@XOIIO sorry I don’t email, I will “comment” it to you though.

viper's avatar

Seems like you have been watching too much I Am Legend. :D

tyrantxseries's avatar

@viper I could only watch that once (what a bad movie)

crazyandbeautiful's avatar

actually it has many answers. if you go to and type in what it is your looking for it will tell you the answer an what it means. good luck.

XOIIO's avatar

LOL I forgot about pm’s.

tyrantxseries's avatar

@crazyandbeautiful Thanks, but what a BS site

ratboy's avatar

You need to get in touch with your inner zombie.

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