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How would you attempt to become rich/ wealthy?
Okay, so I still am having problems using the word “rich” and “wealthy”, anyways, so let’s say you are very keen on attempting to become rich/ wealthy. What would your procedure be on doing that?
In my plan, I find a lot of kinks in it, so feel free to give suggestions, and if you have to be mean, please try to be nice about it =D.
My Plan:
A friend and I plan to go to university, and after we’re done our 4–5 years in Uni, we are going to move to another city, get jobs and save up. When we have enough money (if we ever will?...), we are going to put our money together and buy a franchise (I believe that’s the word..). Then we will make money from that franchise, and buy more franchises and then eventually we will be rich.
Okay…. yes, not a fool-proof plan… How much would a franchise cost anyways? A franchise that is popular. We would gain money from having a franchise…. right? (yeah, I am not even sure)
Pretend you are really into become rich/ wealthy, and share your procedure!
PS: This is just me dreaming again, and I do know, that I may not go through with this plan.
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