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troubleinharlem's avatar

(Fiction) How to describe winter?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7999points) November 27th, 2009 from IM

I’m having a lot of trouble and I just can’t seem to get it. What are some words/phrases to use that you associate with winter? I’m having a major case of writer’s block. I just need some suggestions. ^^

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12 Answers

chyna's avatar

Icy, blue cold, bleak, able to see your breath, slushy, snow drifts, slick roads just to name a few.

Zen_Again's avatar

Cold. Fucking freezing blue-ball, black-ice, green with envy at the Hawains, red-cheeked, yellow-bellied colourful fucking wintertime.

I loves it!

Dog's avatar

A coldness that permeates the depths of the soul and touches the very marrow of the bone. Blanketed gray sky that feels hollow and damp and hopeless.

holden's avatar

PM Jeruba. She can write and stuff.

oratio's avatar

It’s the pause before the leap, a slowed heartbeat, the crystal adorned ballroom of sparkling starlight and the stern mother of spring.

- fin -

Zen_Again's avatar

@holden Jeruba can write.. I dunno about stuff.

absalom's avatar

I don’t know what your voice is like in this fiction piece but I would rather not offer advice without knowing. I’d love to help though if you want to PM me.

As for the writer’s block, try moving onto another scene for now. Usually it works for me.

jonsblond's avatar

Describing a winter scene.

Winter can be beautiful to some (including me).

JLeslie's avatar

Crisp cold air. Icicles like crystals hanging from the trees. The first snow. Magical.

Those are all good for 5 minutes, then please send me to the tropics.

LostInParadise's avatar

A time for turning inward and contemplating. A timeout, a chance to ponder and re-evaluate.

A time of challenge, a time to count one’s blessings and a time to reach out to those less fortunate.

kruger_d's avatar

moon shimmering on new snow, bare branches, silence, boots crunching, cheeks burning, seeing your breath, solid lakes, scraping windshields,

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