General Question

asmonet's avatar

My car's brake light came on, can I drive home?

Asked by asmonet (21465points) November 29th, 2009 from iPhone

I am admittedly ignorant of all things car. My cars BRAKE! light came on a few minutes after I turned it on. I’m about 40 minutes from home and need to get on the highway to do it. I tried pulling the emergency brake and putting it back down to see if it was just a bit stuck – no luck. Could it be a fluid issue? Will I be okay driving home?

It’s fairly freezing outside which always give me a slight exhaust smell in my car, other than that I haven’t smelled anything out of the ordinary. And its really freaking dark.

I have a 1996 Mazda Protege LX.

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18 Answers

Siren's avatar

I think you’re okay to drive home. Just go slowly. Maybe put on your emergency lights and stay in the slow lane. Admittedly, I am no expert on cars, but I have had this situation occur, with various reasons for the brake light coming on, depending on the make, model and year

asmonet's avatar

It just turned off, I turned off the car for a few minutes to ask the question and just turned it back on. Since the car warmed up fully, can I ‘safely’ assume it’s a fluid issue?

I’m guessing the fluid would expand from the heat and register as being slightly more full?

ShiningToast's avatar

@asmonet if it went off, then I would bet it is a fluid issue as well, but I’m no expert, only a tinkerer :). If the fluid froze, then it wouldn’t move around and the car would alert you. Once it thaws, it can move about more freely and maybe that is what happened.

jrpowell's avatar

“I turned off the car for a few minutes to ask the question” == {{{{{hugs}}}}}

casheroo's avatar

I’d assume it’s a fluid issue as well, and that it’s safe to drive home. Just get more fluid tomorrow.

asmonet's avatar

@johnpowell: I turned into a well lit neighborhood and everyfing. :-*

Thank you, everyone. I got home without it coming back on. It’s definitely 30 degrees outside where I was, and my car had been parked there for about eight hours, long enough for the fluid to be messed with. I have about $2 to my name at the moment, but as soon as I can search my couch for coins I’ll be buying some. Come payday, I’ll be topping off everything. I’m paranoid now since all my lights have been popping on and off and I’ve been fixing them piecemeal. I should just get them all done and start from scratch. :P

<3 Fluther. :)

asmonet's avatar

Also, this will totally teach me not to be the designated driver. Good work does me no good! >:(

MacBean's avatar

I’m glad you got home safely, bb. <333

OutOfTheBlue's avatar

You guys are kidding about the fluid issue right????

Siren's avatar

If it’s freezing outside, when in doubt: keep driving! Am I right or wrong on this?

jrpowell's avatar

@Siren :: I depends. Sometimes continuing to drive will turn a 10 dollar problem into a 2000 dollar one.

augustlan's avatar

I’m so glad you made it home without being smashed to bits. That would have sucked. :P

asmonet's avatar

@OutOfTheBlue: Care to comment helpfully? Or will you just be popping in for some sass?

Anyway, thanks everyone. :)

OutOfTheBlue's avatar

I thought you meant brake lights have fluid! LMAO!! Sorry, i see what you mean now, it could be two things, either the Anti Lock system is fouling up or you need to change your pads, sometimes there is a sensor on the newer cars that let you know when it is time to change the brake pads.

Also could be some kind of relay going out causing the warning light to trigger, take your car to a AutoZone or parts store where they have a computer to plug in to your car to see why the light is coming on, it is usually free..

MacBean's avatar

I thought you meant brake lights have fluid!


OutOfTheBlue's avatar

@MacBean You never know with some people…LOL!!

asmonet's avatar

Oh, hey. Update!

I put more fluid in and the light went away. We are all excellent guessers.

Huggles for all. :)

sharon's avatar

hey, first of all you must have driven very slowly and camly. Or else try to seek help from any one who is just passing by that highway. take the help of your emergency light if you have and try to drive slowly so that you have less options to apply break.n try to contact anyone of your friends and and relatives so that they can approach you and help you out

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