General Question

matthew288's avatar

Who invented the first firearm?

Asked by matthew288 (3points) November 29th, 2009
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8 Answers

mrentropy's avatar

Malcolm Blunderbuss?

XOIIO's avatar

I don’t think anyone knows exactly who made it, but the first technical gun was made in china around 1800 I beleive

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Firearms date back to least in the 1300s

laureth's avatar

Well, define gun. Metal, something like we know it today? @PandoraBoxx is right. But if you mean gunpowder-based weaponry, such as a bamboo tube packed with the stuff, used to shoot spearlike projectiles, it’s a little earlier. Some say mid-10th century, or even late 9th century China. Gunpowder came about in the 800s.

An interesting aside here is that people who wish to ban all use of guns would have to reduce us all back to 8th century technology. ;)

oratio's avatar

@laureth GA. Though I believe every technology that allows us to kill each other ineffectively, is a better one.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Some Chinese person several hundred years ago. They created fireworks, right? So how did they set them off? That has to be the first firearm, then.

Medlang's avatar

some chinese dude way back when

StupidGirl's avatar
“A hand cannon (also called a gonne) (Arabic: midfa‎; Chinese: 手銃; Russian: пищаль) is an early form of firearm. It is possibly the oldest type of portable firearm, ...”

“The earliest surviving documentary evidence for the use of hand cannons are from several Arabic manuscripts dated to the 14th century. Ahmad Y. al-Hassan argues that these are based on earlier originals and that they report hand cannons being used at the Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260 by the Mamluks against the invading Mongols.”

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