Is it normal when a guy asks what you eat throughout the day?
Asked by
WhatThaF (
November 29th, 2009
There is this guy I’ve kept in contact with for some weeks now. We talk sometimes, we text sometimes, and he often asks what I ate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I think it’s weird. I’m never one to talk about your meals throughout the day. It’s a boring topic really. Is it just me?? I mean, who cares what you ate this morning or last night! Is he just trying to converse with me? Does he love food too much that he wants to talk about it? I feel forced to ask what he eats.. because I really do not care; just being considerate, BUT am I being fake by asking something I’m careless about? Lol.. minor topic, big questions!.. Sorry, I’m a Sagittarius.
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33 Answers
He probably wants to find out your favorite type of food to later take you out on a date to a restaurant of the likes. :P
I ask my sister who I talk to a lot what she ate. I want to know what she is eating all the time. I don’t know why. We have similar tastes and when we order out, I have trouble deciding what I want before I know what she and everyone else is getting.
Maybe he is just curious. Ask him why if you are that perplexed about it.
You might just want to ask him instead of letting internet solve it. So he likes to know what you eat, no harm in that. If you think it’s boring, tell him. You should solve this one yourself.
damn, is it really that important?
The only time I’ve done that is when I think someone may not be taking care of their health. Are you particularly thin for example which might lead him to stereotype you as possibly anorexic?
He probably doesn’t know what to say and is just trying to converse. Why not ask him? Crack a joke at him about it? See if he jokes back. It could be fun.
I love food and cooking. I adore hearing about my fiance’s adventures in cooking—we’re both really into food. If he suddenly stopped telling him when he ate a Take 5 bar or about the eel he got from the place up the street, I’d be upset. If we stopped arguing at length about how to make various things, I’d be devastated. So yes, he could just be that interested.
More likely, however, he’s reaching for something to talk to you about—he probably wants to strike up a conversation for whatever reason and just doesn’t know what to talk to you about. By playing along, you’ve made him think you’re interested in this line of conversation. The next time he brings it up, instead of asking what he’s had recently, ask him about something you’re interested in—movies or music or games or whatever.
I love to talk about food. But only with people who cares. I am a Virgo. :)
Huh. Seems like a slightly odd question to me, but not in a negative way. There could be a million reasons for these inquiries. You could just ask him in a gentle and kind way why he’s so interested…I’d be curious.
Let us embrace sarcasm’s infinite wisdom!
Maybe he’s just hungry
I’m no master of social skills, but I think this is what those extroverts call “Smalltalk”.
You know, just like those “How’s the weather?” or “How was your weekend?” questions. The answer really doesn’t matter a single bit. It’s an attempt to start a conversation.
@PretentiousArtist I hope you feel the warmth of my wisdom.
Some people are just really into hearing about other peoples’ meals. My Dad was always a big one for asking “What did you eat?” when I said we had been out for a meal.
Um..does he have a weight problem? Just askin’
Yeah! I’m with @NaturalMineralWater. Tell him you had fried Armidillo ears for lunch! If he laughs, cool. If he doesn’t…could be a problem….
Like many other questions of like subject, this all depends on context. If it is awkward and forced, then he might be a bit socially inept. If he is genuinely interested, perhaps because food is important to him, then it could be entirely appropriate.
Not that you asked, but I wouldn’t feel pressured to ask him the same thing in return. That’s his interest, not yours. Don’t fake anything. It won’t help your relationship in the long run. If it bothers you, figure out a kind way to talk about it. Make a joke, or simply ask him what the significance of food is in his life. And if he is willing to listen to you (and he better be, or else you’ve got real problems), then you can tell him how unimportant it is to you.
Maybe he’s bad at small talk. Or, maybe he’s a foodie. Or maybe he’s doing his research ;)
Haha I love all you guys and your answers lol.
But umm, we are both healthy, fit weight. No weight problem here.
Agreed @sarcasm , the topic of food is equivalent to the weather… I don’t get it why it’s really worth talking about.
Am I just picky or what!
I love food… I am always asking my boss or my partner what they are planning to have for lunch or what they had for lunch. Sometimes I even go as far as to ask people what they are having or had for dinner the previous evening.
I often fall into the pattern of having the same types of things for my meals and love to have new options or options I had forgotten about.
My boss will say “I had lasagne for tea last night.” and I will think “Mmm, yummy, lasagne, maybe I should cook up some lasagne.”
Then again, I wouldn’t necessarily put myself in the “normal” category either :P
* cough * soooo, while we are on the subject… what did you guys have for dinner/lunch? Enquiring minds want to know!
LOL oh my lord.. You guys, without me even asking, he JUST randomly texted “I just ate some chocolate cake. It didn’t taste that well as it did yesterday.. I prefer strawberry cake though”———- explain that to me please!
@WhatThaF – LOL
He is a foodie! Does he cook? Do you think he has a passion for eating out, cooking or just eating?
Mmmmm, doughnuuuuuts xoxoxo
I made a kind of pesto alfredo sauce this evening. Served over spinach linguine. Accompanied by lemon Marsala chicken cutlets. Got to involved in all that to make a vegie. Figured the basil in the pesto was good enough, lol.
@WhatThaF Okay, that text is pretty weird. I don’t think I can explain that one.
Ask him why. Make light of it. You can say you think it’s funny or cute and nobody ever cared enough to ask before.
It’s his (not so subtle) way of showing interest.
It’s all in the tone and inflection of his voice; “what are you wearing?”... what are you wearing now (sexy).... what (is that) you wearing (it’s an ugly dress).
See: even here, simply written and without voice – you can be understood in three different ways.
1) He’s a foodie or a professional chef.
2) He wants to talk to you about something you both have in common, and he figures everyone eats.
3) he wants to find out what foods you like for when he invites you out to eat.
4) He has an eating disorder, or
5) He is terminally weird and probably eats crackers in bed. With mayonnaise.
Any of the above could be what is going on. The only way to find out is to ask him why he talks about food so often.
if he’s a spunky person then maybe its just some weird thing he does. i think its kinda funny, lol
In some families food plays a culturally significant role. My family is Sicilian. Food usually comes up within the first two sentences spoken at any given encounter. Offering food is a way of showing love and compassion and strengthens familial bonds. The day after my father suffered a stroke I visited him in Intensive Care. His first words to me were “Did you eat?”
I also consider food to be central to defining who I am. Food is my identity. Not only am I Sicilian, but I am an artist, vegetarian, human and animal rights advocate, and concerned about the environment and our economy. The foods I choose to eat reflect my desires for the kind of world I wish to live in. If it so happens that the man you mention has any of these integral relationships with food, and if he is interested in you, it would only be natural that he asks about your choices.
There is nothing weird about it. He likes food and he hates small talk. He may be shy too. Shy people love to talk about food.
I had leftover pumpkin pie today with cold cranberry sauce and Cool Whip on top. It was sooo good!
You don’t have anything to worry about… yet.
Ooh, he might be one of those dudes that gets turned on by women stuffing themselves with food! To each his own, I suppose.
But most likely not. Maybe he wants to know what kind of food you like in anticipation of taking you out to dinner.
I don’t think anyone has said this yet: Maybe if he is really into talking about food and you are not, he is not the guy for you?
ding ding ding!!!! So smart @janbb .. and you all have Great Answers! More points because you guys are funny.
He probably hopes you’ll say pancakes.
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