General Question

PooperDood's avatar

If I un-jailbreak my iPod touch, will it reinstate my warranty?

Asked by PooperDood (295points) November 30th, 2009 from iPhone

I got my iPod jailbroken a while back and now I’m regreting it because it can’t connect to iTunes anymore. And without it being able to connect to iTunes I can’t put any more music onto it. This is bad. It’s a 2nd generation, btw.

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7 Answers

wildpotato's avatar

Nothing can reinstate it – as far as the Apple people are concerned, you broke the warranty for good when you jailbroke it. This is because the process of unjailbreaking can mess up the phone for good, and sometimes even if the unjailbreaking goes ok, the phone still won’t work properly afterward.

However, since unjailbreaking is just going back to the last backup you made of your phone before you jailbroke it, it will make it look like you never jailbroke it, and thus no one will be able to tell that you broke the warranty in the first place – so in effect, yes, it will allow your phone to came back under its warranty.

XOIIO's avatar

No, once you beak the law you can’t in-break it.

J0E's avatar

Yes it will, they will never know you did it.

J0E's avatar

@XOIIO How is it breaking the law? As long as he isn’t downloading hacked App Store apps there is nothing illegal about it.

eponymoushipster's avatar

Yes, if you restore it to original condition, you can then be eligible for warranty based repairs.

People come into the store all the time and ask about something with a jailbroken device, and are told to restore, then come back.

Bugabear's avatar

Yup of course. Thats what I did with my friend did. Took it back to the store and they fixed the screen after his battery exploded. Had to twist their arms to do it because the Apple people are pretty uncaring.

XOIIO's avatar

It is because your braking the copyright on the OS and the bootloader.

I do plan on jailbreaking mine anyways LOL

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