Do you or your family have any odd "curses"?
My family’s last name seems to mess with administrative systems. We have so many errors with things like bills, accounts, or the like. A friend of mine constantly has electronic equipment burn out on him, even though he’s technologically savvy and doesn’t do anything out of the norm, and another one of my friends is forbidden to drive anywhere because he can hit every single red light.
Do you or your family have any weird curses like that?
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25 Answers
There is only one that I am aware of and it is called ‘alcoholism’.
Otherwise we are all pretty short people, and that is annoying.
Alot of the women in my family have the “stomach pooch” basically our stomachs arent flat no matter what we do and it is very annoying.
Flat feet and bad eyesight.
Vertically Challenged and (most) have fair Scottish skin that easily burns.
Every female in my family EXCEPT ME has very large boobs.They call it a curse.
We can’t win the lottery, but you can bet we get hit with flying objects all the time (i.e. shit on by birds and yesterday, my mom’s car was hit by golf ball from a nearby driving range while she was driving in rush hour traffic on the highway…what are the chances). Anyone that is walking with me should wear a helmet…haha.
I wouldn’t say it’s a curse but some of us have a distinctive enough look to be recognized as being part of a particular family branch. When I first moved to this state and was furniture shopping, the salesman said I reminded him of a preacher he’d gone to see decades before and then he described and gave the name of my father. Another time I was transfering planes in an airport, actually running between gates and an arm reached out to grab me- the man yelled out my family name and when I stopped to talk to him a moment he turned out to be one of my biological uncles. Most recently a customer came into our store and told me I looked like some people he used to know from a town in another state, again he gave the name of my father’s family and went even further to make a joke about them looking similar to another family he recalled in the same state which turned out to be my mother’s family.
@hungryhungryhortence My grandpa is one of 18 kids, and my dad is one of 9. I know what it’s like to be known by your family. Except mine is by last name, not looks.
@rangerr: oh trust me, they’re known by name too! Think villagers with pitchforks and torches ;)
Fair irish skin that burns in less than five minutes, hair that I dye dark but returns to blonde no matter what. Being short and having to wear kid size gloves because the adult ones are too big for my hands. And over six people in my family have died of cancer. three in one summer a few years back.
Every single person in my family with o negative blood has had an injury in the left leg. I dislocated my left ankle, my mom has a bum left knee from a volkswagen accident, and my grandfather got his left knee replaced and shattered his left femur.
Fat cells, many, many fat cells.
We say “Rat fart monkey shit!” a lot in my family.
My family is cursed to remain in their Appalachian hometown, uneducated, poor, self-destructive, unsuccessful, struggling, uncultured and closed minded. I am one of the few in my entire family to escape. It’s such a different view from the outside. So hard to get out, but if you do, it’s so hard to go back. I wish I could rescue my sister from this “curse.” She’s so much better than that.
Super dark circles under our eyes. We are all cursed with them in my family.
@Narl I forgot about my circles!!! People used to ask me if I was feeling okay.
My mother’s sweat used to turn slide rules pink. Mine doesn’t mostly because I use a calculator, but it does turn white plastic watch bands pink. Is that a bad enough curse?
Otherwise, it’s just typical stuff: allergies, GERD, either very narrow feet (“ice skates”) or very wide feet (elephant feet, aka “just call me Kermit”), hair that is dead straight when you want it to curl, and curly when you want it straight, a dominant gene for nearsightedness, another one for Fuch’s Dystrophy, and a third for “bendy people syndrome” or Ligamentous laxity, which, as Wikipedia so kindly points out, comes with mental difficulties. An interesting genetic association has been made between joint laxity and anxiety disorders. Both anomalies are thought to have a common origin in an abnormality in chromosome number fifteen.
My immediate family doesn’t have any odd “curses” but my mom’s sister’s family always get horrible service when they eat out. Even if we go with them.
One I forgot alot of the kids in my family are born premi and very small. Some even have this muscle weakness (as do i) called muscular hypotonia so are muscles are weaker then they should be so it efects us physically. It sucks I cant do a push up correctly.
I’d do declare, did you mean to say “our” instead of “are”?
Hair, hair where it shoudn’t be, dark hair.
Fair skin that goes from white to red and back to white again and never tans.
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