Does fall/cooler weather bring out the romantic in you?
Is it the association with wanting to be warm and secure? Maybe association to younger years of school dance/prom time? What are some romantic gestures or scenarios you really cherish or want to have/create?
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32 Answers
I feel just the opposite. Warm sunshiny days, summer smells, campfires, etc bring out the romantic in me. Especially sitting on a beach with an ocean to watch…. I really need to move.
It used to. The smell of the season changing to fall and then winter remind me strongly of my ex, as that is when our relationship was just starting and perfect in our minds. It reminds me of sitting on a car looking at the stars, while cuddling with a blanket.
As for what I want to create, I want to go on a walk through the snow that ends in a spontaneous snowball fight.
i like when its cold because it’s better snuggle weather. especially with the fireplace going. its so toasty and you just wanna snug. or i just wanna snug anyhow. especially when its snowing.
I agree with @deni. It’s definitely snuggle weather. I do prefer the hot/warm to the cold, but there is something romantic about winter and December especially since this is my first December in a relationship, so I am greatly looking forward to hanging around downtown SF during Christmas time with my boyfriend. It’ll be awesome. :)
My ultimate fantasy is to cuddle with him near a Christmas tree with a fireplace going. I think I can make it happen. :P
@DominicX GOOD LUCK ON YOUR QUEST! We just got a woodburner put in recently, I’m just bubbling over with excitement at the thought of snuggling near a woodburner and a christmas tree, lol
I’m single this winter. Damn this thread.
@deni That sounds nice. It’s probably going to have to be my livingroom for this. :)
It is summer here now, and awfully hot. I think it makes it way more difficult to be/do romantic things. But I’m single also, so the most romantic thing i have to do this summer is NOTHING! Winter is for sure the way to go though for romance!
Ideas and suggestions people, c’mon?
@rangerr I’m in Australia, it was reaching 38 degrees Celsius before summer even arrived this year. It’s going to be a hot one :(
@FishGutsDale Well. It’s currently 27 degrees over here. I’ll gladly trade. You can find a nice girl and cuddle with her here, and I’ll go be warm.
If I am in a relationship yes, cooler weather brings out the romantic in me. I love to cuddle by my fireplace, watch old movies, make love in front of the fireplace, long walks in the snow, and pile on quilts on the bed. But if I’m not in a relationship, as I’m not right now, I hate cold weather.
@rangerr hahaha you’ve got yourself a deal! Is that 27 Fahrenheit?
@FishGutsDale Yes. I slept during the Celsius/Fahrenheit conversion lesson.
@rangerr This makes 2 of us…Kids these days! hahah.
No, it just makes my electric and gas bills higher.
Now that you mention it, yes, I do get a little more romantic as the season changes to colder weather. I love starting up my fireplace and snuggling on the couch (or better yet, in bed) with my s/o. I love the snow. It’s beautiful. Especially in the mornings when the light first starts to hit it and it gleams and shimmers. It gets darker out much sooner which is also ok because I just so happen to like evenings. Then of course the holidays come around and that makes me even more romantic. Christmas lights are twlinkling all over my house, there are beautiful Christmas trees set up in front of people’s windows as I drive by. For being so bitter cold out, I always get a warm and cozy feeling inside during this time of year. What’s not to love about this season :)
I’m so jealous of all of you who get to see snow, I’ve not seen it in years.
@hungryhungryhortence aw :( it is beautiful. and so many people who are lucky enough to be around it, hate it so much. all they do is complain! i think is wonderful, and i think there are few things more aesthetically pleasing than a fresh snowfall, all sparkly and untouched. and how you wake up in the middle of the night after its snowed a bunch and its not even dark out because of all the reflection off the snow. ah. sorry :(
It must bring out the playful romantic in my husband. Sunday evening just out of the blue he excitedly asked if we could go for a drive and look at Christmas lights, just the two of us. We drove around the back roads holding hands and talking, taking in the sights. Sadly, it was a bit too early in the season for the really spectacular shows.
@deni Exactly! Everyone I know complains about the snow. I don’t get it! I love snow. So what if you have to wake up ten minutes earlier to scrape off your car? It’s worth it :)
@ItalianPrincess1217 its weird but scraping snow off my car is one of those little “annoying” tasks that i really enjoy. if there is enough snow that i have to scrape off my windows for a few minutes, it means that the world around me at that particular moment is probably really, really beautiful. i’d say thats an ok trade off :)
@hungryhungryhortence And I am heartily and forever sick to the death of me of snow. It’s cold, it needs to be shovelled, it needs to be scraped off my car. The roads become icy,I get stuck on side streets because the snow is too deep. I would heartily agree that cuddling in bed during a storm is romantic but I would so prefer it to be a thunderstorm.
I’m glad it doesn’t snow where I live. That way it’s a treat to see it when I go to Tahoe and I’ll never grow to hate it or anything.
@faye i’ll scrape your car off for you…all you had to do was ask
I love the snow… as long as I don’t have to go out in it.
I love the cold weather. I just wish it would snow more around here, all we seem to get is ice. But yeah, I’m a cuddler and when it’s cold, I’m extra clingy =P
Surely does get the romantic me going, with a nice bottle of wine in front of the fireplace.
Hmm, yeah. Let me go all Barry White on you..
Never thot I’d find someone who’d blow my mind,
Like you do
And never thot I’d see the day
That it could be so true
Also, Paul Weller applies here.
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