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Strauss's avatar

Is it National Pancake Day again?

Asked by Strauss (23886points) December 1st, 2009

This morning I finally found something I’d been looking for for a long time: a place for a simple bacon-egg-potato breakfast. I stopped in, anticipating my eggs cooked to order, with bacon and hash-brown potatoes, and the server said, “It’s National Pancake Day!” They were having a fund-raiser for a good cause and donating a portion of all pancake meals.
Is it possible that there is more than one National Pancake Day?

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27 Answers

rangerr's avatar

…is that ihop?

deni's avatar

every. day. is pancake day.

Strauss's avatar

No, I was looking (and found) for a local establishment

rangerr's avatar

either way..

Strauss's avatar

@deni especially on fluther!

deni's avatar

yes! now i am so hungry and i want pancakes so badly, but alas it is too late! sob.

avvooooooo's avatar

There can never be enough!

faye's avatar

don’t like pancakes

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Crap! I literally had a box of pancakes in my hand at the checkout today in Walmart and I put them back! Bad call on my part. Cuz now guess who can’t eat pancakes on National Pancake Day? Me.

jackm's avatar


Dr_C's avatar

great… now i have to find an all night pancake place (no ihop around here)

Darwin's avatar

There are evidently more than one National Pancake Day: There is National Pancake Day on September 26 and then there is IHOP National Pancake Day, last year on February 24 (actually on Shrove Tuesday each year, varying from as early as February 3 to as late as March 9, so it is a movable feast). I suppose there is also a National Pancake Day anytime someone insists that is what it is.

IHOP’s day is fashioned after the Shrove Tuesday tradition in England and many other countries, where the festival was widely associated with the eating of rich foods made with eggs, sugar and butter, such as pancakes. It was often known simply as Pancake Day, originally because making such foods used up ingredients such as fat and eggs, whose consumption was traditionally restricted during fasting associated with Lent. Source

loser's avatar

Did someone say pancakes?!!

deni's avatar

lets decide on a central spot on the globe and all meet for pancakes NOW!!!

YARNLADY's avatar

No, the official National Pancake Day is in February, after shrove tuesday, also known as Mardi Gras Day. December 1 is National Eat a Red Apple Day, and December 2 is National Fritter Day. There was an ‘upstart’ National Pancake Day on September 26, but it just a fake.

jonsblond's avatar

I put homemade cranberry sauce on my pancakes the other day. Woweee is all I can say!

Phobia's avatar

4:17 am….aww…I missed pancake day :(

SuperMouse's avatar

I will welcome any National Pancake Day whether it is after Shrove Tuesday or onDecember first. All I have to say about pancakes there is, no such thing as too many.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Ya know, someone in their infinite wisdom opened an iHOP approximately a mile from my flat. So if I walk there, I can get a Rooty Tooty Fresh ‘n’ Fruity brekkie with no harm done, right?


ubersiren's avatar

Darwin = crazy knowledge/research woman.

filmfann's avatar

This is just an excuse for Big Pancake to continue trying to supress Waffles.
Can’t we all just get along?

deni's avatar

@aprilsimnel yes!!!! put on your shoes and be on your way!

MissAusten's avatar

@ItalianPrincess1217 Oh dear Lord, woman, you don’t need pancake mix to have pancakes! Flour, oil or butter, baking soda, baking powder, sugar, eggs, milk, maybe a splash of vanilla and bit of cinnamon…if you have those things, you can have pancakes, , pancakes, , PANCAKES! !!!!!!!!!

Heck, you can even make your own pancake syrup. My favorite is the Cinnamon Syrup from

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

@MissAusten hmm I guess you’re right! Although I don’t believe I have baking powder. And I definitely don’t have syrup. So homemade pancakes won’t work either :(

YARNLADY's avatar

@ItalianPrincess1217 If you have sugar, you have the makings of syrup. Mix sugar with butter and stir over a heat source, or put in the microwave for a few minutes. If desired, add a few spoons full of apple sauce or juice.

No pancakes? Take the crust off the bread and very quickly brown it in a pan with butter or bacon grease.

JONESGH's avatar

i. love. pancakes. and now im so glad IHOP is open 24 hours a day.

Strauss's avatar

Why waffle about flapjacks or squares?~

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