General Question

XOIIO's avatar

Does video take up more battery than still pictures?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) December 1st, 2009 from iPhone

I have an app on my iPod (iWoopie) that dowoads YouTube and dailymotion videos, and I get songs that way, the only problem is that I have to have the video playing. I always put my iPod face down because I feel guilty I know, it’s wierd. So, do you think there is a big difference in battery consumption by playing video or displaying a still picture?

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5 Answers

deni's avatar

I believe video uses a LOT more battery.

jrpowell's avatar

Absolutely. Video needs to be decoded. This requires a lot of processing power that will drain your battery a lot faster.

XOIIO's avatar

Yeah, I kinds thought so. Oh well.

I’ll just keep putting it face down

jrpowell's avatar

I would just turn down the brightness on your screen. That takes up most of the battery.

XOIIO's avatar

Yeah, I always put the brightness as low as I can for this, I usually have it at ¼ brightness.

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