Social Question
Is Obama to the point in his administration where he can finally implement his own policies, instead of constantly cleaning up after Bush?
The bailouts, for example, were not Obama’s idea. They were implemented and voted on during the Bush administration. Obama had no choice but to to follow up on what the government had already voted on, but then he was very quick to tell big businesses, “It’s not going to happen again. Run your businesses responsibly, or accept the consequences.”
In last night’s speech he said he’s putting 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan because that’s where we should have been all along. On the other hand, he’s pulling 150,000 OUT of Iraq.
The Al Qaeda is based in Afghanistan, and, in case you’ve forgotten, they bombed the trade towers. Have we forgotten the horror?
The Bush Admin. for whatever stupid reason, used that as an excuse to go after Iraq. Bush had 150,00 troops in Iraq, vs only 50,000 in Afghanistan.
What Obama said last night, was, “Although we’ve made some major changes for the good in Iraq, that is not what our original focus was. Therefore I’m pulling our troops out of Iraq, beginning now, and we’re going to refocus on our original mission, to put the Al Qaeda down once and for all! And we’ll do it in 18 months, then we’ll start pulling out of Afghanistan and they will be responsible for their own country. (As long as no one pulls any more shit on us…...”)
In other words, he’s getting the conflict back on track, plus he’s giving them a clear cut mission, and a clear cut time frame, which is something the Bush administration never did. Probably because Bush couldn’t even tell time, much less commit to a timeframe.