If you could create film ratings based on viewers _real_conerns what would they be?
Asked by
proXXi (
December 2nd, 2009
From the allmighty AIROW.com
Please include an explaination if needed. Provide the ratings abbriveation and an example film.
For example:
WH- Warning: Heartwarming.
JA- Cast contains Jennifer Anniston.
NEADP- New Established Director’s Dream Project. (an actor brings a studio tons of money acting in a great film. The studio gives the actor a blank check to direct whatever they want. The actor chooses their long imagined vision and it blu- hows!) Examples: ‘Waterworld’, ‘Days of Thunder’
WRC- Warning: Romantic Comedy.
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86 Answers
NAGATB—not as good as the book
BTTB—better than…
ACRER- Actors Carrer Reflects Early Role (Robert Downey Jr in ‘Less Than Zero)
How about WTBM: Warning Teeny Bopper Movie
or WCHTNAF: Warning Crude Humor that is not actually Funny.
MH: Might Hurl
DWM: Don’t Wear Mascara (tear-jerker)
DDBAD: Don’t Dare Bring a Date
Oh ya how about:
DWWP: Don’t Watch With Parents
I also think there should be a website that informs viewers when it’s okay to get up to pee without missing anything. For example, “About an hour in Jim leaves the bowling alley but he can’t find his keys. You have five minutes, go!”
ICRGADF Ice Cold Rap Gangsta As Dufus Father. (Ice Cube)
@RedPowerLady GA, learned that the hard way about many movies, this would be a great warning.
Or DWWG: ...Grandma. Bad memories.
WNAFROCF: Warning, not appropriate for rednecks or christian fundamentalists
NGMTIAPG: Nicolas Cage movie that is actually pretty good.
TSCG- Tentacle Sex and Cat Guro
CFTE: Come for the explosions (ex: any Michael Bay film)
WTVM: Warning, teen vampire movie
MFGW- Contains Morgan Freeman’s Gentle Wisdom.
BPTGHATYA: Be Prepared to Go Home and Touch Yourself After
WAAMLR- Washed Up Aging Athlete Makes Longshot Return.
@kevbo Really?? That’s awesome. I’ll have to check it out.
AO: Actually original (not based on a novel or comic book, not a sequel, not based on a true story)
CNB: Contains naked BOOBIES!
FCGSOTS- Former Comedy Great Selling Out To Studio (Eddie Murphy)
Health Hazard WTS: Way too sweet, you may develop diabetes
AACFLATWTB- Aggresively Anti Capitalist Filmmaker Laughing All The Way To The Bank. (Michael Moore)
MMDNALAPITF: Mike Myers does not act like Austin Powers in this film
WBQFE: Will be Quoting for Eternity
BWIAG: Bruce Willis is a ghost
WNLJLWWIY: Will Not Like because Jude Law is with a Woman who Isn’t You
Couldn’t stand “The Holiday” just for that reason.
CGFISR- Comedy Great Failing In Serious Role. (Adam Sandler, Jim Carrey)
STCAD- Suprise! The Chicks A Dude
@proXXi Hahaha, Morgan Freeman’s gentle wisdom!
NUOPTT- No Understanding of Priciples of Time Travel.
WKRMBTMAS: Warning, Keanu Reeves movie besides The Matrix and Speed.
GSBW: Get stoned before watching
LFISBQT- Lauded For Idea Stolen By Quentin Tarentino.
Here’s a nice one:
KMAWL: Kids Movie Adults Will Love
VCBDGCWL- Victim Citizen Brings Down Giant Corporation With Lawsuit
WSM: Warning, spoof movie (Epic Movie, Disaster Movie)
SMotT (Sh**iest movie of the year)
‘Oh, man don’t waste your money on The Hangover. It’s a total smott’
TORQATMITFTINKNTWIA: The only redeeming quality about this movie is the fact that I now know never to watch it again.
Too long?
TTTLTA- Terrifying To Teens, Laughable To Adults (Blair Witch Project)
HPSAIO- Hero Predictably Succeeds Against Impossible Odds.
CCRAF Warning: Chucky Cheese Restaurant As Film.
AJP: All the Jokes were in the Preview
WLOLC- Will Land On Lifetime Channel.
RBD- ‘Reimagined’ By Directior
CBFVP- Concieved By Former Vice President.
SHBRSTD: Should have been released straight to DVD
TSCD- Theme Song Sung By Celine Dion
TGMATE: They get married at the end
LITT- The word ‘Love’ in Title’s Tagline.
DCIUC Dialogue Contains Insipid yet Ubiquitious Catchphrase.
DNDFWPVPV- Do Not Discuss Film With Previous Viewer Prior To Viewing. (M. Night Shaymalan)
TRITFOB Teenager, Running In Terror Falls On Her Boobs.
SB: Cast includes Steve Buscemi
Holy Shi.. You didn’t like ‘Fargo’ or ‘Resivior Dogs’ !?
NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I was thinking of another person. Got two actors mixed up. Forgive me. Steve Buscemi is an awesome actor. I meant James Belushi.
SSADG Steven Segall avenges dead girlfriend
TAFFF: Television Actor’s First Feature Film
FFNBNA: Full Frontal Nudity By Name Actress.
FFNBNAOTKBOMS: Full Frontal Nudity By Name Actress Other Than Kathy Bates Or Meryl Streep.
WADTJGCA: Warning! Another Director Thinks Jeff Goldblum Can Act! (also available for Nick Cage or Keanu Reeves)
WETMCLTM: Warning! Every Terrible Movie Critic Loves This Movie!
REROTFCME: Roger Ebert’s Review of This Film Cracked Me Up
@erichw1504 SB still applies, as a good rating! I love Steve Buscemi and would thus see any movie rated “SB” no questions asked!
CMTOPJ: Contains More Than One Penis Joke.
PCSBC: Problem Created/ Solved By Crossdressing.
AHTAS: Actor Hopelessly Typecast As Self (Robert Di niro)
CFSABROM Character’s features surgically altered by removal of mustache.
TENU: Telephone Etiquette Not Used (don’t you hate in movies when the characters don’t say “hello?” or “bye”? They just hang up when they feel like it!
It’s considered a waste of script time to make phone conversations (or any conversations) too much like real ones unless it’s dramatically relevant.
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