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kelly's avatar

Does the President, as commander and chief, have a uniform?

Asked by kelly (1926points) December 2nd, 2009

Many heads of state also have a military “commission/position” and at times wear a military type uniform. If our President doesn’t have one, why not? If so, what does it look like?

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20 Answers

erichw1504's avatar

That would be weird if the president had his/her own uniform. I’m assuming the unofficial uniform is a suit and tie.

erichw1504's avatar

Maybe we should create one for him?

Haleth's avatar

A crisp, tailored suit, and a smile that never changes. :p

buckyboy28's avatar

Dubya sometimes wore military uniforms when making speeches to soldiers.

Capt_Bloth's avatar

Yes, it looks just like a McDonalds uniform, right down to the visor.

MissAnthrope's avatar

GQ.. never thought of this before, but it’s interesting. I think it’d be kind of cool if the president had some type of spiffy formal uniform, being that he is Commander-in-Chief.

jaytkay's avatar

The US military is under civilian control, from the Congress and President.
That is an important part of the Constitution.

The Department of Defense can tell you more:
Why Civilian Control of the Military?

skfinkel's avatar

As a civilian, all he needs is a really fine suit.

lefteh's avatar

@jaytkay has the answer. Our president is commander-in-chief, but he is a civilian. If he he were a sworn and commissioned officer of the military, the U.S. would be a military state.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Good point on the military state.. but DANG, I’m such a sucker for uniforms.

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

What puzzles me is all the wartime photos of Winston Churchill in different uniforms, seemingly from all different services. I asked at about this at a wargaming site that had its share of Brits, but nobody could give me a straight answer on that one.

Anyway, when ever I see a picture of The Big Three, I appreciate the fact FDR or Truman wore a suit (and Truman did look snappy!). We should be proud of our assertion of strict civilian control of the military.

drdoombot's avatar

@buckyboy28 Now that you mention it, I can’t think of another President that wore a military uniform while in office. I haven’t actively searched for it, but I can’t think of one off the top of my head.

jaytkay's avatar

I can’t think of another President that wore a military uniform

I think we’ve had only one president who felt the need to play dress-up.

gymnastchick729's avatar

I say yes, because i got two points for that answer when we played scategories with the letter ‘c’. people in uniform. haha

Strauss's avatar

Part of the job description of the President is Civilian Commander-in-Chief of the Armed forces. Even Presidents who were military before being elected (such as Dwight D. Eisenhower) performed all duties of the president in civilian suite.

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

@Yetanotheruser, Ike resigned his commission in order to run for President. JFK reinstated him in active service at full rank (General of the Army) after he succeeded him.

Strauss's avatar

@hiphiphopflipflapflop that illustrates my point, When Ike was General Eisenhower, he wore the military uniform. When he was President Eisenhower, he appeared in a suit. The same could be said of Presidents Washington, Jackson, Harrison, Taylor, and Grant, all of whom had military careers before being elected President.

Corporate_Avenger's avatar

Our current president only wears his custom suits and hand crafted ties. But he has many faces he puts on when he feels the need.

AdmiralSirJohn's avatar

Actually, GWB NEVER wore a military uniform. He did, however, wear training and flight jackets presented by the various military services. These jackets never showed any sort of military rank, and are of a type that is available to the general public.

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