Social Question

chyna's avatar

What are some ways to attract guys?

Asked by chyna (51731points) December 3rd, 2009

What are some different ways to attract guys and places to meet them excluding bars?

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48 Answers

gemiwing's avatar

What kinds of guys? What age?

J0E's avatar

“Wanna have sex?”

kevbo's avatar

I found the men’s version of this book invaluable.

Clair's avatar

@J0E This is so true and funny. I can’t stop giggling.

forestGeek's avatar

If you’re into outdoor activities like hiking, biking, etc, look for volunteer opportunities in those areas. You will likely not only meet guys that you might be romantically interested, but you’ll probably gain other friends in the process. Any kind of volunteering would be similar.

proXXi's avatar

As a man the best piece of advice I can give you you is be yourself.

Nothing is more attractive.

If your not being yourself we can tell.

chyna's avatar

@gemiwing The “over 40” age group.

adri027's avatar

Stand in front of a guy pull your pants up, make the thong snap on your skin, and then wiggle your booty.

gemiwing's avatar

@chyna Then I’d second the idea of volunteering. Also consider joining a social group (a car group for example) then you’ll meet men who are interested in similar things.

rangerr's avatar

@proXXi I thought you were a girl O.O

proXXi's avatar

@rangerr My avatar leads people to that impression.

It’s a beautiful illustation for a beautiful product. I suggest you try it, if you can find it.

fireinthepriory's avatar

Saying you’re gay has worked really well for me in the past. ;)

Ok, and as for real advice (not that that isn’t true, but it isn’t really helpful!) I would ignore all the booty snapping advice unless you want to date an asshole. I’m going to second (or third is it now?) everyone who said to do things you’re interested in! Then you’ll meet guys who’re interested in them too. As for attracting them, don’t worry about it. Worry about making friends with them. That’s a much better first step.

YARNLADY's avatar

Sierra Club
Get a job in a store that sells things men are interested in, i.e. sports, deli, men’s shoes
Political Action Groups
Volunteer work, especially environment clean up and habitat building.

wundayatta's avatar

I think it would be helpful if we knew kinds of traits you would find attractive in a guy. Or maybe explain some of the ways you’ve been burned in the past, and how that helps form your ideas about what a good guy is for you.

We hear so often—from both men and women—that it is much harder to find someone after 40. You’ve been out of the “game” so-to-speak, and no longer feel confident about its rules or how you match up.

As others have said, doing things that are important to you is a good way to meet people with similar interests. Do you have any hobbies? It seems like animals are important to you. Can you work in a shelter? Can you train dogs? Can you “speak” to them? I don’t know. I’m just brainstorming. But you can start by pursuing your true interests. People who share those interests—maybe even male one—will be there.

You can build on contacts, too. Your girlfriends are important in this process—or women you meet. If you build friendships, then those women may start thinking about men who might be good with you. Everyone’s a matchmaker, you know. It’s just that most are really bad at it! ;-)

But you’ve started out well. Letting people know that you’re looking gives them the idea. They keep that idea in the back of their minds, and then, if they meet someone they think is suitable, they can put you two together. This is true in real life and the virtual world. Networks count for a lot. Don’t be too shy to use them.

Oh. I think women are concerned about attracting the “crazies.” Worried about attracting stalkers. I’m not really sure there are a lot of stalkers, but I do think it is wise to be careful. Get to know someone’s ideas and beliefs and what they like to talk about and all that other stuff before you even decide to maybe start “dating.” I think it helps you feel confident about your choices. People can get burned, and then they start to feel like they don’t know what they’re doing. If you go slow, you can be much more confident in your assessment of a person, and you are less likely to get burned.

You don’t have to be a good judge of all characters. All you need to know is how to figure out who you want to trust, and if they are trustworthy. To be trustworthy, their stories must hold together. It takes time to suss out who is making up a lot of shit. If a guy isn’t willing to go slow, then he’s not who you want to develop a more serious relationship with.

chyna's avatar

@daloon Good advice as always. I do know that I have made bad decisions in the past, and don’t want to repeat them, so I had taken myself “out of the game” so to speak for quite a while. Now that I feel I am ready to start dating again, I just really don’t know how to go about it. It seems the guys I am trying to attract I am actually repelling. Heck, even the Walmart Greeter didn’t greet me the other day.~
@YARNLADY Good ideas also, but another job would be too much. I’m gone at least 10 hours a day as it is and work on some weekends. That doesn’t leave me much time to do the things I want/need to do at home.

YARNLADY's avatar

@chyna Well that only one out of five, your odds are still good.

ratboy's avatar

Men can’t resist a woman contortionist who has a PhD in astrophysics.

galileogirl's avatar

Just like the blossom attracts honeybees-stand still, look pleasant and smell good.

ratboy's avatar

@galileogirl: That’s why I’m so into mannekins.

drdoombot's avatar

Ask a question on Fluther about ways to attract guys.

beautifulbobby193's avatar

Use a dating/casual sex website and you will have your pick of men. Very easy for a woman.

wundayatta's avatar

Finding a man of the right sort is a hell of a lot more difficult than finding a man who will fuck you.

cornbird's avatar

wear clothes that cling close to your body. Not too vulgar….. Look confident. Always look and smell good. Wear clothes that match. Dont be immature, guys hate that.

cornbird's avatar

ohh and have ur hair neat!!! I personally prefer long wavy hair on a girl. And be yourself.

mattbrowne's avatar

Talk about some of your unusual interests.

Cotton101's avatar

Just be yourself and let the “chips fall where they fall!” When a person is looking, they usually never find it….so, just be happy being who you are and that is the most attractive charateristic of any person, male or female!

TominLasVegas's avatar

if you can cook I’ll be all yours

chyna's avatar

Oh yes. lol.

TominLasVegas's avatar

you’re trying to seduce miss chyna!

chyna's avatar

Did you read this question? What are some ways to attract guys? I’m just getting in some practice.

TominLasVegas's avatar

I read it just fine my dear:)

chyna's avatar

@TominLasVegas So how am I doing so far? :)

TominLasVegas's avatar

@chyna well you’ve got my attention:)

wundayatta's avatar

Is it just me, or is it getting hot in this room?

galileogirl's avatar

Anybody can get their attention, the trick is keeping it.

wundayatta's avatar

and how, pray tell, would you do that, @galileogirl?

galileogirl's avatar

Just be my normal, sweet, kind, supportive self and keep Lorena Bobbit’s biography on the nightstand.

Cotton101's avatar

ditto Galileogirl!

wundayatta's avatar

Mmmm. I do so love a woman who admires Lorena Bobbit. It’s just so exciting when she’s jumping around, wielding that knife!


rangerr's avatar

I’ve said it before on here, but Lorena was my nanny when I was born and we moved to Manassas Park.

beautifulbobby193's avatar

If you try to dress more slutty you will probably get lots more attention wherever you go.

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