Know any classic fantasy movies?
My roommate and I recently finished watching The Dark Crystal (1882) and The NeverEnding Story (1884), and we were wondering if the collective knows of any other good fantasy movies to go along with our theme (preferably from around the same time).
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36 Answers
Clash of the Titans
Ha, Beetlejuice, maybe?
Masters of the Universe (i.e, He-Man!)
Clash of the Titans
Flash Gordon
Return to Oz
I second all of @AstroChuck‘s selections. Excalibur and Willow are especially worth your time, in my opinion.
Another great one from the late 80’s is The Adventures of Baron Munchausen.
You just reminded me of The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai. I recommend that especially.
I’m sure you’ve thought of this already, but Labyrinth.
Also (although I haven’t seen it yet), Jim Henson’s The Storyteller.
The Princess Bride, too, but that and Labyrinth are really well known.
Absolutely Willow. Willow is one of my all-time favorite movies. And kudos on The Neverending Story… I frickin love that movie.
@erichw1504: you remind me of the babe! ;)
It has sword, giant spiders, magic horses, AND laser-shooting aliens.
The movie Legend ¤
It’s wonderful. Forgotten, overlooked and deserves to be seen.
The Princess Bride ¤
“Hello. My Name is Inigo Montoya. You Killed My Father. Prepare to Die”
the sword and the sorcerer, beast master, highlander
This is not really fantasy, but entertaining none the less in sense of the wonderfully silly 80’s. Last scene of The Last Dragon
@evil2 and Sho-Nuff !!! :D The Shogun of Harlem.
The best ones have already been mentioned but i thought i’d reiterate for effect…
Princess bride
Clash of the titans
Baron Münchaussen
Conan the Barbarian…
And I can’t believe no one has mentioned “The Never Ending Story”
Edit: Poof just called me on not reading the details and told me never ending story was already mentioned. Fine. It was mentioned… but it’s still a really cool 80’d flick!
@Dr_C: It was mentioned in the original post, and I commended it ;) Goofball!
@poofandmook You win this round… but revenge is a dish best served luke warm with a side of coleslaw!
@AstroChuck has a good list. But…
Clash of the Titans always put me to sleep.
Pan’s Labyrinth!
Lurve for watching The Dark Crystal. It scared the hell out of me when I was little.
Me too! It’s funny, scenes like the one where the emperor crumbles to dust I have no memory of. I think a younger, traumatized me had mentally blocked it.
You’ve probably already seen the ones I would suggest.
Also, Dark Crystal and Never-Ending Story both terrified me as a child. Just saying.
Oh: you could always watch the old animated version of The Hobbit.
@Foolaholic It made me terrified of puppets. Still am. Also. I liked neverending story 3 more than the first one.
Oh, and pretty much anything by Hayao Miyazaki. Among my favorites,
Spirited Away
Princess Mononoke
My neighbor Totoro
But there’s also Howl’s Moving Castle, Kiki’s Delivery Service, and more.
I lurve the cat bus in the clip from Totoro above.
@Foolaholic I haven’t seen that one, thanks! I’ll have to look for it.
If you really want classic, Jean Cocteau’s Beauty and the Beast.
@janbb lurve for that, but I think they are looking for something more along the lines of Clash of the Titans
The Wizard of OZ.
Lords of the Ring.
from the late ‘60s’ or so, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders.
from the ‘70s’, The Wicker Man (I would call it marginally a fantasy, others wouldn’t—a great film anyway). I mean the original movie, not the remake with Nicholas Cage. avoid the remake.
from the ‘80’s, The Company of Wolves (as much horror as fantasy, though not in a traditional way and also inspired by the previous film)
from the 2000’s, Pan’s Labyrinth.
Valerie would easily fit into my favorite ten movies of all time, if not my top five. amazing, amazing film.
as well, a few ‘80’s films which I personally don’t especially like: Legend and Excalibur. the latter goes from good (the start) to not-so-good (the middle) and then good (the end). you might like it. I haven’t seen any of Ladyhawke, which also came out in the ‘80’s. some people like it.
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