General Question

RocketSquid's avatar

Should I walk to my date?

Asked by RocketSquid (3486points) December 4th, 2009

I’m meeting my date at a place that’s a 15 minute walk from my apartment. Driving wouldn’t be a problem, but parking tends to be somewhat of a hassle.

Would that seem weird? Or give the wrong impression?

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17 Answers

erichw1504's avatar

How cold is it outside?

sebastian_von_tulu's avatar

Nope. Walk.
It’s better for the environment too ;)

ModernEpicurian's avatar

I can see no problem with walking to the date ( as long as the weather permits). If you get an odd look from her then;

1, She’s an odd person for believing that walking is odd. Leave early.

2, Explain why you walked (maybe add some ‘Mother Earth’ rubbish in there) and see what she says.

beautifulbobby193's avatar

If you don’t need the car whilst on the date, then walk. It is paranoid behaviour to think too much into this.

jrpowell's avatar

The great thing about walking is that you know how long it will take. You don’t know with a car. Finding a parking spot could take 20 minutes. If you walk you know you will be on-time. If you drive you might be late.

Dog's avatar

You may wish to contact your date as a courtesyand ask if walking is okay so she can choose proper shoes for the occasion.
Walking dates are awesome!

jfos's avatar

Walk. If you need the car, it’s only 15 minutes away. If the date goes right, and she wants to walk to the car with you, it could be productive. If she doesn’t want to walk, you could always walk back then come pick her up.

zephyr826's avatar

I would think it was cool if my date walked (or biked) to the restaurant as long as I knew that he was capable of driving.

deni's avatar

what @zephyr826 said. I don’t see why it would be a problem. Just don’t be late!

erichw1504's avatar

You should unicycle to your date. Now, that would make quite an impression. Whether or not it’s a good impression is up to the date.

deni's avatar

@erichw1504 YEEES. if i was going on a date and he showed up on a unicycle i would know immediately he was the one, no questions asked ;)

erichw1504's avatar

@deni Haha, that’s awesome. I got the idea from what I witnessed yesterday. I saw a man riding one down a running track and he was definitely doing it for exercise, because he had the cycling suit on, water bottle attached to it, the whole 9 yards! It was amazing.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Just leave early and park.

Likeradar's avatar

Walk! It’s healthy, environmentally friendly, and pocketbook friendly. Would you want to date a girl who would think those were bad things?

The only downside I can think of is if you two want to extend the date and do something that’s not in walking distance.

Dr_C's avatar

Walk and explain why you did. If you plan to take it elsewhere your car is still walking distance no?

erichw1504's avatar

If the date goes bad, at least you can have a long, lonely walk home. Just like in the movies!

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