Wouldn't it be cool if we could give ourselves lurve ?
Asked by
justme1 (
December 4th, 2009
Don’t you ever look back at an answer you gave or something and think, gosh that really was a great answer and I worded that really well? lol.
just curious
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48 Answers
lol I just thought it was a funny thing to ask
“Don’t you ever look back at an answer you gave or something and think, gosh that really was a great answer and I worded that really well?”
All the time, hahaha.
I try not to. I rarely succeed.
I occasionally give myself lurve when the wife’s not in the mood
If you look up some of Zen’s questions (Original just Zen – sorry to speak in the third person) you’ll find many crazy and irritating questions. I have often flagged myself.
What would be the point of lurve then?
Well you can only give lurve once anyway, you would still know how many others gave it to you. lol
No, it would make it weird
If you lurve yourself too much, your screen will go black
You can give yourself lurve…. but you can be banned if you do.
I agree with @erichw1504- the awesomeness of lurve is in the unexpected gift.
@Dog How so? just curious, I don’t want to. I was just asking about if people just think over their answers and think wow that was a really great way I worded that answer.
How about they implement a new way to give lurve. For instance: A super great answer that you can give to one answer per day to your choosing.
Self lurving is never cool.
It feels better when others do it. Like masturbation.
Another idea: You can give lurve to each user’s profile pic once everytime they change it.
Great time saver—we wouldn’t have to read the damn questions.
@justme1 From the Fluther Guidelines:
Multiple accounts are permitted provided that it is not used to game the lurve system.
That is how it can be done. However users have been banned for it.
I think it was @Allie that once said “Self Lurving is kinda kinky” ;)
@Dog Oh I thought you meant from the same account on yourself. And it confused me lol. Thank You
@justme1 You are right about one account- as far as I know you cannot lurve your own account while logged onto it.
@erichw1504 Can you imagine how often people would change their pix?
@Dog Ha, yup, twas me. But if self lurving counted I’d have a lot more by now. If you know what I mean… (I’m going to regret posting that).
Learning to lurve yourself is the greatest lurve of all.
Self lurve will make you go blind. Can someone hand me that cane, please?
I’m pretty sure Astrochuck experiences that very frecuently, also JohnPowell and Harp… me… not really… :P
Looking for lurve in all the wrong places…....
What would be the sense of that? The point isn’t what YOU think of your answers, it’s what OTHERS think of it. I never post an answer unless I think it’s a good one, or funny, or whatever. I try not to post drivel. I must say that others must not think like I do, tho. In the last couple of days, I posted some things that I thought were good & I didn’t get one damn lurve. Oh well.
@jbfletcherfan O.k., o.k. – I’ll give you lurve but it’s really pity lurve. :-)
@jbfletcherfan I won’t give lurve, nothing less sexy than begging, unless of course it’s begging for sex
@janbb that’s okay. I’ll take it any way I can get it. the check’s in the mail
@RareDenver Well, since I’ve never had to beg for sex, I’ll beg for lurve.
It would be a good way to tell who the conceited jelly’s are!!
@jamielynn2328 True only if you could tell who gave it to themselves though
@justme1 Just curious: do you actually say gosh, or do you just write it. I don’t but I know someone who does. You don’t hear that word spoken much anymore. Everything is sheesh or damn or fuck this and that.
@ratboy – As always I LOL when I read your answer and lurved you for it.
But judging from the amount of lurve you received compared to some other answers in this thread, our sense of humor must not be quite the norm, heheheheh. (still giggling)
@Zen_Again – I must admit I don’t say gosh, but I frequently say HOLY COW and shoot!
I try to save the heavy duty expletives for special occasions, heheheh!
@erichw1504 I like that idea!
Sometimes I write an answer and think, “Damn. I would give myself a GA.” More frequently, I write something that deserves a facepalm but it’s too late to edit. I wish you could edit answers for longer, or there was something I could click on that means, “I no longer endorse this answer. I was drunk. Sorry.”
@dembboyz16 lurve is when you click on the great answer link on someone’s else answer, when you do that they get points and that is giving them lurve
@Haleth You can always go back and write that. :)
@Zen_Again I actually do say gosh a lot, and fuck but I say gosh a lot
Giving lurve to yourself would defeat the purpose of lurve, and would just be fucking stupid.
Hummm… I think there are reasons why some answers don’t get a lot of GAs. Because they’re not, in fact, great answers. Even if you think they were. Going back and giving them GAs to boost the score is kind of stupid.
That would be pretty dang cheap.
I’ll admit though, I laughed quite a lot when I tried adding myself to my own Fluther. Does it again.
None of that can compare to the lurve I can give myself in my bed though. And now, I lulzinate.
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