Social Question

RareDenver's avatar

What will you be remembered for?

Asked by RareDenver (13173points) December 4th, 2009

After you have shuffled off this mortal coil, what will you be remembered for?

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27 Answers

absalom's avatar

Nothing, but lurve for the Hamlet reference.

Christian95's avatar

being that weird guy which was always doing something on its papers that no one could understand

hungryhungryhortence's avatar


PretentiousArtist's avatar

having good taste in everything and being awesome

ModernEpicurian's avatar

I have been (Rather oddly) considering this alot lately.

I would just like to be remembered as being someone that made a difference, achieved immortality through both his work and actions.

marinelife's avatar

It is far too soon to say, I hope. I do know that several of my past employees have come up to me years later and said things they remember me for:

“You told me about how vital it was to document software and procedures, and I complained. Now I run a technical documentation Department and you were right!”

“You told that the current computer equipment that we had was because we were an R&D company and the real world was many generations behind us, and I never believed you. Then, I went to work for the City, and they were using ATs. You were right.”

Think one of those would work on my tombstone?

RareDenver's avatar

@Marina for your tombstone how about “I told you tombstones would be holographic”

jbfletcherfan's avatar

By my family, a loving mom & grandma, I hope. Someone they can count it. By my friends, someone that keeps friendships for years & is fun to be around. Again, I hope I’d be remembered that way.

marinelife's avatar

@RareDenver Love it. Lurve to you.

ccrow's avatar

I don’t expect to be remembered except by family… I hope their memories will all be fond ones!!

jamielynn2328's avatar

I’d be grateful to just be remembered. Just for being me.

erichw1504's avatar

Programming SKYNET.

Capt_Bloth's avatar

Getting my head stuck in a fence. My family has brought this up every time I’ve see them for the last 22 years! The things i have done so far in life are unremarkable, but I have a feeling this event will be remembered long after I’m gone.

ratboy's avatar

Probably for about half an hour or so.

CMaz's avatar

Everything and nothing.

Clair's avatar

“Good intentions gone wrong due to her novel views, she leaves only good wishes behind.”

sunya13's avatar

nothing, the memory of me will fade away like the snow from the ground in spring

only the relief of warmth from the cold of my being will await those i leave behind

Haleth's avatar

I really want to die as an eccentric billionaire. Nobody can tell if my oddness is senility or genius. I am known by few and feared by all. After my death, people say my name in hushed tones of awe and respect, with a hint of puzzlement.

galileogirl's avatar

IF I am remembered here I hope it is for pithy (or pissy) answers.

Sheriff_fan's avatar

The weird girl who loves old guys.

But our generation will be remembered as the ones who were obsessed with vampires lol

Clair's avatar

@Sheriff_fan (Hides in shame)

seeing_red's avatar

What will you be remembered for? I don’t see an answer from you…

RareDenver's avatar

I’ve just asked someone what will I be remembered for when I die and she said, ‘being married to Jenny’

seeing_red's avatar

Hahahaha Perfect.

Sheriff_fan's avatar

@Clair it’s ok. Weird…..but ok.

clarice's avatar

For being the one who went against the parent’s wishes.
For being someone others looked up to,
and for making people feel loveddddd :)

And also for being the greatest girlfriend that I can be.

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