Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

For those of thee who have seen the last SGU episode, how long do you think will it take Rush to get back to Destiny with the alien spaceship?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) December 5th, 2009

Assuming of course that he will be able to use it.

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16 Answers

KatawaGrey's avatar

OOOO! Excellent question! I just watched it and, honestly, I have no idea. i feel like he’ll be there in case the show ever needs a jump start. The writers can just throw him in there in a season or two to shake things up. In all honesty, I wonder if the writers will just forget about him and we’ll always have to wonder if he died or found civilization or what.

Also, interesting character development with Young. I don’t know if I like where this is going or not.

ragingloli's avatar

Also, Rush’s accusation that Young is a liability was wonderfully confirmed by Young leaving Rush behind. And Eli knows what that he did.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I’m not sure. Assuming he can get the ship running, he still won’t know where Destiny jumped to. He will definitely be back in the show. There’s no way the writers could completely abandon his character.

Sarcasm's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities There’s no way the writers could completely abandon his character.
If they wanted to, it would’ve been as simple as not putting an alien craft on the planet

My guess? Rush expected for Young to react this way, and so he had already written down the course for Destiny before going onto that alien world.
Also I think he knew from the very moment that he saw the alien ship how to access it, but didn’t want the others to know, “just in case”.

drdoombot's avatar

Rush is my favorite character, so putting him in this precarious situation was an exciting move by the writers (as long as they bring him back). I really hope he’s not gone for too long.

And like @ragingloli, I immediately assumed he would be using the spaceship to catch up to the Destiny.

oratio's avatar

I’ve read some spoilers. He is coming back. But not the way that one might think.

Sarcasm's avatar


oratio's avatar

@Sarcasm Lol, if only. But I actually do think that the series might take off in a more interesting direction now. Except for the “Time” episode, so far it’s been a sleep walk.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@oratio: Are we talking ASCENDED RUSH??? that would be wild and very weird.

oratio's avatar

@KatawaGrey Haha, yes, that would be weird. And kind of evil.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@oratio: Wow, he’d be the next Ori. Unless he somehow went back in time and actually created the Ori himself…

Dude, sci fi speculation is so much fun.

oratio's avatar

Hallowed is the Doctor! :) Maybe he creates the first Replicators. Or maybe he builds a really neat and fast space scooter from that ship, helmet and all.

drdoombot's avatar

This is my first SG series (besides the movie) so I have no idea what you guys are talking about…

Sarcasm's avatar

Well, the Ancients are a race of ascended beings, who have chosen not to interfere with human lives.
The Ori, on the other hand, are ascended beings who demand that normal humans worship them, using power to do so.

Replicators are machines encountered in both SG-1 and SGA. They feed upon anything they can (they love to eat ships), and they, well, replicate themselves. They were primitive at first, but eventually evolved to be able to look like humans

Both the Ori and Replicators are evil as far as humans are concerned.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@Sarcasm: Nice sum-up of 15 seasons worth of interesting aliens! :)

Sarcasm's avatar

No way! That’s nowhere near the summary of interesting aliens without the ever amazing Unas!
and the Furlings. I’ve seen them, honest. You don’t get to, though.

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