Have you said or done anything insane because of your lack of sleep?
When you’re unable to sleep, or perhaps you have insomnia, are there things you have said/done you wouldn’t normally?
Once, on a major insomnia kick, I created the raddest lego castle and city EVER. I did. (This was last year.) I wish I had a picture. It was so fucking 3D and awesome.
Any stories out there? I’m approaching the 48 hour mark with no sleep and would lurve to hear some stories.
Please and thank you.
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9 Answers
The night before President George W Bush was inaugurated, I got the grand idea that it was time to showcase the beautiful hardwood floor that hid beneath some really aged carpeting in my bedroom. I spent the whole night pulling up the carpeting, removing the tackboard, countless staples, and old padding. By dawn I was delirious and in the final stages of sweeping the floor and enjoying the sweet scent of Murphy’s Oil Soap as I finished mopping.
I’ll never forget sitting in the soft sunlight that poured into the room that morning, in complete amazement of how much work I had single handedly accomplished overnight. It stands as one of the best major DIY projects I have ever undertaken and completed within hours. By the time I went to bed later that morning, yes during the inauguration, I had been awake close to 30 hours.
@mcbealer I wish I’d done something productive like that.
Well, as a narcoleptic, I’m sure there are plenty of things, but I don’t know if they really happened or not… Assuming I even remember. :P
Most narcoleptics would probably tell you something similar too. ;)
I notice, when I am majorly sleep deprived, that many of my higher brain functions shut down. One example of this is that I notice many more “hot” guys while I am in need of sleep than while I am not.
Another is that I get the munchies. :D
I also tend to be very odd with my free association and imagination. I have some things written while I was like that, and they’re…weird. Who needs drugs to get high?
As a soldier in the German army in 1982. Night exercise. The purpose was to get experience how to handle sleep deprivation. It was risky, but not extremely risky.
Once, extremely deprived of sleep and admittedly a bit out of my mind, I decided to take apart the wind-up timer in my Scattergories game, simply just to see how it worked. Immediately upon removing the tiny screws, it collapsed in my hands and it’s little parts were strewn everywhere on the floor. I had no idea how to put it back together, but dammit I spent the next three hours trying. I succeeded, though It never quite worked the same again.
@forestGeek GA for being the funniest answer and having me lol for real.
All. The. Time. I have chronic insomnia myself, and routinely get as little as 4 hours of sleep a day. When someone tries to wake me up after one of my “short sleep sessions”, I spew nonsense with alarming regularity. At least my kids get a kick out of it!
Yeah… I was driving home from a weekend of work in NYC, and because I hadn’t slept since the previous Thursday night/Friday morning – I started hallucinating on my drive home. Scared the begeezuz outta me. If I had taken a hit of mesc, or dropped some acid, I’d have been prepared for it. Nope, for a good hour I thought it was all real. Thought every car on the other side of the road was an undercover cop car, turning their blinker on as I passed to notify the next one… I heard cop radios saying “ok, get him” and “pull him over” and “he’s the perp”... I saw a cop – on a (here’s where it gets really weird) 10-speed bike in my side view mirrors… mind you – this was all completely real to me. Scared the crap outta me. BIG time.
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