Social Question

LostInParadise's avatar

How will the incident with Tiger Woods affect sales of his merchandise?

Asked by LostInParadise (32285points) December 6th, 2009

This is the only aspect of the whole thing that matters. What the public does or does not know or is or is not entitled to know will have no impact on his golf game, but it could affect his endorsements. The story as he tells it, especially the reasons given for breaking the window with a golf club, does not hang right. Will it all just blow over? Assuming, as the tabloids say, that he was cheating on his wife, will people be less inclined to buy his merchandise or is it the case that there is no such thing as bad publicity?

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17 Answers

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

His wife stands to make millions just for sticking around… I’m sure that will help push this case to the side.

marinelife's avatar

Not at all. Guys buy that stuff so they can golf like Tiger. If that means boffing various bimbos too, will that stop any man from saying, “I’ll have what Tiger’s having?” No way.

filmfann's avatar

I don’t expect a big rise in sales for Tiger Woods Prenuptial Agreements.

dpworkin's avatar

His new print ad for Tag Heuer in the latest Vanity Fair is unintentionally hilarious with the tag-line, “What stuff are you made of?”

avvooooooo's avatar


PandoraBoxx's avatar

Not sure it will damage his merchandise sales, but it will probably affect the love affair the media has with him. He’s had this squeeky clean above-it-all image, and now has feet of clay.

Parrappa's avatar

Uptight people will probably no longer purchase them, ie women.

I’ll support Tiger forever though. Multiple women? Kudos.

dpworkin's avatar

@Parrappa Great parody of sports-minded thoughtlessness! Have you thought about writing as a career?

jrpowell's avatar

There will probably be less merchandise to buy since any sane sponsor should have teams of lawyers figuring out how to get out of their contracts with him.

edit :: @Parrappa… What the hell is wrong with you?

Darwin's avatar

What it does for me is remind me why I hate the gossip industry, that Tiger Woods is human and flawed, and that money and fame are very difficult to handle even for the best of us.

I do wonder what his dad would have said to him, but perhaps he is now thinking of that himself.

oratio's avatar

I am not so sure it will affect him much. I think he is close to untouchable. Many sport stars have done this and that, and come out on top. Michael Phelps comes to mind. I suspect steroids and rape is where the line is drawn.

ModernEpicurian's avatar

All publicity is good publicity.

Simple as.

Darwin's avatar

Compared to Michael Vick, Tiger Woods has done almost nothing. I doubt his endorsements will change much.

Ghost_in_the_system's avatar

Sponsers have been pretty steady about dropping him

dpworkin's avatar

Nike plans to begin giving away free Tiger Condoms with each purchase.

avvooooooo's avatar

Oh, I dunno… I think he might do well with these.

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