‘Race Purity’ Program? I am not sure what you refer to. I am a Swede. Not an overly proud Swede. Nor am I an ashamed Swede. At the moment, you can look at me as a somewhat irritated Swede.
We, as most countries in the west, had in the earlier part of the 20th century racially prone politics and opinions. But yes – in the 30’s – we lobotomized, sterilized, and castrated people, due to racial purity reasons. These were, among others, people with Down’s Syndrome and other mental handicaps and homosexuals as well as criminals. It was however not racial prone. We had close to no immigrants of other “races” in Sweden, and was already “racial pure” so to speak. There would have been no need to have such a program.
But were Swedish people racist in general these times? Yes. Compared to todays standard, we were very much so. Hateful? No.
It was a darker time for Europe, and we were a part of that as most western countries were. I would suggest you look at your own country of these times from that aspect as well. Most don’t come out all that well. The image of the US is not that pretty. Jews were not that welcome.
We had a Racial Biology Institute who was changed into The Institute of Medicinal Genetics up into the late 50’s. It sounds bad, and in some aspects it were, but was aimed at research concerning development of populations in the world, considering climate and situation as well as the impact of genetical inheritance for disease as well as roots for alcoholism, criminal behaviour and mental disorders. Today it’s research is a part of the University of Uppsala’s genetic research.
The OP question and the basis for it is preposterous. There is a big influx of immigrants into Europe as well as the US. Change is not always that easy, and there will always be people who are not happy with that. There are immigrants who doesn’t like other immigrants as well for whatever reasons.
Sweden has for a long time worked hard for both peace in conflicts, as well as with the politics of European immigration. I find it insulting to call a whole country racist. Of course there are racist Swedes, but it’s not a part of our cultural mentality.