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How can I get out of my lease?
About 2 years ago my wife decided to go back to college, so we packed up moved nearer to the school (in Seattle) and got into an apartment. The first year in our apartment went pretty well, it took some adjusting since the area wasn’t as nice as our previous home, but it was by no means bad. With express bus service to my office and close proximity to the college we decided to resign our lease.
Since the resigning of our lease our building has gone downhill. It started when a drug dealer moved in next door. People come in and out of his apartment at all hours in the evening, they park in our spot even when we confront them about it and they have been smoking so much pot/cigarettes in their home that our apartment is beginning to smell like a bong-water soaked ashtray.
We have spoken to the management who does what they can, but it isn’t enough, we have seen no improvement. My wife is uncomfortable leaving without me when it is dark out and is starting to feel suffocated which in turn makes me angry, yet I have no idea what more can be done.
Any advice is welcome.
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